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Question About Non USA countries

In the USA we are struggling with some anti health policy groups. They don’t believe in vaccines and they don’t want to wear masks etc.

I am wondering are other countries seeing this? Or is this an issue that cropped up from something in American culture?

Not really here to debate if this is right or wrong or get into if vaccines are healthy etc. I simply want to know if these debates exist in other countries?
Outside of the United States, Most countries have rather strict limitations on firearms, their usage, or otherwise.

However, that doesn't mean I haven't seen a couple stories out of other countries where people who are this Anti-Vax/Anti-mask purposefully cough on someone, or otherwise attack someone who is about Wearing masks, and utilize Vaccines.

In fact, I saw one out of Britain where an older lady was shoved onto the train tracks at a station when she "Got to close" to someone else. Resulting in her death due to a serious head wound. Or how an individual who wanted to visit their GF somewhere, and when the father turned him away, he came back with a bat and was attempting to beat the crap out of the father for not letting him see his GF.
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Are your countries dealing with people turning violent because they don’t wanna wear masks?

people are getting shot over it here
Whoa. Where did that happen, KitKat?

Those must be the idiots who don't understand masks are really only useful if you're sick.
In Norway there are some anti-vaxxers, but it is not yet a serious threat. The spread of disinformation concerning the safety and efficacy of vaccines is largely placed in check by our education and public health network.

Currently, there are no serious protests and people have not acted violently in public. Complaints are mostly in the tone of "Well this in an inconvenience". There is concern about the economy, but only to the extent where we are girding ourselves for tight years ahead and trying to come up with ways to mitigate the economic backlash of shutting down for months.

While we have our social distancing guidelines, we don't require the use of masks. We encourage the use of masks if you are sick, near someone who is sick, or must be within one meter of other people for work. Outside of specific professional settings, people self-regulate mask usage.

Save for hunters and some gun enthusiasts, the public is not armed, so gun violence is scarce. Even our police rarely carry weapons.
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Whoa. Where did that happen, KitKat?

Those must be the idiots who don't understand masks are really only useful if you're sick.

So far two cases that I know of. One was at a dollar store in Michigan. The worker asked a woman and her daughter to put a mask on, since the governor is requiring that for businesses to stay open. The woman refused and went home to get her husband. When the husband showed up he shot the worker in the head. He’s in custody now. The worker died.

The second one was in an IHOP here. A man went in and was told he needed a mask to order carry out and he did not want to wear one so he shot the worker in the stomach. That worker is going to live but is in the hospital.

I was just wondering if this is an American thing because we feel so entitled to personal freedom or if it’s happening elsewhere too. Masks help stop the spread of germs and even if you aren’t sick they can be useful. The thing I don’t understand is if you don’t believe they work why not just wear them for the two minutes you are out in public? Its not like a vaccine where you are putting something into your body and can’t reverse it. You can take a mask off.

I think it’s partially because our president refuses to wear one so it’s been turned into an issue of liberty, which is a very valued part of American culture. But still ... killing someone because you don’t want to put a mask on seems extreme.


Dang, I live in Michigan and didn't hear about that.

Our governor issued a stupid executive order forcing people to wear masks and businesses have to comply or they face being shut down. She's an idiot about her executive orders. We all hate her. She's going to be a one-term governor. A lot of us call her Gretchen "Little Hitler" Whitmer, because she keeps using police state tactics against people. A barber fought a lawsuit against her orders and won, so she had the licensing board take his license away.
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Dang, I live in Michigan and didn't hear about that.

Our governor issued a stupid executive order forcing people to wear masks and businesses have to comply or they face being shut down. She's an idiot about her executive orders. We all hate her. She's going to be a one-term governor. A lot of us call her Gretchen "Little Hitler" Whitmer, because she keeps using police state tactics against people. A barber fought a lawsuit against her orders and won, so she had the licensing board take his license away.

oh my gosh where are you from in Michigan? I'm from Northern Michigan :D
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Credius Nargath| Darth Halcyon
It's actually not that bad around here. There is hardly any anti-vaxxer movement in Belgium, given it's not a free choice, it's obliged by law for children to be vaccinated, when you're an adult, it's all your own choice though. I think that's what makes it so there's no anti vaxx, simply because they can't mouth off when measles and stuff have all but been eradicated in children in my home these days. The corona crisis is different though, at first people followed the rules quite severely, but it becomes tiring and frustrating for so many to continue this, so even here risks are taken by many to be with friends and family...summery weather aint helping either.

It's worse for people like me who've beaten Covid-19 though, we are mandated by the government to have our blood be sampled at a regular basis as part of the program to push for the vaccine development and with now half the nurses being half-trained students, you can imagine a lot of people developing a fear of needles xD
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