Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Question for the Community.

Months ago, before the Netherworld event myself and others attempted to create a stable podcast again, it of course failed but with [member="Darth Mythos"] bringing it back to my attention i am wanting to try and revive it. Of course i cant do this alone, but before i do anything do you guys want to see this happen?

Edit: This is assuming i can remember how to do this.
Well, i figured out almost everything in less than thirty minutes, minus getting the chat to work, got to figure out how to do that. So if you all do want to see this come back i can start trying to set up something of a trial session. Probably nothing big and simply to experiment and see what we can do to work through it. If anyone is willing to take the time to help me experiment with the videos before anything public is done in regards to yet another attempt at this, do drop me a tag and tell me. If i do this ill contact you the moment the trials start
One suggestion: If this were to continue, please put a logo or emblem of some sort to rotate around the screen like a screensaver (a la windows XP).

Makes it more professional. A little tacky, but professional.
I'm also wondering... In this podcast, do you guys just talk about factions and rules and politics and the next big event? Because if so, to be perfectly honest, that sounds a bit boring...... No offense.
[member="Solan Charr"]
I'm not aware of said Podcast, but if the right people are chosen it could be a success, after-all Star Wars is one of the largest fandoms and this is one if not thee most largest star wars forum RP.

Pick people for the following in my opinion:
Personality, are they interesting and will they talk, there's no use for quiet people in a podcast this side of techies.
Voice, they must have something bearable or beautiful, something like sweet honey or other sugary similes, it must be good in other words.

And maybe even chosen topics, nothing derails a podcast like a lack of topic or someone says the wrong thing to the wrong person.

[member="Solan Charr"]
Only advice I have is to make plenty of episodes in advance. Ran one years ago and we sometimes had problems keeping up on it with real life stepping in. Solved it with some generic prerecorded filler episodes. Solved the problem immediately.
[member="Arrbi Betna"]

I had been thinking about that which is why i was thinking about doing the trial episodes first to see which personalities mesh. Which brings me into what [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] and @Braith. First i need to figure out how to do a logo like Braith said, though i do have an inkling of an idea on how but im not quite sure. If anyone knows how to do something like that, do hit me up, if not uh... well i could always throw up a screen share of something. Like say a game or what ever as long as i make sure not to use any copyrighted anything.

As for the whole deal with selecting people, its going to be hard doing such in a way that works because while i want everyone to be in on this and for it to be a community thing. There is the problem that some personalities do not mesh and im sure anyone can tell that in the last podcast we tried. Our group was while diverse did not mesh as well as it could have.
[member="Solan Charr"], logos are easy enough. I'd assume it would be a GIF or an AVG, you'd export from adobe fireworks or flash extra, something along those lines. Depends on the format really, anyone can do it given you spend one to two hours on it.

You should interview, give them two-three minutes to tell you why they should be apart of the podcast, usually poor choices fall out under pressure.
Going to be trying to do a trial session, see how different people mesh. IF you are interested in joining in add me or message me on skype at David_Tharkosa. Again this will be a trial session which means its simply to see how people do.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Solan Charr"]

I'm not familiar with podcasts or how they work. But I'll certainly have a listen :) And I have many voices to choose from. When we move back east in a couple of years, I want to set up my own old time radio theatre :) If I have to, I will do all the different voices myself...
After a week of thinking over the topic of the First Videos of this New Podcast. I have decided to make the trial episodes something that hasn't been done quite yet. As such the first videos are being mapped out question wise.
That is a great question. If i can get it to go through and get the meetings set up. I want to make the topic of the first videos something to help factions. As such, we will be doing faction highlights.
Another great question. You see, and if i can get the support of Faction Admins of current Major AND Minor Factions, i want to provide people with a place to advertise the factions they run as well as give them a chance to shoot down preconceptions. Its something that of course requires the aid of the Faction Admins themselves and will involve a simple Q/A between my team and the members that come on the podcast.
Another essential question. As stated above it allows you free and live advertising. It lets you fully explain your faction and for those whom are new like say the Academy of Bogan or the Galactic Alliance to further bring themselves to the forefront and get you some of the spotlight as well as clear up the mission of some factions. Yes, of course seeing as this is something new i don't expect alot of factions to hop on this but i am curious at seeing how many will want to partake in these first episodes of the revived podcast.
If you are an FA, or even just a member of a faction whom you want to see featured. Contact me or post here and we can get your faction and yourself put on a list.
(For members of a faction, consult your FAs first.)
And i am still looking for people who might be interested in seeing if their personality meshes with others in such a way that makes the podcast entertaining yet still gets its job done. So PM me on skype at David_Tharkosa if you are interested and we will see if we can set you up as one of the trial interviewers.
I'd be more than willing to join and moderate chats and thing.

The best way of doing this would be using twitch tv and stuff which i'd be willing to basically murder my internet to host. I could probably run a game in the background if you wanted and do this live, the only issue would be timezone's and stuff but we have weekends so. Gives me a reason to promote my faction as well so.

[member="Solan Charr"]

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