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Question: When is necessary to post a new technology thread?


Huntress of the North
Hi. I'm new to the site and was curious about when it is necessary to post for a new Technology submission.

I am coming up with modified versions of already canon items (mostly aesthetic, although any changes to functionality are equally counteracted and are minor), and any "radically" modified versions are based upon pre-existing stats for a different canon item (IE: my Clone Pilot Helmet has just been "modified" into the characteristics of Stormtrooper Helmet).

Kinda difficult to explain but here's an excerpt from my character creation sheet:
//Technical Specifications for Shadowskin Clone Pilot Helmet (WAM-001):
Taking the framework of the clone pilot flight helmet, custom forged cranial plates of duranium were emplaced within the standard plastoid composite armor to provide additional protection, while subsequent layers of anti-blaster mesh, magnetic shielding, and an inner insulation further protected the user from head injury. Furthermore, in the helmet’s interior, the edges were lined with Reifflex cellular padding. The entire helmet was coated in shadowskin, a matte black finish of light and sensor absorbing material.

The original breather tubes which extended from the helmet to a separate chest plate were removed and replaced with two large distinct filter systems. These two osmotic filters adorned the front of the helmet, in which all of the necessary filters and heat dispersion vents necessary for the function of the helmet were concentrated: dymak exhaust filters, Bilar induction filters, and atmospheric transduction nozzles, and finally, atmospheric processing units. Both filters possessed an independent power source and were able to operate independently in case of systematic failure.

On the sides of the helmet are auditory sensors, which were connected to lateral conduit housing unit and included a ComTech Series III speaker system. This system was equipped with a three-phase Sonic motivator and connected via power conduits to the atmospheric processing units, which included a Motivator sending unit and additional ventral power units. In addition, the interior of the helmet’s mask contains Voice activator housing with a ComTech sensa-mic.

The anti-flash blinding lenses of the helmet were automatically polarized and had “Holographic Vision Processors,” which enhanced vision through many barriers such as smoke, darkness, and fire as well as a Multi-Frequency Targeting and Acquisition System (MFTAS) which further assisted with perception in darkness and other poor visibility conditions.

** Based on the Technical Specifications of standard Imperial Stormtrooper armor, except with greater protection at the cost of functionality.

Shadowskin Clone Pilot Helmet
So bottom line I need to submit a technology thread or is it okay to just leave it like that in my character creation sheet?
If you want to submit something, you can. Unless you're requested by an RPJ or Admin or something (after a report, usually) then you are not required to use the factory. The factory is entirely optional.


Huntress of the North
[member="Darth Vitium"]

Woot thank you! Probably if other people want to use whatever I post...I'll post a factory thread BUT on that note...

*Goes back to slaving on her character sheet equipment page*
Just be aware we have a restricted items list, which I sort of forgot to mention. Things like Cortosis, Beskar, Phrik, and so on require a factory submission (personal stealth devices as well).


Huntress of the North
[member="Darth Vitium"]

Understood. I'll just list the details in my character sheet for the personal stealth device, but I won't use it until it gets approved. Of course that requires the completion of an objective which I will do soon :)

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