Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So, I'm sure this has been asked before, but I couldn't really find where it may or may not be located, but...

Is there a chatbox of some sort on the board? Like a place for people to talk? It seemed like there used to be one, but was it taken down?

Thanks in advance for answering my question (or two... three).

Connor Harrison

[member="Raede Sedaya"] There used to be but it was taken down as it was suspected to be playing a part in a lot of site bugs/glitches so to stem the problem, they removed the source (or one of them).

So down to just PMs, Skype and things if you want to chat now. :)
[member="Connor Harrison"],

D'aw, that's a shame. I like to talk... maybe a little too much. D:

But thank you for answering my question! Is there like a group/room on chatzy or some other website? Or maybe make a cbox/chatango link and post it somewhere on the board, that way it's accessible through the link but not tampering with the mechanics of the site?

Connor Harrison

[member="Raede Sedaya"] Yep - as [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] says, usually we exchange Skype info for chats / brainstorms and then within that there are group chats for Factions. Glad to help. :)

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