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Approved Species Quetzarim: Lizard / Raptor Folks

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  • Intent: To introduce the Quetzarim, a tribal and nomadic species with a rich culture and unique biological traits, as a versatile element for storytelling within the Star Wars universe. Their unique social structure, combat tactics, and spiritual beliefs will add depth to roleplay interactions, offering new opportunities for alliances, conflicts, and personal character development.
  • Image Credit: N/A - Original concept; no specific images used.
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A

  • Name: Quetzarim
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Veridia (Link to be added)
  • Average Lifespan: 150-200 years
  • Estimated Population: Rare (Primarily located on their homeworld with small groups or individuals exploring or serving as mercenaries throughout the galaxy)
  • Description: The Quetzarim are a tribal and nomadic lizard/raptor-like species known for their vibrant plumage, spiky armor, and tail weapons, and large clawed feet. They value stealth, strategy, and a deep connection to the spiritual world, making them formidable warriors and revered shamans. Their society is built around clan structures, with a strong emphasis on honor, ancestral worship, and the balance with nature.

  • Breathes: Type I (Oxygen atmosphere)
  • Average Height of Adults: 1.8 -2.44 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Varied shades of any combination of colors, often with patterns that help in camouflage, or bright patterns and colors for attracting mates.
  • Hair color: Varied shades of any combination of colors,
  • Distinctions: The Quetzarim are distinguished by their ability to grow colorful plumage, which signifies status and is used in rituals. They possess agile bodies adapted for stealth and combat, with tails equipped with weapons for added lethality. Males and females are visually distinct, with males typically displaying more vibrant and larger plumage. Females are often bigger and larger. Males are much more common and females are more rare. The have digigrade legs and talon-ed feet with a large raptor like claws on either foot, They have long hardened nails and a maw full of sharpened teeth with longer canines.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Low (Some members are sensitive, often serving as shamans or spiritual leaders within their tribes)

  • Exceptional stealth and combat tactics, honed through their tribal and nomadic lifestyle.
  • Exceptional strength and physical prowess.
  • Deep spiritual connection to the Force, allowing some few to become powerful shamans. Those who are force sensitive or gifted with the force are seen with in their tribes as very special and revered.

  • Rare females lead to a unique societal structure that may be vulnerable to external influences.
  • Strong attachment to their homeworld and traditions can cause difficulties in adapting to galactic society.

  • Diet: Omnivore (Preference for meat, with fruits and vegetables used in various rituals and medicines. Some plants on Veridia are poisonous to them.)
  • Communication: A combination of vocalizations (a complex spoken language) and body language, with plumage display playing a role in non-verbal communication.
  • Technology level: Technologically advanced, yet their technology harmonizes with nature. They possess a unique understanding of bioengineering, allowing for the creation of living structures.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Ancestral worship and a belief in a spiritual realm inhabited by the spirits of ancestors and the natural world. Force-sensitive Quetzarim are seen as intermediaries between the physical and spiritual realms.
  • General behavior: Quetzarim society values honor, community, and a deep connection to their environment. They are skilled hunters and warriors, with a culture that emphasizes the importance of rituals, storytelling, and preserving their traditions.

  • The Quetzarim evolved on Veridia, a planet rich in biodiversity and steeped in the Force. Their society developed around the harsh and varied landscapes of their world, leading them to become adept hunters, warriors, and survivors. Over centuries, they formed a tribal and nomadic culture, with clans moving across the land in search of resources and sacred sites. Their history is marked by tales of legendary warriors, spiritual awakenings, and the constant pursuit of harmony with the natural world. As they encountered the wider galaxy, the Quetzarim maintained their traditions, while also adapting to new challenges and opportunities. Their rare ventures off-world are either in search of knowledge, to test their skills, or to serve as mercenaries, always with the intent of bringing honor to their clan and insights back to their people.
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