Code Of Silence

With preparations in place and Darkfire’s rise in motion, Ivory Stroud & Xan Deesa had sat down to discuss the foundational necessities needed for the splinter cell’s operations. The recent Tatt-Chat meeting to discuss Darkwire’s involvement in the coming fights had gone better than she’d hoped… but afterward, the realization of what their course of action meant (and the cost if they failed) had weighed heavily on her shoulders.
The necessity for secrecy & discretion was paramount. Nobody in Darkwire could be aware of Xan’s, Ivory’s, or Yula’s involvement; suspicious was acceptable, but the danger of having their identities in the open was all-consuming and total.
So, as Xan & Ivory began to discuss what they would need to ensure their campaign to deliver justice was successful, their conversation had quickly turned toward what Ivory deemed their most important asset: A reliable means of developing Intelligence, acquiring information, and monitoring whomever (or whatever) they deemed a target. The Family, Ivory explained, was highly skilled in this field but had only a small presence on Denon, and none of them local. They needed someone with advance knowledge - someone who knew the streets, could walk & talk like a Denonite, and would go unnoticed or ignored. It wasn’t until a few days later than Xan offered a solution:

Under Xan’s direction, Ivory had sought out the Midnight Zone - the lower levels of Denon where the light of day never reached & artificial light was the only way to see. She’d come prepared into this dark & grimy underbelly; armed and equipped, but not looking for a fight. She wore a black tank top, black fatigues, black steel-tipped boots, and a combat vest which gave her excellent range of motion. She carried herself with confidence and self-control, easily able to ward off street thugs and the homeless - wandering the dark and dangerous underworld, approaching a few wayward souls who seemed more willing to talk than others. It took some bribes, by way of credits, booze, or a meal purchased from a street vendor, but eventually she was able to find a few survivors of this meager existence who were willing to talk.
Strangely, they hadn’t told her much.

The upper levels of Denon were not entirely different, but down in the Midnight Zone, the air smelled worse… and stale. She’d heard rumors that acid rain was common - a sight she’d already once experienced while walking around Seven Points - and had no desire to repeat, so she kept her nose on the lookout for the familiar wet, chemical smell would would (hopefully) herald a sudden downpour.
Her eyes had grown accustomed to the darkness. Enough so that when she passed larger neon signs, she had to squint her eyes to avoid pain. Every muscle in her body was primed for immediate movement, and she was on guard for anything or anyone shambling out of a darkened alleyway or pit of darkness in her direction. But she was not afraid.
Even when she turned down an alleyway in an attempt to cross from one large street to another, finding herself in near total darkness. She was not afraid.