Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Quid Verum || Adhira


The Dawn had come.

With a caress as gentle as a mother, light traversed the land. Above, the shining star stretched forth its hands to begin a new day. The fowls of the air began to rise from their nests, filling the skies with song. The slumbering petals felt its warmth and eagerly faced the morning rays. Across Naboo, man and child were roused from the embrace of sleep. A new day had started, it was time to begin. Yet for the occupants of Polaris Court, the day had begun long ago. Whilst darkness yet covered the heavens, they moved with haste to prepare.

For this day was important, and not a hair could be out of place.

As the sun continued its ascent from the horizon, the Vicelord strode along beneath the Court. The facility appeared, outwardly, as a mere estate befitting the nation's leader. Yet under the surface, there were miles of tools at their disposal. For today? The most important was the private landing zone - the coordinates of which had been provided to the girl next door. For the visitor, descent would take her towards the cliffs of Theed. She'd pass underneath a literal waterfall to find the landing pad waiting. Him waiting.

For his part, Isley's compliment was light. A few Magnaguards, nothing more. They were greeting an ally, after all. A friend. One whose nation and people were not so different than their own. For quite some time now, the Confederacy and the Alliance had a mutually beneficial relationship. Yet, the conversations bad been few and far between. Their people distant. Their understandings minimal. That was no way to live, especially when the Galaxy was as chaotic as present. Thus, the Southern Systems had provided an invitation to the Chancellor. A meeting within the garden as Isley had put it.

Now, as the vessel touched down, the sharply-dressed man waited with a grin.

"Welcome to Naboo!"

Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra

Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State


Filia Tempus
Darth Metus Darth Metus


Adhira had been one of the better-traveled Chancellors during her time in office, jet setting to Naboo, Denon, Commenor, and Dosuun to name a few of the more high profile diplomatic visitations. They were usually grand affairs with a full complement of guards, parades, balls, and feasts to mark the occasion. She got the sense that this trip to Naboo would be a bit more intimate than her previous trips. When the ship finally passed through the waterfall -a rather flamboyant way to hide a landing pad in her opinion - her suspicions were confirmed when she saw that Isley had come to greet her with a small detachment of personal guards. In a similar fashion, she descended the ramp with just four Senate Guards in tow and when she reached the landing pad, they gave her a wide berth to greet the Vicelord.

"Isley," she held out her arms and placed them firmly on his shoulders, leaning in to place a kiss on his right cheek, "it has been quite awhile since we last spoke... I was pleasantly surprised to receive your invitation. I had been meaning to reach out, but you know how it is when you're at war with the Sith - well... I suppose you don't, but I digress." Adhira gave him a cheeky grin, lacing her arm into his and allowing him to lead her inside.

"So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this well-needed vacation to Naboo?" It was true that their nations were friendly and friends hardly needed a reason to be together, but she was not quite as naive as all that. Even diplomatic meetings between friends tended to have some underlying motive, no matter how innocent or simple.

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