The hardest step in any journey is always the first step.
For her, it had been leaving Nadiem behind to go to Ciomia and seek out Duru at the temple for the Jedi. That journey, leaving her home after the Republic had crumbled and her father had died, had taken her to a point of near brokenness that wasn't filled until she'd discovered the Matukai texts in the temple library. Everything had been centered on that reality since she'd discovered it. Even her return to Nadiem to help them face off against the menace of the Bryn'adul had been a part of her journey into becoming a Matukai. It had been the closing ceremony of several years of work, and it had gone well, though she lamented her reliance on the Ranger armor. Next time she faced them she would rely more on her own abilities rather than the abilities of technology. A true Matukai did not need such a shield.
For Jala , the first step had undoubtedly been different. She may not have realized it, but the first step happened before the two of them even met. It was what created the opportunity for them to meet. Without it, she could very well have wound up dead in a street somewhere, her full potential never realized. It seemed unlikely, however. The Force worked as it wanted, and guided those it needed, so it wouldn't have allowed her to fall in such away. It would have helped her, as it had during the fight with the goon squad. No matter what had happened, she had no doubt that the two of them would have met somehow.
Wearing traditional robes in the temple was allowed, but not required, and so she had chosen not to don them. She wore a simple tunic and relaxed trousers that allowed free movement. No boots, they weren't necessary. Learning to deal with the cold of the metal floors helped to draw one in tune with their own body. She did carry her staff with her, but she'd left the Ahktar tucked away in her quarters. It wouldn't be needed for a while. Training straight away with blades of that magnitude was not only dangerous, but also unwise. They wouldn't be starting with weapons anyway. The staff was more for instruction at the moment than practical use. She never knew when she'd have to knock someone upside the head with it. She guessed Kole would get the worst of that, not Jala.
Padding through the temple, she approached Jala's dorm and tapped the staff against it a few times to indicate she was there. After their trip, they'd all been tired and had retired. Probably they could use a few days rest, but that was why she was there. Working when exhausted was part of the Matukai way.
"Jala it's Ever," she said just loud enough she could be heard through the door. "Time to start your training."