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Approved NPC Quillin (Seth's Stretefesh Hound)

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Intent: Companion to Seth Brackson, Beta to Seth's canine unit. Used in PvP and PvE threads

Role: Companion, Guardian, Tracker

Links: discovery, acquisition)


Age: 7 SGY (will age up with my character)

Force Sensitivity: Untrained Force Sensitive (will eventually develop into trained)

Species: Stretefesh Hound

Appearance: .82 meters in height. 2.2 meters in length. Medium length brown furr. With cobalt blue patches. Blue eyes. Black quills. Mark on his forehead indicating he is indeed a male of his species. Adolescent.


Name: Quillin

Loyalties: [member="Seth Brackson"] , Pack Members

Notable Possessions: TBD later




Stealth, Track, Heel, Sit, Attack, Corner, Patrol, Guard, and Hunt. (All these will be gradually trained IC)


Combat Function:

Works as a pack oriented mind. Generally seeking to approach from flanks. Is relatively agile. Can generally out maneuver opponents, and is exceedingly well co-ordinated in a group. While lacking in one on one scenarios. As a back up, it can utilize force techniques in a limited quality and strength.


Strengths of a Stretefesh hound.

Quillin has the sharpest eyesight and sense of smell of his pack members. As such he is generally Seth's primary tracker. He is also the one who is most notably able to locate the enemies weakspot and relay the information to his teammates.


Weakness of a Stretefesh Hound.

Quillin Can sometimes be too hasty. Considering his energetic demeanor. This can cause him to on occasion overlook something, or pass what it is Seth was trying to get him to track in the first place.

Seth acquired a small pack of adolescent Stretefesh hounds following his visit to Fenris. Where he first discovered the species. Of course it was at first a rocky start. Seth eventually earned the respect of Elena whom in turn allowed for the rest of the group to follow. As Elena was the pack's Beta.

Seth then proceeded to spend time training Elena and her pack. To perform missions alongside him. Considering how intelligent these creatures were compared to some other species. While primarily he utilizes them for non-combat purposes. He had taught them commands, maneuvers, and techniques should the need arise.
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