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Approved NPC Quintus Corbray

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: To create a valuable right hand to Arcturus Tal.

Image Credit: Ihor Pasternak

Role: Second in command to Arcturus Tal, and first officer of the naval arm of the Galidraani Volunteer Forces.

Permissions: N/A

Links: New Imperial Order

Age: 56

Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User

Species: Human

Appearance: Quintus is a tall, slightly gaunt man. He isn't particularly built, but keeps himself healthy for his age. His right arm had to be replaced with a cybernetic one after his devastating loss at the hands of the Sith. His right eye had to be replaced with cybernetics as well. He can usually be seen wearing a black naval uniform, including a long, black armorweave jacket. He keeps a blaster pistol at each side, and a small cigar case in his inner jacket pocket.


: Quintus Corbray

Loyalties: His loyalty, first and foremost, is to his homeworld of Galidraan. By extension, his loyalty is mainly toward the families leading the charge to free the planet from Sith rule. Specifically, his long-time friendship with the Tals takes precedent over his other allegiances. He may be an officer in the NIO, but he will listen to a fellow Galidraani before another Imperial.

Wealth: Being of noble birth, Quintus was born into wealth. As he grew older, his assets and wealth grew with him. Unfortunately, when Sith Eternalism came into effect on Galidraan, his family lost most of it. They had been outspoken against the shift in regime, and as a result, the majority of their assets were seized. Now, his wealth doesn't stretch much further than his personal possessions.

Notable Possessions: The only prized possession he has is his family ring. It is a simple, golden ring adorned with his family's crest.

Skills: Quintus is a military man above all else. He graduated at the top of his class, and has a keen eye for strategy. He is also a very adept politician, able to navigate political situations with relative ease.

Personality: Quintus has always prided himself on his home, his family, and above all, his logic. He is a very methodical individual; a trait that likely serves as the reason for his success. He is a man of routine, but is not above setting it aside to achieve his goals. He is a man of strong patriotism and loyalty, and does not give his allegiance lightly. He is never afraid to lead from the front, although in his age he has come to understand that this is not always possible. At the end of the day, Quintus Corbray is a man that you want in your corner, especially in a combat scenario. He is a man of strong wills and morals, and is ready to sacrifice himself for the liberation of his people.


Weapon of Choice
: He carries a pair of E-851 blaster pistols

Combat Function: Quintus is a tactician more than anything. He is a great shot, but serves better in a place of command rather than in the trenches. He can hold his own in a fight, but is better served on the bridge of a cruiser. His old age has given him wisdom in battle, but his body isn't what it used to be.


Chess Master: Quintus is a formidable military commander. He has a very keen mind on the field of battle, and his experience as an officer has given him crucial insight.

Sight Beyond Sight: His cybernetic eye provides him with a battle HUD, giving him a greater ability to assess combat scenarios and find the most logical course of action.

Bullseye: Despite his age, Quintus is one of the best shots you'll find in the galaxy.


Death Before Dishonor: Though Quintus is largely supportive of the methods of Arcturus, he is still a Galidraani noble, and a proper soldier. As such, his code of conduct can be a bit of a roadblock at times.

Time Comes For All: He may keep himself healthy, but he is getting old. He isn't as fast or strong as he once was.


Quintus Corbray was born to a noble Galidraani family. His family are very close to the Tals, and Quintus played a major role as a mentor in the early years of Arcturus. His story is not dissimilar to others of his stature. He attended a private school, and later joined the military. He rose through the ranks rather quickly, and served as a distinguished officer of the Galidraani naval forces. This life proved to be enough for the man, until things changed.

Over time, Corbray saw the changes being made in the political landscape of Galidraan. The iron grip of the Sith continued to grow ever-tighter as the people felt their autonomy throttled. Many families stayed quiet, but the Corbrays couldn't bring themselves to just go along with the shift in regime. Due to their outspoken opposition, their wealth was seized, and many of the family locked away (or at least, that's what Quintus was told). Quintus wouldn't stand for this injustice. He assembled what ships he could, and left his homeworld, hoping to amass a large fleet and return home.

As his meager opposition grew, fate would bring Quintus back to that Tals. In a chance meeting with Arcturus, Quintus was able to bring him back to the fold of Galidraani resistance. The duo suffered a defeat at the hands of the Sith that day, but managed to escape and link up with Willan Tal Willan Tal , as well as the NIO. Now, Quintus serves as the right hand of Arcturus, supporting his efforts to return freedom to the people of Galidraan.
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