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Qun Vell, the Drunken Jedi

Qun Vell


NAME: Qun Vell
FACTION: Ehh. The Republic I guess.
RANK: Paddy
SPECIES: Besalisk
AGE: 16(Besalisk reach maturity at 13)
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.87m
WEIGHT: 110kg
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: Nope
SKIN: Yellowish


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Four arms: Allows for unique saberplay and handling situations
-The Drunken Jedi: Oddly enough, Qun Vell seems to only be able to call upon the Force when he is drunk.
-Drunken Memory: As Qun can only use the Force when drunk, he can't necessarily remember everything he's learned in the Force everytime he gets drunk. Thus, for everytime(or at least every duel) Qun gets drunk I will list out his known Force Powers, assign them each a number, and roll for a quarter, maybe a third of them. Those powers will be the only ones he can remember for the duration of that "drunk episode", though after a time of using the same skill over and over again it might become natural for Qun, and thus not requiring a roll. This'll be a very organic process, and one I'll discuss via PM with whomever I'm RPing.
-Sweaty: Used to the cold water world of Ojom, Qun Vell isn't used to hotter environments, and produces considerable sweat, as well as other discomfort, on normally temperate worlds, let alone desert or volcano worlds.

Yellowy skin, a large but athletic build, four arms, various ridges along his face.

Qun Vell lived a fairly normal life upon his homeworld of Ojom, until he reached adulthood at thirteen, as was typical of his race. Then he began working a simple job of manual labor, a source of income while he attempted to garner money for a ship to allow him to travel the galaxy. As he accumulated his credits slowly however he spent a good portion of them at the bars, becoming a bit of an alcoholic in the process. Normally this would be quite the conundrum, as alcoholism is serious business and impede's one's ability to function in life, but for whatever reason as Qun drinks his pains and sorrows away his mind removes it's blocks, allowing him to access a part of himself he never knew was there. The Force.

With his drunkenness allowing Qun to accomplish minor feats of telekinesis, mental suggestion, and even quicker reflexes(or rather, normal reflexes when combined with his drunkenness) his alcoholism continued to spiral, until one day he picked a fight at a bar that he shouldn't have. He beat the trandoshan who'd offended his mother rather easily, but a Jedi Knight had managed to see his display of the Force, and easily got the besalisk to submit. From there the Jedi was taken to Tython, to begin his training as Jedi and learn to use the Force without using the Bottle. Or at least, that is what the Jedi hoped he would learn.


Hordes of plates of burritos.





Telekinesis(1, bio learned)
Mind Trick(2, bio learned)
Breath Control(3, learned Here)
Force Barrier(4, learned Here)

Qun Vell

Added another weakness, as well as randomness, to the character after realizing something when making my first IC post.

Dr. Cain Wards said:
I'd be interested in seeing how force sensitivity affects the regeneration of limbs.

Would you like to make a contribution for the future of all beings?
My mind says no, but if you get me drunk enough? Maybe.

Eldoc Quasat said:
* tempts from the jedi with a bottle of Menkaroo Whiskey*
*is tempted furiously*

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