I am a son of the Mountain.

Personal Information-
- NAME: Qyren Vessk
- SPECIES: Kiffar
- AGE: 24 Years Old
- SEX: Male
- HEIGHT: 5'10"
- WEIGHT: 197 Lbs
- EYES: Hazel
- HAIR: Black
- SKIN: Brown
- Force Sensitive: No
- Faction: The Republic Remnant
- Designation: ARC-217
- Rank: Lieutenant
- Unit: 501st Legion
- Position: Executive Officer, Platoon Leader
- Years in Service: 7 Years
- Training: Basic Combat Training, Tactical Combat Training, Extreme Climate Survival Course, Basic Combat Life Preservation Course, Advanced Recon Commando Training, Advanced Leadership Training.
- Awards: Basic Soldiering Ribbon, Good Conduct Ribbon, Combat Badge(Tier III), Master Marksmanship Ribbon
- Qukuuf Scar: On Qyren's left cheek there is a subtle scar that runs from the bottom of his temple to the line of his jaw, given to him by his father when he had his Qukuuf markings removed, banishing him from his clan.
- Shoulder Scar: On the back of Qyren's right shoulder, he took a bit of shrapnel from an IED. The star-shaped scar is a subtle reminder of the explosive.
- 501st Tattoo: Qyren's left shoulder has his Unit Code tattooed on the peak of his arm. The tattoo reads, "501st" engulfed in a series of blue and white flames.
- Good Natured: Qyren has always lived his life attempting to see the good in people. While he will not shy from taking life, he also enjoys helping people whenever he can.
- Optimistic: It is easy, especially in the jaws of combat, to maintain a negative personality. Qyren works to see the bright side of the darkness, even if it may not be there.
- Excellent Marksman: Years of practice have honed him into an impressive Marksman. While not quite a sniper, he excels at long range combat.
- Hand to hand combat: Like his training with a rifle, Qyren has taken pride in his ability to hold his own in hand to hand engagements.
- Organized: Qyren's military career started in the logistics division of the Republic Army. His two year service resulted in an almost OCD-like need for things to be neat and organized.
- PTSD: Years of combat have resulted in a minor case of PTSD. While it is not dramatic or defined, it generally causes Qyren's mood to be easily soured and his anger to be triggered.
- Explosives: While Qyren will not stray from handling a Thermal Detonator or other type of small explosive, Qyren does not like to be around a large quantity of Explosives.
- Heights: Flying, outside of a large Starship, quickly brings Qyren to agitation.
- Strategy: As an Officer, Qyren is very capable of commanding his forces in combat engagements. He has a full memory of the Republic's tactics, however when it comes to the larger picture of strategy he often struggles to make the proper decision.
- Overconfident: Qyren often over estimates his own abilities, something that could potentially get the man killed one day.
Always having large shoes to fill, Qyren was the son of a prominent Kiffu Guardian, named Cys. For most of his childhood, Qyren had trained to join the Guardians and follow in his father's footsteps. Even though, both Qyren and his father knew that was not what the boy wanted. When it came time for Qyren to join the Guardians as a prospect, the boy refused. Qyren knew it was a great honor to serve in the Guardians, and maintain his families legacy, but it was simply not what he wanted to do with his life. He saw the Guardians as an over-glorified prison guard, that would ultimately be a lackluster position.
Angered by the news, Qyren's father cast him from their clan. Going so far as to have his Qukuuf markings removed from his body. Though Qyren held no malice towards his father for the deed, he knew he could not stay on Kiffu any longer.
Making his way into the galaxy, alone and without the support of his family. Qyren was motivated to find a place where he could put his talents to use, and feel fulfilled at the same time.
It was not long until Qyren found himself in the service of the Republic Remnant. After completing his training he was eager to serve in combat. Yet, the Army had different plans for him. For the first two years of his service he was placed in the Logistics Corp, and was no more than a simple clerk. The position was crushing for the man who had left his home planet to avoid such a monotonous position.
Considering abandoning his hopes of a military career, everything was changed when Qyren's unit had come under attack by a local Guerilla unit. Seizing the moment, the man took to combat, preforming above and beyond all expectation. His role in the defense of his base earned him a commission as an Officer and a new position, one in the most prestigious combat unit in the Republic Military, the 501st.