Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: R.E.A.P.E.R.

Faction: None.

Rank: None.

Species: Genetically engineered Correlian.

Age: 123.

Sex: None, it was removed during experimentation.

Height: 8'2

Weight: 432 lbs.

Eyes: Completely white.

Hair: None.

Skin: Burned and scarred skin tissue.

Force sensitive: Nope.


Strengths and weaknesses:

+Unbelievable strength.

-Speed. Is extremely slow due to his weight.

-Oxygen tubes. He is covered with tubes which are partially embedded in his skin. However, if one of these tubes are pierced R.E.A.P.E.R. looses oxygen and fast, which renders him defenseless and can lead to death.

Appearance: An extremely tall figure wearing a black trench coat. Tubes run throughout it's body and is covered in stitches. He wears black boots and dons sharpened teeth.

Biography: Luke Kararow was born on Correlia. He was raised by his mother only, as his father was in prison for murder.He resided with his mother until he was sixteen years of age. He then headed out into the world, working as a store clerk. On his second day at his current job, a customer arrived offering Luke a deal. He promised Luke a high paying job, as long as he could train him properly. Luke accepted and was taken to the planet of Tattoine. There, he spent twenty hours a day, being involved in ruthless and brutal experiments, as he was manipulated by the man who offered him a job. The experiments continued for thirty years, until the process was complete. However, the experiments transformed Luke into a brutal killing machine, codenamed R.E.A.P.E.R. There he was unable to control himself and obeyed his master only. From there, he was ordered to wipe out small villages in Tattoine or kill a camp of Tusken Raiders. Once he returned, he would just wait several more days until he was ordered to attack once more. Eventually, his master was killed during an experiment on himself, where he injected one of his many serums, which ended his life. Once R.E.A.P.E.R. returned, he found his master dead. After this, the villagers of the village his master resided in, managed to restrain R.E.A.P.E.R. they then shipped R.E.A.P.E.R. out into the galaxy aboard a ship, in order to sell him for auction. The moment he was released from his restraints, he murdered the auctioneer and most of the people seated in the auction house. He then broke through the large doors, heading out into the streets, where he found his way into the sewers. Now, he's confined in Coruscant unable to escape the sewers of Coruscant.

Ship: Can't fly.

Kills: No PCs yet.

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