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A Very Useful Rust Bucket

NAME: R3-p1p, often called ‘pip’
droid, astromech
AGE: very old
SEX: Masculine Programming
HEIGHT: 0.97 meters
WEIGHT: rather heavy
EYES: black photoreceptors
SKIN: metal in painted shades of orange, white, and browns. Also, lots of lines and decals in reds, yellows, and black


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

The upgrades, they stack ! - Pip has a great many features and tools. In this, he is prepared for nearly any situation.

Made of it ! - Being an R3 astromech, Pip is a born slicer and mechanic. Hardware, Software, it doesn't matter, it's all first nature to him.

Do a barrel roll ? - Pip is usually a decent pilot, and can fly most smaller ships well enough. However, he is only a good pilot at best, and can be somewhat predictable in dogfights.

Peek-a-boo ? - Nobody remembers an astromech droid. This trait is a double-edged sword; on one hand, pip can use this fact to filter himself out of people's perceptions, and hide in plain sight.... On the other hand, this renders him easily forgettable to some allies.

Weakness of the Circuit - Pip is vulnerable to Ion weaponry / electricity overload, and droid restraining bolts.

Antiquated - As effective as all of Pip's add-ons and customizations are, it is still the case that he is running on (at the very least) last century technologies. Any one of a hundred newer droids built in the last 10 years, could outperform him in raw effectiveness of a feature right out of the box.... (However, it is highly doubtful that any droid would manage to have half of what Pip has managed to incidentally accumulate in his arsenal of gadgets, tools, and sometimes-creativity.)

Our Lot in Life - Pip, like most droids, has not been granted manumission. Thus, he is still programmed with Binding Protocols to obey a master (ie, an organic sentient, be they human or alien). In cases where a master unexpectedly dies, or refuses him, those same Binding Protocols force him to seek out someone who will accept being chosen as a master for pip.

A dirty, dinged up, painted on, white and mostly orange-red-white R4 astromech, who looks like he’s on his last leg. Don't be fooled, though – there are a lot of useful gadgets under all that rust and dirt.

P1P's past is unknown even to him, due to memory wipes. However, it is readily obvious that this little droid has had a very interesting and diverse past, illustrated by the presence of parts, customizations, decals, hardware splicing and hot-rigging that would likely give entire teams of IA technicians’ on-the-spot migraine headaches.

1 (Pip’ actually began 'life' as R3-D5, and was produced in anticipation for the Clone Wars. Dee-five had many adventures with many clone troopers and Jedi, including Saesee Tiin and the Sharp Spiral, and even afew missions with Commander Cody.)

2 (After the Rise of the Galactic Empire, Dee-five was memory-wiped and transferred to a black and silver shell, with a red dome. In this form, Dee-five served the empire for a very long time as an engineer and general maintenance pool, living and dying by the work ticket, as it were.)

3 (It was when the Empire shattered, and the Moffs and Grand Moffs splintered into chaotic warlord factions that the frigate that Dee-five was assigned to, was destroyed by a New Republic battleship. Left to float in deep space for afew years, the little black and red droid was picked up by a passing scavenger who re-designated the astromech as R3-N-zero-m, or Nom. Nom was sold to a young zeltron girl (who later became a successful DJ), and was further nicknamed 'nom-nom', which she found to be cute.)

4 (it was during the rise of the Gulag plague that R3, now re-formatted to R3-T14, or 'Tat' (yes, owned by a mandalorian) died a second time, when the mando smuggler tried to get out of quarantined space, to make another run of mercy supplies. The authorities would have none of it. Eventually, he was re-shelled into an orange, red and white r4 shell, and again re-designated as R3-p1p.)

In this form, as a cone-headed rusty orange astromech, Pip would again be passed around between slavers, smugglers, bounty hunters and crime lords. Each of them would modify and upgrade the little droid with this or that part.





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A Very Useful Rust Bucket
unabridged list of features ::

buzz-saw disk

cutting laser - a separate cutting laser for very fine (down to molecular scales?) cutting.

powered hydrospanner rotational bit-array arm - an array of hydrospanners of various sizes, from the smallest to the largest in all common size formats, arranged in a Gatling/fold-out style.
general purpose scissors
jumper bypass arms
powered circuit repair tool-array arm
engine tape dispenser and measurement prongs
titanium compound-hinge metal snips - for when average metal snips just won't do.
Melody-II Synthetica vox unit - can be used to emit a wider range of sounds other than binary. Pip has used it to 'sing' mimicking the harmonics of songs. Unfortunately, he can't use it to speak (english).

Colicoid G-3 Droideka shield generator/projector array
Cable gun
Oil injector
General Purpose Claw arm
Fusion cutter
Hidden small items compartment with ejector

AccuTronics R-Series C5 micro-thrusters - These thrusters allow pip to fly about over distances and obstacles that would normally hinder an astrodroid's movements.

Air cannon
Collapsible 3 meter diameter umbrella
Computer interface arm
Charge arm (electric shock)
Life-form scanner
Polarity sink
Water pump/hose

Media copy/storage disc drive
Lubricant application arm
Fire extinguisher - can also provide a smokescreen
Computer interface arm - 'nuff said.
Inflatable crash/flotation pad

Extendable ULF, VHF, and Broadband Comm-antennas - Pip has an extendable cluster of comms antennae to transmit, receive, and relay most comm-signals (up to and possibly including military-only frequencies?)

2 heuristic processor drives/2 standard droid processors - in addition to having 2 standard processors, pip also has a pair of heuristic processors, giving him the ability to upload a basic skill program, and then intuit and advance the skill to levels of mastery that would rival many organics adeptness.

2 R7-series Astrogation Buffer Modules - surprisingly, a former owner managed to cram not one, but two Astrogation Buffer Modules, pulled from R7's, into pip's innards, for a total of 30 hyperspace nav-points !!


You better hope we don't meet...
I being a Jawa would of course try to sell you.


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