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Character Ra Akimo



M U L T I F A C E T E D - D E T E C T I V E

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    B I R T H N A M E | Ra Akimo
    A L I A S | n/a
    F E A L T I E S | Confederacy of Independent Systems
    R E S I D E N C E | Naboo
    R A N K | Constable Knight
    H O M E W O R L D | Arkania
    S P E C I E S | Arkanian
    A G E | 28
    S E X | Female
    H E I G H T 6ft 2in
    W E I G H T | 175lbs
    E Y E - C O L O U R | Milky White
    H A I R - C O L O U R | Black
    S K I N - T O N E | Light Tan
    F O R C E S E N S I T I V E | Yes

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    DETECTIVE | Ra has been investigating mysteries and crimes for years as part of the Knights. Mostly Force or Spiritual-based ones, but recently she's taken on more mundane cases after the The Eye cataclysm.

    FORCE TRAINED | Trained in traditional Living Force-based favoring the Light.

    SORCERY TRAINED | Trained in mystic ways, languages, and rites. Alchemical and potion brewing experience as well.

    TECH-INTERFACE | Her replacement right arm has a built-in computer system interface allowing direct mental access. The arm is also surprisingly well-built.
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    NOT SKYWALKER | Ra doesn't want to be an Army of One and singlehandedly save the galaxy or rule over it. She isn't by-the-book, but she'll stick to it whenever possible.

    HERITAGE | Arkanians are an excessively proud race obsessed with being the height of evolution. Lack of genetic purity is a sore spot.

    TRAUMA | During the events surrounding The Eye, Ra lost her arm as she fought to survive and protect others. Since then Ra has been adverse to spiritual... complications.
  • C A T A C L Y S M

    When The Eye ripped open Nethergates on multiple worlds allowing creatures to pour into the Material, Ra fought to protect civilians. Losing an arm was traumatic, but not nearly as much as the Living being turned into monsters and ripping and tearing apart those that weren't. Perhaps most shrugged it off as just another day, but the events had not been normal. Even knowing about spiritual matters Ra was taken back by just how dangerous it was.

    Physical rehabilitation allowed Ra time to perform more mundane tasks on Naboo. Some low-level government work like Spaceport Dock Master and Patrol at first, but eventually worked itself back up to criminal investigation. From there it expanded out off-world again. Not the breath-taking missions many Knights or Masters went on, but the everyday crimes in need of solid support. Witnessing countless Knights, Masters, and civilians alike made it clear just how much people needed strong defenders of the peace.

    A few contacts among various worlds and Ra set out to begin work helping local enforcement agencies.
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Many thanks to Darth Metus for the bones of this amazing bio template.

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