Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Image Credit: http://www.deviantar...quaza-117830622
Name: Ra-Set
Designation: Semi-sentient
Homeworld: Asobi
Language: A wide range of hisses
Average length of adults: 30 to 36 meters
Skin color: Dark blue with yellow markings in males
Hair color: None
Breathes: Type I
- Natural flight: Evolved as both a hunting method and a defense tactic, Ra-Set have developed organs capable of an organic form of reuplsorlift travel, much like the famed Star Dragons. They are known to burst out of the sea to escape a potential enemy, such as a Ta-Wa-Ka flying into the air where they cannot be followed. Likewise, they are also known to hover over the ocean's surface, searching for the heat signature of prey udnerwater, before diving down and attacking it's good by suprise. However, their repulsorlift organs cannot sustain their hovering mode of 'flight' for long- no more then a few minutes at a time before they must rest.
- Amphibious: While Ra-Set cannot breathe underwater, they are highly amphibious, known to easily transfer from air to water and vica versa. Though not as fast as they are when flying, Ra-Set can move with agility at high speeds underwater, making them formidable underwater predators.
- Hard carpace: Developed as a further defence mechanism, the Ra-Set have evolved lightweight but durable plates of natural armor. The carpace of sorts is extremely strong- able to stand up to even a Ta-Wa-Ka's bite. However, this does not come without downsides, and mentioned below.
- Heat pit: A distinctly serpentine feature, the insert name here's boast heat-sensing organs which they use both to hunt and detect predators. This means they can easily track down and follow prey- but it also means they can easily be confused if faced with abnormally hot areas, such as underwater volcanoes.
- Limited range of movement: Due to their plated carpaces, despite their serpentine nature, Ra-Set are unable to coil themselves tightly or make tight corners, attempts to do so only resulting in their plates grinding together painfully.
- Poor eyesight: As mainly aquatic creatures adapted to underwater gloom, as well as relying on their heat-sensing organs, Ra-Set have horrible vision- unable to make out much more then light and dark.
- Weak spots: Despite how durable their plates are, the small weak spots between the hard plates of Ra-Set are vunerable- the only defense being soft flesh underneath.
- Easily distracted: An odd trait to find in a predator, Insertname heres seem to be very easily distracted. When faced with multiple prey animals at once, they are known to become confused, often going back and forth between attacking one of them, and then the other.
- Immobile on land: Due to their large size, Ra-set are completely immobile on land. If their repulsorlift organs were damaged or needed rest, and they were not above water, they would be beached until they could fly again.
Average Lifespan: 80 galactic standard years
Races: There is only one type of them
Estimated Population: 1,000
Diet: Meat, any living or newly dead thing they can fit in their mouths.
Communication: A wide range of hisses
Culture: The Ra-set in the culture of the Asobi system are a strange creature often seen depicted in the swamps and near coves on the coast. They lure things in at night using their colors in the dark and then strike taking them down into the water.They are not the largest predators on the worlds but they are skills and dangerous when encountered alone with their small and limited flight. The murals of them show the creatures might have been larger at one point and have been able to fly across the world.
Technology level: They do not use tools
General behavior: Ra-set are usually solitary creatures, only being seen in numbers during breeding ceremonies- which are actually quite a sight. When ready to breed, a male Ra-Set will travel along the surface of the ocean, diving in and out of the sea for perhaps days at a time, until it finds a female, who also travel to the surface when ready to breed. Upon finding a female, the male will dive into the ocean and activate the naturally photphospherant yellow markings that cover the males' bodies, giving something of a light show for the female. If the female likes the show, breeding will follow, if not the male may continue to travel the surface for days until he finds another one.
Another interesting display is the hunting methods of Ra-set. Though they will occasionally chase a prey animal through the ocean, their most common tactic is to stay near the surface until sensing a large heat signature, in which case the hunter will hover above the ocean's surface. When the prey, whether it's a school of fish or a larger aquatic creature, comes close- the Ra-Set will dive into the ocean, ambushing it's prey and killing it as quickly as possible.
History: The history of the Ra is old, they were larger and used by the Go Nagai in ancient times spreading across the worlds for use in the water. Their ability to fly and swim making them a great mode of transportation that was quieter then a ship or vehicle. They fell out of use as the Go Nagai seemed to disappear and retreat from the system to their sleeping tubes on Haven. The species became more primal and secluded slowly retreating within the oceans and swamps of the worlds as civilization encroached upon them. Then as more and more cities sprang up they were found and taken to zoo, as pets and things for some of the more opulent beings. A dangerous creature and something great to be used by criminals who feed their victims to them. The zoo's domesticating them and showing some of the ancient creatures that were depicted in legends of the system.
Notable Player-Characters: None
Intent: To add more aquatic life to the Asobi system
Credit to Mrrew for help with the creature