Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Race to a potential ally (Interest check)

Bartholomew Tedesky

I'd like to do something I've never seen before, seeing how this character is stuck on Rodia in a wrecked ship and the remains of it surrounding his cryosleep chamber.

Basically, I wanna see a fight over who frees me from the chamber, whether the fight is over old rivalries between two factions or simply looking for a new ally. Any faction is welcome to participate.

Bartholomew Tedesky

24 hours and only one participant... I'll just bump this and be on my merry way xD


I mean... a faction fight over a single stranger, that's a very tall order. I could personally go to just explore and any resistance against me is sure to invoke the wrath of all hell. That notwithstanding, there still really isn't much to go off of.

A verbal confrontation, however.... That's completely in my bounds.

Vincenzo Palminteri

Screw it, I brought an older character back, though you wouldn't know him even if I could use the previous avi xD

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