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Rach Kol-Rekali

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
NAME: Rach Kol-Rekali (birth), Rasho the Hutt (currently)
FACTION: Mandalorian (former), assorted (currently)
RANK: Sith Master
SPECIES: Half-Vahla (birth), Hutt (currently)
AGE: 32
HEIGHT: 5'10" (now 6'6")
WEIGHT: 180lbs (now 800lbs)
EYES: Purple (now red)
HAIR: Black (now N/A)
SKIN: Dusky (now slime)


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Rach has a handful of esoteric, even terrifying powers, such as Dark Side tendrils. However, he is quite poor with the Core Powers. He is skilled with primitive ranged weapons, such as bows and spears, but ineffective with blaster weaponry. He is a superb hand-to-hand combatant and favors the knife. He is a blademaster, highly skilled in Djem So, Ataru, Sokan, Jar'Kai, sabrestaff combat, and Vaapad.

Rach Kol-Rekali was born to Brembla Kol and Ember Rekali on an uninhabited, forested world called Faran's Hold, deep in the Unknown Regions. His parents were both Nightsister-trained Lightsiders, and Rach and his brothers and sister were educated in the Force from a young age. They shared the planet with their enemies, a Dark Side cult. As a result, Rach grew up in primitive, close-quarters warfare.

After his family found a way to leave Faran's Hold and return to the Jedi, Rach struggled to integrate into the galaxy. He developed a friendship with the Jedi @[member="Ashin Varanin"], but it soured when she spurned his interests. He worked for @[member="Velok"] as a freighter captain, flying the fringes of the Unknown Regions and hunting Darksiders. The old Whiphid brought Rach close to the Dark Side, a taint that he carried with him as a Jedi Knight and Jedi Shadow. He worked closely with another Shadow named Alliera, and they began a relationship.

When both Alliera and Rach were trapped and captured by a Dark Lord's agents, Rach submitted to torture and was infected with Sith Poison. After Alliera's release, he developed a clandestine relationship with one of his captors. Unable to account for his escape, and under scrutiny for his promiscuity and infidelity to Alliera, he was stripped of his Jedi Knighthood.

Later, as @[member="Alliera Nakamura "]raised their child in the Unknown Regions within a deadly area of space where time was accelerated, Rach sought to find them. He spent a long time recovering his family, though his weakness for women grew, and he lived a long double life. Accomplishments included sleeping with Anaya Fen, beating up Sarge Potteiger, learning from the Aing-Tii Monks personally, seducing the Vice Chancellor of the Republic at her own wedding to a rogue Grandmaster, and, ultimately, charging a nuclear warhead.

Thus perished Velok's right hand, husband of Mandalore of the Pale Blade, the only man alive who had learned directly from the Aing-Tii. Rach Kol-Rekali, Martyr of Mandalore.

But that was not to be. Velok summoned the departed spirit of his former associate and, as a joke and an experiment, bound Rach into the body of an athletic Hutt. And then died, leaving Rach permanently Huttese.

Rasho the Hutt promptly joined every Sith splinter faction he could think of, after being one of the most crucial components of the defense of Dac and Korriban. He currently splits time and allegiance between several groups. His ship is the Garden of Unending Delights. His slave girls include @[member="Evangeline Sage"] and @[member="Zoe Kelborn"].



Original Bio:
The Narglatch Cantina -

Narglatch Cantina 2 -

Mon Calamari: Tidal Wave -

The Jedi Temple on Ossus -

Jedi Temple: Ossus 2 -

And to the Very Walls of Hell -

Rise of Malakai 2: The Coming of the Dariun -

Rise of Malakai 3: The Veil of Night -

The Odyssey: Time Warp Chronicles -

Odyssey: Revelations on Lehon -

Rach's Raiders: Quest for the Leviathan -

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
I think you guys are gonna like Rach. He's a heck of a lot of fun to play. Weird powers, weird mind, promiscuous but not gleeful about it...yeah. He's fun.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Heh. Click the account name, then 'characters' - I'm Beorht. I gave the character to Mando for a while, but he convinced me to take Rach back and transfer him. But yes, for a while there, Mando was going to transfer Rach as his own with my full blessing.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
:D You get used to it, no worries. Honestly it's kinda fun not knowing, and you can always find out if you want. Yeah, I may not be able to do a ton with Rach right now, but he's one of the few Exodus chars I still wanted to transfer. I think there's only one more -- Linna Beorht. :D

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