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Approved NPC Radok and Kijo

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Rekali the Hutt


Image Source: Dragon Age, property of Bioware

Name: Radok
Loyalties: Rekali The Hutt, The Underworld
Role: Rekali The Hutt’s right hand man. In charge of “bigger picture” things, such as expanding territory, negotiating new agreements, and fighting other criminal gangs.
Development Threads: None
Age: 350
Species: Vaathkree
Force Sensitivity: No
Appearance: A roughly 1.8m tall man made of stone plating who chooses not to support the clothing industry.
Personality: Stoic, mercantile, and not afraid to intimidate. Radok climbed the ranks because of his concern for profit and ability to maximize it in negotiations.
Weapon of Choice: Goons and his own rocky fists.
Wealth: Radok is roughly as wealthy as a minor crimelord that controls a small city’s inner working. Not excellent by any means, but doing well for himself.
Combat Function: Leading goons mostly. Occasionally interrogating an enemy that can’t fight back. Very rarely letting loose some blaster fire as he backpedals and lets his guard take care of business.
Skills: Haggling, organization.
Notable Possessions: None that would indicate any galactic significance.
Other Notes:
A longer lived species, Radok has been around the block once or twice. He started his career as a simple used-speeder salesman until he saved enough credits to start a small bar. Choosing to enter the land of entrepreneurs quickly the site he chose was a small hole in the wall in a decidedly wrong neighborhood. This wasn't too much of a problem for the Vaathkree, as a large stone man he didn't fear for his life, and he hired only men and women who could protect themselves and their product. When it became a problem however, was when a young Gran came in with a few weequay guards stating he owed Haska the Hutt money for having a clean joint. The gran learned about five seconds later that Radok didn't play games as he picked up the gran by his throat and told him to get out before he decided to squeeze. Though the weequay wished to fire at Radok they found Radok's bouncers were similarly armed, and ready for trouble. The Gran decided to leave, and told Haska that he needed more men to rough up Radok's bar.

Instead Haska joined the Gran and his band of weequay himself to the Stone Adventurer. When he arrived Haska took out a gun, shot the gran and told Radok he had an opening in his enforcer ranks. Radok denied initially, but eventually took the job after renegotiating better terms. For the next two centuries Radok served Haska's forces as an enforcer, until a young Hutt going by the name Rekali offered him a job as his right hand man. It was a smaller op than Haska's, definitely, but it had potential to grow, with Radok taking a good percent of the profits. Sneaking out of town he left Haska and joined Rekali the Hutt to found The Underworld on Trevel'ka, the beginnings of new criminal empire.
Intent: To create Rekali The Hutt’s right hand man that’s capable of running the Underworld in the event Rekali has other business to attend to. For example, participating in a mandalorian raid of Republic/One Sith Planet X.


Image Source: Starsider Galaxy

Name: Kijo
Loyalties: Rekali the Hutt, The Underworld.
Role: Rekali the Hutt’s left hand man. In charge of “the little things” such as making sure employees are adequately equipped, ensuring all ships are running smoothly, and that the spice is flowing. Not technically Radok’s lesser, but is often thought of that way.
Development Threads: None
Age: 27
Species: Rodian
Force Sensitivity: Nope
Appearance: Around 1.7m tall, green with a mohawk and starry eyes. Slender build.
Personality: Though slimy and calculating Kijo expresses more emotion than his mineral-based counterpart, which is a testament to his youth and ambition.
Weapon of Choice: Various rifles.
Wealth: Doing well for himself, but not a major economic player in any sense. See Radok.
Combat Function: Kijo is a good shot with many rifles, but like Radok realizes he is more talented as a businessman than a soldier and will often try to retreat.
Skills: A good shot. Organization. Blackmail. Snooping.
Notable Possessions: Nothing relevant in a galactic sense.
Other Notes:
While Radok has a long has a long history in the business, Kijo is the opposite. A young up and comer native to Trevel'ka that used to just get by on his street smarts. As the new gang "The Underworld" started doing business on Trevel'ka Kijo decided to join. Though he started at the bottom it was soon noticed that when Kijo was assigned a job it got done, and then some. While the average flunky was just selling spice or making hits Kijo made new contacts to sell to. He came back with information on other cookers, or counter hits. He moved up spot to spot, until Rekali the Hutt wanted to personally recognize him as one of the difference makers in the Trevel'ka "campaign", making him his left hand. While Kijo was enjoying the benefits of his 'corporate' position it didn't take him long to realize he was considered second best, by some offworld rock that had just betrayed some other Hutt. As such Kijo holds ill will towards Radok, seeing him as a shoo-in at best and a potential traitor at worst. He hopes to put Radok out of the picture, and become Rekali the Hutt's right hand man.
Intent: To create a foil to Radok that carries interesting possibilities, and give me other options for NPC writing when Rekali is away.
Looks good, but needs a bit more fleshing out. Add a section on personal history for both of them (in the "other notes" category). You could also talk more about their personality and ambitions in order to have a good idea of who they are as characters. [member="Rekali the Hutt"]
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