Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Radon Mont

Radon Mont


NAME: Radon Mont
RANK: Neutral Force Knight
SPECIES: Falleen
AGE: 27
HEIGHT: 6'7"
WEIGHT: 215 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Normally green, changes with mood if he lets it


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
God complex. Yes, he believes he is destined to be the ruler of the entire galaxy and that there is no one quite as powerful as him. Despite that, he takes his time with things and never rushes headlong into anything because it's too dangerous to do so. If you play into being subservient to him, it's possible to get past his defenses without any trouble. Scoff at him, and he'll immediately be out to destroy you.

Lenne is also one of his weaknesses. She's his fiance and pregnant with their unborn child. It would be easy to use her against him. His other weakness lies in the fact that he's not that gifted with telekinetics or lightsaber combat. His strength lies in his ability to use mentalism. He is a telepath, essentially. Attacking the mind is his forte and he uses his ability to do so heavily in combat.

His left arm was cut off by a goon squad that attempted to rob him once. He reacted by having a new arm, built with a cortosis weave alloy, attached in its place. Additionally, he has the ability to release pheromones to influence those around him, a racial trait of all Falleen.

Radon hijacks ships when he needs to go somewhere, and then promptly kills the entire crew upon arrival.

Radon was born the second child of many on Falleen to the Royal family. As such, he was not in line for the throne when he grew older. That fell to his older sister. As is custom amongst their people, she went on her journey through the galaxy. When she did so, she met some people who befriended her, took her in, beat her, and sold her to be a slave to a species unaffected by her pheromones. She attempted to escape, but was killed for her efforts. This put Radon in line for the throne.

When it came time for Radon to go on his journey, he chose not to return. Instead, he learned of who it was that was responsible for the death of his older sister. It was a human slaver group. Angry, he slaughtered them all and vowed that he would wipe humanity from the face of the galaxy. They are a disease to be destroyed.

He sought training in the Force, receiving it at the hands of a Sith Knight named Redc Marr. He progressed to Knighthood, and then promptly left the Sith behind because he has no interest in following their orders, or their leadership, or their religion. No, he was determined to rule the galaxy and he was going to do it one step at a time, and by eliminating all of the factions and governments that had made their claim on the galaxy.

In doing this, he met a young Jedi girl named Lenne Fayth. She, a Zabrak, fell under his spell, and eventually fell truly in love with him, as he did her. They had a romantic tryst, and eventually he asked her to be his wife so that she could one day be his Queen. She accepted, and eventually left the Jedi to be with him after she discovered that she was pregnant with his child. Together, they will conquer the galaxy with their perfect children!




To Become Royalty

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