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Approved Tech Rael sul B'an's Lightsabers

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Intent: Personal weapon for Rael sul B'an
Development Thread: If necessary.
Manufacturer: Rael sul B'an
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Rael sul B'an
Modularity: None
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel, lightsaber crystals
Classification: Custom Lightsaber
Size: One-handed & two-handed
Length: Hilt: 24cm Blade: 145cm
Weight: 2kg
Special Features: The two hilts can be connected to form one, double bladed saber.
Description: Two silver hilts with intricate engraving on them. The two hilts can be connected to form one, doublebladed lightsaber. However, the process of connecting them can take a while. (One full post minimum.) This means that they can not be changed in the heat of battle. The purpose would mostly be for preparing for certain situations.
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