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Raeya Elisia Papanoida

Leos Palle

Raeya Elisia Papanoida



NAME: Raeya Elisia Papanoida
FACTION: The New Republic
RANK: Apprentice/Senator
SPECIES: Pantoran
AGE: 27
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'4"
WEIGHT: 135 lbs
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: Purple
SKIN: Blue


  • Charming
  • Intuitive
  • Beautiful

  • Stubborn
  • Habitual
  • Spoiled

Often adorned in gold jewelry, including numerous rings, bracelets, and earrings. She wears multiple layers of regal appearing dress that quite often matches the color of her hair or the yellow markings upon her face, sometimes both. There's never so much as a smudge on her, and if she does get dirty, she quickly goes to retrieve a new set of clothing or to tidy up. It is unbecoming to appear dirty before others.

Raeya was born on Pantora as the second child of two children. Her older brother, Raus, was a habitual thorn in her side and ultimately destined for what he perceived as greater things than she. Where he always got what he wanted, there was many a time that Raeya would not. However, this only taught her a stubborn streak a mile long and resulted in her parents eventually caving, it just took much longer to get there. By the standards of much of the galaxy she was spoiled regardless of what she got. When you are born into money you cannot help but become accustomed to having it and the things you want.

Raeya is a Papanoida. She is descended from Baron Notluwiski Papanoida. On Pantora her name alone has a great deal of power associated with it. However, it was her brother that would go on to become a member of the Assembly, as was his right by birth. Truthfully, she didn't care as much about that as she probably should have. The result of his becoming Chairmen in turn named her Senator, creating somewhat of a rivalry between the two siblings as the rest of the Assembly could throw power between the two of them. One day Raus may be the most powerful Pantoran, the next day Raeya. The siblings enjoy their rivalry, though, and if asked in private will readily admit to great admiration for one another.

Despite all of this, her wealth, and her propensity for being a bit hedonistic, Raeya has grown to love not only her people, but the people of the galaxy as well. For a brief time she served as Pantoran's senator to the Galactic Republic, but their slow decline led her to warn her brother and the Assembly that they would be best to withdraw their support of the failed state before they become a target for whomever will sweep in to devour the Republics dregs.

However, keen to keeping her ears open, she became quickly aware of a fledgling governmental system on Serpena based around that of the Galactic Republic, but with different leadership and goals. Curious, she traveled to the world and endeavored to learn more before submitting her observations and opinion to the Assembly. Pantora has always been a part of the Republic. Not necessarily its backbone, but certainly one of its oldest member states. The Assembly moved in favor of allying itself with this New Republic, and relegated Raeya to living upon Serpena to help build this new government and secure good relations between their people.

Through all of this, Raeya has been acutely aware of her abilities within the Force. What started as mere headaches as a child grew to random outbursts of visions, and a strange innate ability to renew her energy simply by touching another being. Little did she know that she was siphoning their energy to make it hers. Having been a part of the Republic, she's become well versed in the banality of the Jedi and their status as a malignant tumor upon Republic endeavors. Suffice to say, they tend to be more harm than help, more bark than bite. They are also incredibly easy to corrupt and foolhardy because of their desire to deny a part of their very existence: their feelings.

Worry has plagued her for some time. With the successive failure of the Galactic Republic and numerous other factions of potential peace, the darkness in the galaxy has grown, and she's come to the conclusion that if she wants to ensure that peace someday comes to the galaxy, she will have to be willing to make the sacrifice of herself to do so. As such, she has embraced the darkness that she can use it for the light. Or, at least, she's embraced the notion of such. As of yet she has not learned anything of the darkside save that she knows of its existence and that to embrace her emotions will lead into great power. She is not foolish enough to wade right into it, however. Becoming discovered by the Jedi as being a user of the darkside within Republic space would quickly end her political career and her ability to do good by the people of the galaxy.

So she hides behind her facade of a spoiled diplomat, albeit a spoiled diplomat who takes great pains to help the people, and is quietly prodding around to find someone to teach her the ways of the darkside so that, when the time comes, she can do what must be done.

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