Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ragnar Fett

NAME: Ragnar Fett ( Im a Ragnar Lothbrok Fan Boy get over it xD )
FACTION: Mandalorian
RANK: lowest rank
SPECIES: Zabrack
AGE: 25
SEX: Male
HAIR: Horns ( medium sized)
SKIN: Maul style except tan and black
FORCE SENSITIVE: yes ( has the potential to learn if someone brings this up such as a jedi .... or something)


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+ Muscular Strength: Ragnar may not be huge but he is very strong in the biceps, triceps, traps , Lats , chest, upper back, lower back, forearm ,hamstrings, and calves . This makes him extremly explosive and tough to fight close up.

+ Muscular Endurance: It will take awhile for the mandalorian to tire out

+ Agility: Because Ragnar is a sniper being agile is essential for survival

+ Speed: The zabrack is medium sized therefore speed has also become a vital, and earned skill

+ Deadly Sniper: The guerilla warrior prefers a sniper over any other weapon

+ Knife Fighting training: Ragnar can almost out beat anyone up close with a knife

+/- Urban areas and jungle environments are the only places where ragnar is effective in combat. Anywhere else is a challenge.

+/- Body Type: Ragnar will never be the type to ever have a bulky body, he will always have a lean muscular build to him

+/- Follows the rules of the mandode to the death

+/- Work-out junkie: When there is downtime Ragnar almost is always working out to stay in tip top shape

- Not a good leader

- Has very few friends

- Can be a prick until you get to know him

- can be manipulated

- single minded to others who do not follow the mandode

- space combat is his weakness

Crimson Red eyes, with a muscular lean build, has average sized horns, this zabrack has a tan-black maul pattern for his skin as well.

The galaxy has had many orphans in the past, and the present, one of these orphans was Ragnar. But no government took him in, a mandalorian did, a sniper at that as well. From age five to ten Ragnar was taught marksmanship , with a sniper like his mentor. This would be one-fifth of his life , a very smart way to prepare for greatness. From age eleven to seventeen , rigorous physical training would plague the zabrack. Eventually. this grew to him every month there would be a new objective that he would achieve this would stick with him for life. Before the mandalorian became independent two more things where learned within those years. For instance what did it mean to be a mandalorian ? He would learn this at age nineteen, he could tell you every single tenant and how to achieve it. Before Ragnars unknown father died He had learned how to use a knife in any situation this had finalized him into his years of independency. He would become an assain for hire who would kill important political figures from time to time. This mandalorian wanted to live up to the code of the mandode. He constantly sticks with his "cousin" Carden who is the last real family he really has together they make a great team.
SHIP: No Ship
KILLS: Many politicians




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