Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ragnar Ordo

NAME: Ragnar Ordo
FACTION: Mandalorian
SPECIES: Zabrack
AGE: 25
SEX: Male
WEIGHT:400 without armor( 98% muscle weight) 500 with armor
EYES: Orange ( genetically modified)
HAIR: Large Horns
SKIN: Traditional Maul style war paint


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+/- Genetically modified by former slave master: Ragnar's former slave master genetically modified his entire body which allows him to easily maintain his muscle mass and increase it, other modifications include the fact that Ragnar can go for two weeks without food and water before dying. Unfortunately, while brute strength, and endurance was acquired through this genetic modification. A strict diet is required in order to be able to function ,if there is to much nutrition . Muscle increases may go farther then what Ragnar's bones can handle which could cause horrific surgery to be put in place. Another side affect is that the body's natural healing system is below 50% meaning injures will take longer to heal but once they are things are back to the way they were in his body.

+/- Aggressive: Ragnar is extremely aggressive due to his former life style as an enslaved gladiator

+/- size: Ragnar is very menacing and intimidating for his size, but unfortunately this makes him a big target for his enemies, because he can virtually rarely hide behind cover

+/- Bone structure: Genetic modifications make the bones very reliant on muscle mass to protect them. The upside to this is that the bones can become thicker and develop quicker to atone for more muscle growth

+ Brute strength: Ragnar is formidably stronger then most making him a deadly adversary to fight up close

+ Endurance: Because of his natural modifications ragnar can easily fight for at least two days straight

- Speed: due to Ragnar's muscle weight he is naturally very slow and can be easily outrun , and maneuvered

- Flexibility: Ragnar is most likely the most inflexible being in the galaxy he can not maneuver himself into many positions without losing balance easily, this may be his most fatal weakness

APPEARANCE (without armor) : This zabrack is viscously an intimidating mountain of muscle. With menacing orange eyes , and horns as hair , this mandalorians skin exactly looks like mauls style. The only difference is that the color scheme is yellow and black compared to red and black. Many who have the rare occasion of seeing this mandalorian out of his armor tend to notice that Ragnar is mostly muscular in the shoulders, pectoral's, Biceps, Triceps, Forearm, core, hamstrings, and calves.

APPEARANCE (With Armor): The armor that ragnar has is completely red in order to honor his families new legacy into the mandode. With this armor on Ragnar tends to look even bigger then before many recall him looking like a massive red tank in his armor.


Before Ragnar Ordo had a name he was an enslaved gladiator who was constantly genetically tortured to perfection. During each match his progress would be watched by his karking sick hutt master. However, during this time other bidder's started realizing how easily the unnamed gladiator gained muscle mass so quickly over the course of months. Immediately more hutts started investigating this issue more closely. Months later the slave had awakened to the screams of blaster fire throughout his master's compound on Nal Hutta. The tough zabrack remembered watching as he saw a lone mandalorian mercenary wreak havoc throughout his master's estate. How could one man do such a thing so easily? The gladiator escaped his death before he was next on this mandalorians tally of kills. Public reports stated that everyone but the famous gladiator was killed, and the estate was merely in ruins with the dead hutt inside. Ragnar fashioned his own name considering he was now a free being, in those months to come he would take on mercenary work in order to live on. Throughout that time he still had no idea what his exact name would be, many suggested because of his huge and menacing stature he call himself devastator. But this was a ridiculous name in his opinion, so what would his name be? Suddenly Ragnar appeared to be a good name, from their on his employers would call him Ragnar. So time had passed by where he would be hired to fight drug wars and what not. The tough zabrack realized his destiny meant more then just helping petty crime lords fight their wars. Ragnar heard over the years about how the mighty mandalorians had destroyed the sith empire, he begun to research more about these mandalorians, and agreed with their ideas and culture. Ragnar has taken it upon himself to become a mandalorian, after every major work-out in order to increase in strength and endurance he would study a tenant by heart. He has traveled to mandalore in order to earn his one way ticket into manda.

SHIP: no...... public transportation is used instead perhaps in the future during our next event.

Items: ( I would like some one to point me to the heavy weapons that are allowed on this site, and when I am allowed I will make my battle armor as well, thank you)

KILLS: many slaves , and thugs.




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