Ragos Terrek
a.k.a. Ghost
this is my first factory submission so I hope, I didn't do a terrible job.

Image Source: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Spawn-2k4-15875920
Intent: personal armor for Ragos Terrek
Development Thread: http://starwarsrp.net/topic/43789-the-road-to-hell-is-paved-with-good-intentions/ (WIP, More to come)
Manufacturer: Darth διάβολος
Model: N/A
Affiliation: personal
Modularity: no
Material: augmented/modified Orbalisk beetles
Classification: other
Weight: 12kg
Quality: 9
Special Features: lightsaber resistant, augments force powers, increased healing
untold millenniums ago lived a sith lord by the name of διάβολος, stood heads above his peers as a creator. his skill with a saber was rudimentary, his force powers how ever were great, but his talent with alchemy and science were unparalleled. to keep his power and wealth safe from those who would usurp him he strove for decades to build the perfect armor. he used any and all material he could find, making beautiful pieces that were as gorgeous as they were functional. still he was unsatisfied. he travel far and wide searching for what he needed, when the force brought him to duxun and introduced him to the orbalisk beetle. he could weep with joy, he had finally found the material he needed. the beetles on their own would instinctively form an armor that surrounded their host as they fed off of the wearers dark side energy, whilst simultaneously increasing their hosts connection to the darkside . perfect symbiosis.
the dark lord spent 50 years and countless apprentices perfecting the augmentation of the orbalisk armor..
after all the years he worked on it, he was too old to wear the armor but that was not a deterrent to him. his last few years were spent finding a way to keep his consciousness alive in the armor. after his death, his workshop and his armor both mysteriously disappeared and have yet to be found.
+lightsaber resistant
+augments phyisical prowess(Strength, reflexes, speed, agility, healing ability.)
+vastly increased healing properties
-/+keeps the wearer in constant pain which strenthens darkside force powers
-constantly fueling the orbalisks with dark side energy can send the user into a mindless, destructive rage. The root of this is the orbalisks that are sent into the rage, but this apparently affects the host who also goes into a mindless rage
-weakness to electricity
-removal could be fatal
-drives the wearer toward insanity due to the armors creator Darth διάβολος infusing part of consciousness into the armor with the ancient dark lord vying to take control of the wearer