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Raid of Darth Plagueis Lair

This was a covert mission into Mandlorian Occupied Space. It was meant to be a quick raid and recovery mission, he had heard rumors and text in ancient personal Journals of captured slaved that escaped. It was rare and cost Jaster hundreds of millions of credits to secure this information, but is agents were near 100% on the Intel. Jaster and 50 Mantinied along with a Royal Mind were to enter the chambers of one of the most famous and yet secretive Sith in all of History.

Darth Plagueis

It was such a secreat mission that Jaster didn't even mention it to his next in command or even his Exsecurive Chairwomen. He wanted this data as he was told it would assist in his research to find a nullified to the Force.

He read the reports, and the Data, and even the hand written journals of only 16 different references. All of which pointed to a place somewhere on the planet Mullist, Jaster wanted badly to find this place and find its secretes.

And he would.
Jaster and his creations were coming to the planet in a stolen Mandlorian Frigate, without being labeled missing they were let through. This was also contributed to the Mandlorian Defeat on Wayland against the Primeval. They lost the whole center of their territory and many were too worried about a northern attack, that a single frigate being late was low on their concerns. Espionage was still a huge problem for the ground command forces on the planet, and as much, Jaster needed to neutralize the ground team that was to meet them. This was the reasoning for the Droids, they carried a vice modifier that would mimic the voices of the ground commander.

Jaster and his forces were now being transported to the ground in a stolen Galaar class Shuttle. His creations entered hibernation to escape the detection of such a massive force.

When they reached the ground, Jaster wear his old Mandlorian Armor, even carried the symbol of the Awaud Clan to place his high authority within the ancient clan. Some worriers approached him and requested a clearance code, Jaster of course tournamented one of the crew for this information before either ejecting it killing them all. In responce he gave the worriers the code and they were satisfied and requested to search the ship.
"I would like to speak to your commander before that, we carry something of a sensitive nature and require a conversation with him." Jaster requested the warrior.

They looked at each other before accepting this and went over the radio to request the ports commanders presence.

Within the half hour a man appeared in light green Mandalorian armor and exchanged a few worlds with Jaster. When Jaster was satisfied that he held enough of the conversation with the commander, he moved with almost amazing speed and snapped the commanders neck. The two worriers that were with him tried their hardest to react, but were cut down by blaster fire from the Mantinites.

They exited the ship and proceeded to make their way to the entrance and even secure the port and killing anyone they came across. Jaster only killed 5 worriers, 12 civilin workers, and the one commander, only loosing 2 Mantinites. It was at this time that they proceeded to the lot and stole more from the Mandlorians, their military transport speeders to transport them to the location. The protocol droids were left behind to keep their exit secured.
Jaster and his Alien Creations emassed at a small port that would transport them to the island of Aborah. This island was where he was told he would find the hidden laboratory of the Legendary Darth Plagueis. Little was known about the dark lord, no real data or information was kept in any public database that Jaster searched. Only rumors and story's of the dark lord ever would surface and Jaster knew he could only take them at face value.

Many of the stories illustrated the man as crazed and very much mad, but excilent at his craft. An ancient Sith Alchemy to exstend ones life to become immortal and live forever. As far as Jaster was aware, no living being or sentient had ever reached this goal, but still, much of the Archive of old were still missing.

Jaster and the creatures yet again, killed and stole a hoverboat to take them to the island. Jaster figured that after 800 some years, much of the security system would be relics and truely connected to nothing. So his guards were only there for facade to allow his ships captain to feel better about sending his leader to a ancient relic cottage on an abandoned island.

Jaster sill couldn't believe that in this day and age, a planet such as this still had unoccupied living space. Yet as he arrived closer to the island, he could tell why this was, living was beyond possible for what he saw.
Jaster could feel the chill in the air, yet the sun was bright out, he even looked over to his creations who were warm blooded. The creatures didn't notice, it would seem that Jaster was the only one on the ship that could feel the col- yet it wasn't cold, it was just a shiver. Was Jaster scared, he couldn't remember the last time he was scared. This however was something else, possibly another emotion that he couldn't conger up the thought.

It didn't matter, Jaster wanted to know the secretes, to hold the knowlage that no other normal sentiants being had in this day and age. He couldn't get his mind off the idea of what possibly was in store in this interesting new place, full of secretes.

The boat hit land and that was when it hit Jaster, he was more then interested, he was excited.

They mad their way with their weapons drawn, they moved up the beach and to the entrance of the darkest Islands he had seen. Something almost out of a Scary Holovid, it was weird, but his worriers were not scared.
Jaster and his troops followed the coordinates to a location of a small hovel, almost like a cottage. A little old fashion for a Sith holdout, but then one of the Mantinites started cricketing. Jaster looked over at on of the Overseers who was standing next to the Royal Mind. It waited for the Drone to finish speaking as it relates it's speach through the Hive Mind of the Species.

The overseer looked at Jaster with its multiple eyes, "We found a power source coming from the central mountain, Drone 1368 found a path through the cave entrance and request to scout?"

Jaster looked at the drones hands and noticed it wasn't carrying a weapon, but a scanner. Now that he thought about it, each of the Mantinites had a specific job and the ones with weapons were in the outer circle protecting the once in the middle near the cottage. He looked back at the Overseer and nodded, it didn't say a word back, but looked away and started to make a chomping noise. As he stopped there was a Drone that took off in a full sprint into the cottage, kicking the door down.

These creatures of his creation were sill surprising him.
As Jaster left a few of the guards at the entrance of the small cave system, the drone within did not return. Jaster then heard a light 'Thump' within and looked over at the Overseer who cocked its head looking into the cave.

He gathered its thoughts and looked over at Jaster, "Drone 1368 has been disposed of, he wishes to be praised by the Royal Queen, I only transit his thoughts."

The over seer was worried of being punished, but Jaster didn't care, he moved on. The other drones with the weapons turned on their lights and continued on ahead of Jaster. It was an interesting exsperiance, the Mantinites were all on alert, communicating through the Hive Mind and keeping quite. It reminded Jaster of his time in the Mandalorian Military, but only the worriers of the Mantinites did not require the use of hand signals.

As they continued deeper into the cave system, it became quite damper, as if they were nearing an underwater cave system. However Jasters thoughts were cut short by quick object cutting the lead Drone in two. Jaster was unable to see it, and by the looks of it, neither did the lease drone. Cut in two through, the drone continued to look around and fire at two spots on the wall before breathing its last.

The other Drones took the information transmitted by the dying comerade and began shooting spots on the wall, where following, explosions ripped parts of the wall. Automated traps were set by those who were there before. This was getting more interesting.
When the drones stopped firing and Jaster was able to take a closer look at the traps, he noticed that they were slightly primitive for Clone Wars Era Tech found in other archeological dig sites. Jaster assume that this place was in the years before the Clone Wars. This was very interesting, but Jaster couldn't be sure. After all he was a geneticist, not an archeologist.

He pushed the creatures to continue, and with persuasion to the Royal Mind, they continued on leaving the Dead Drone behind. They would encounter a few more traps, but now knowing they were still active, the Drones took better precautions to keep them self alive. As they got deeper in the cave however, the traps were becoming more obviouse but more dangerous. Pop Turrets and reactivated Droids started to shoot back. As they advanced their was nearly no cover for all the Warriors and so some were killed.

The automated objects were still quite old, even some traps didn't activate or the droids and turrets got stuck from all the rust. As they got deeper, it got damper, and more and more of the traps were less active to the point where they just stopped showing up.
Jaster and his creations continued to the depths of the lair. The air became heavier, as if dust and ash clumped together and smothered Jasters oxygen filters. He wear a Rebreather as the air filled with some type of heavy substance. The cemeteries were not kind to such a place, to see even a reminent of the place still around was mind blowing to say the least. He saw some type of light appear at the end of the tunnel, it seemed the place was still automated and has some power left. The life support systems were not working or the ash would be gone.

He was wrong to believe the air was filled with ash.

As he entered the large underground lab, Jaster found that there were a lot of cages, and Jaster felt pity when he saw they were filled with skeletons. The drones could care less as they moved around the room, looking for whatever may spring up on them.

Jaster looked around at his worriers, there were only 35 left along with the Royal Mind. Though not a soldier, the Mind was able to use the Drones as shields, along with their thick armored exoskeleton. They cricketer and rattled to one another to get others attention, it would seem that the lab was more of science facility then just a study. His creatures found few more rooms of science material and experiment rooms. However Jaster was unable to find a room with a data terminal, or even a computer of any type.

How was he to find what he was looking for.
It took nearly half his men as he pulled back his guards from the entrance to take better cover from scanner in the cave. Unless someone was really looking for them and using ground penetrating scanner, they would be safe.

Jaster couldn't help but think of the cages of dead spaces and exsperiments, it almost made him feel bad they were forced to live in such conditions. Rumors flung around that Darth Plagueis was assassinated by his own apprentice, and if that was correct, all those people down here were forced to starve to death. It was astonishing when some of the Drones reported that some of the cages were empty, Jaster only could guess those were the survivors that wrote in the journals he collected.

The legendary Darth Plagueis lived up to his Sith ways, the rooms that he could search or weren't filled with contaminants were beyond cruel. It almost looked like a torture chamber from old Mandlorian Horror Vids of Sith Mantions. It brought back sleepless nights of when Jaster was a child and watched such HoloVids.

As he went into a room with a desk, he found what he was looking for.
The desk was of older fashion, but he knew of a few people that would enjoy the small details in the metal. It was obvious that the design was made on Coruscant and belonged to a member of the Banking Clan. All the fortune and design pulsated from the ancient object for it carried some weight to it.

Jaster was surprised to not find any rust on such a metalic object. For the labs and others to not be decomposing after so long as they could be build for that. The bodies could were after all stripped to the bone, but that could be from animals that smelt the decomposed flesh. Jaster took a look around the room, and the desk. It was almost remarkable, but that's when he noticed it.

There was only one way in or out of this cave system, the way they came in, and the decomposing body blocked natural erosion from entering the labs. Along with the Life Supoort Shstems being shut down, it was a natural preservative for such ancient stuff. Such things as water, oxygen, and other corrosive material couldn't make its way down the narrow and twisted paths of the 20 meter down laboratory. Jaster know that anything down here would have to be placed in a containment box for proper study. If any of these ancient components or equipment were touched by the outside environment, then they would be brought to dust.

The lab desk was what Jaster was interested in, and he decided to look closer at it, as he did, he noticed that electricity was still flowing through the room. A red light flickered above what seemed like an old Holo-Recorder. He approached it and scanned it for any traps, nothing.

He pressed the button below the light and was astonished to find what he did. A blue fuzzy face appeared in the Hologram, a Muun, with an rebreather almost build into his lower jaw. Was this Darth Plagueis?
Jasters Mantinite Drones raised their weapons to the blue figure suspended over the desk, it was old tech, even the fuzzy waves in the images were still there. Jaster forced the Drones to lower their weapons, it was old and foreign to the Drones who were trained with current tech.

He spoke almost with an electronic voice, "In this lab contains my complete collection on my research on the organic substance called Mid-Chlorine, this last attempt on my life has forced me to carefully hide my research from those who wish to take them from me, I have only told my apprentice of my work and have even hide it from him as I don't believe he can succeed in my vision," The Muun looked down to his left, and then looking back up to a level gaze, "I have placed a timer on the vault that carries my most prized possession of my research, and is set to lock for 200 years if I do not return, I leave my legacy to those Sith who will one day rule in my stead."

The hologram ended and a behind him he could hear a loud click. This propped Jaster to jump the other side of the desk and take cover. An explosion took out the data-book shelf and a ball of fire engulfed the 3 Drones standing in the room.

The room was set to explode once the hologram ended.
Jaster rose from behind the desk, his ears rang from the explosion and smoke still fled the room. The three Drones that were with him lay on the floor, Jaster couldn't tell if they were dead or nicked out. Their external armor should have taken the brunt of the explosion, but the concussion could have killed them. Jaster was lucky he had quick reflexes, or he would have been blown to peices. Other Drones and a Overseer ran into the room, checking the wounded Drones and Jaster.

The Overseer jogged over, "Viceroy, Sir,---- One Dead, others are---- Doctor back at the ship."

Jasters ears were still ringing, he only caught bits and peices of the questioning from the Overseer. It would seem that only one of the Drones were dead and the concussion wasn't as bad as he though, seeing as he lived at well. As he tried to lean on the table and the smoke lifted, Jaster saw something where the book shelf once stood. He waved the smoke away and saw that a large slab of metal was now there, it was the vault that the Muun spoke of. Not only was it revealed, but it was also open, the explosion didn't make the click notice, but the vault.

Jaster pushed away the Overseer who was still speaking, and made his way to the door. He opened it and inside was where legends could only dream of the treasures.
Jaster entered the vault and to his sure pose, nothing inside was damaged. It was a overly large room like a Bank Vault to store multiple favored items. As it were Jaster walked to the center posistion and found a few books, next to that was a small triangular prism type thing. Jaster wasn't getting any feeling from the object and all scanners were saying it was nothing more then a paperweight. What really caught Jasters eyes were the books, written in, with ink and paper. There was no way they would be able to get that outside without damaging them.

He looked at some of his Drones and of the 50 he brought with him, only 38 were still walkable. The ones that were injured needed some time to heal before they could move. He remembered that he brought a few contamination boxes with him, in case they needed to hold contaminated lab equipment for further study.

He then moved the drones to store the single book in the contamination boxes, he looked at each the titles and wrote them in a Datapad.

"The Study of Midi-Chlorians"

His Muun was weak, but he was also able to read who had written the books, a person named, Hego Damask II. A name that was unfamiliar to Jaster, but he would have to look up on a later date.
Also in the vault were tens of others books, also written on paper with ink. Jaster could only assume that this man was very old fashion as this method wasn't used for thousand of years before the fall of the Republic. Not only books were found, but hundred of old data chips that were encrypted, he stored those as well.

The books were all in Muun, so Jaster was unable to properly write their names down. He decided to take pictures and data scans in case the books were lost or destroyed. The biggest book Jaster had found was that with the name "Study of Midi-Chlorians", something Jaster had never heard of.

He didn't have time to stay though, he had his worriers work their way through the laboratory before properly finishing all the downloads they could. Most of the terminals were shut down or inoperable from the dense decomposition filling the air. Jaster also decided against the destruction of the lab, in case he was able to return later and properly restart some of the terminals.

Skin samples were also taken from the dead slaves, even some of the lab equipment, to properly see if they could detect Force Users. He was thinking too far head. He now needed to get off the planet before it was too late.
Jaster did his best to keep all the data chips and books and other relics they procured from the cave system. It would be of course difficult still as they traveled here by boat, and keeping the containment boxes dry was difficult enough, the datapads and other emassed scanners were not waterproof. They were forced to take it slower then before and as such, the other ships near could see them. Luckily there was no ship within range of sight, so they were in in smooth sailing, the Warriors did their best to keep the important stuff from getting wet.

As they approached the port, it would seem that no one had noticed the missing sailers that Jaster was forced to kill to prevent the Policing Officals from knowing Jaster was there. He took every precaution to prevent himself from being noticed or being placed on this planet.

They then loaded all they could into the Port Authority Vehicles they stole. Nearly all of it fitted, but Jaster was forced to have some of the informational relics be placed in unoccupied space sighing the passenger areas and on the drivers laps.

It could be loaded I got the dropship they had with them, and as such, easier to transport the rest of the way.
As they reached the Space Port where the Driods were still dressed in Mandalorian Armor. The Warriors pulled in to only allow the rear parts of the speeders point into the enterence. This allowed for easier unloading and concealed the enterence in case other took notice to what they were doing. They unloaded the containment boxes and proceeded to load them Into the dropship. It took time as they made room for the boxes and such.

As the Warriors and Driods loaded the dropship, Jaster could only think of what was in store for him. Jaster wasn't fluent in Muun, but there were Protocol Droids that could translate the language to something he could read. There was no problem with that, and he would have to relay a message to the Research Posistion to notify them to construct a Negative Pressured room to store the ancient books. Otherwise the books would be made into dust and all they dried to achieve would be lost.

The dropship was loaded and Jasters pilots requested permission to take off and was given the go ahead. Under a diffrent IFF Transmiters, they flew back to the space vessel waiting for him and proceeded to break orbit. No one stopped them as they were still breathing heavily on a Primeval Invasion of the Nothern Region of space.

It would be a month journey through the Unknown Region to avoid all the unneeded combat that was still plaguing the area.
One Month Later

Jaster finally made his journey back to the homeworld of Valhalla, where he meet up with the Defence Fleet. He then began to use the transport shuttles to take the relics from the lanoritory to the research station.

The research station was completed before Jaster had left, it was meant to find and create any chemical that Jaster saw fit, and even more. It was fully staffed and security was tougher to break then that of the Senate Chambers of the Republic. Buried deep underground, in a old Phrik Mine, the laboratory was constructed. There was only one way in or out, and security droids and officers patrolled every inch of the facility up top.

Jaster was in the facility elevator returning from a mission briefing with every person who touched or was around the relics. Their mission was the utmost important and placed as mission briefings for the eyes of the Viceroy Only. He didn't need other people to find out about the secreat of the Dark Lord being more then a legend, but a master researcher into the force.

He was notified that the books and data chips were being translated now, and he would be the first to read all the reports.
Jaster sat at his desk in his secrete research facility. It was interesting to think, he kinda felt like a villain form those corny agent HoloVids, he watched a lot of them as a child, well between the training practices. He was working on the back up of manifest of the new cargo Vessles that were leaving the system to scout the new trade lanes the Conglomerate now controlled. It had nothing to due with the current relics he found, but it passed the time for the Driods to decode the many books and Data Chips.

That was when a Blue and Grey stripped Protocol Driod approached Jaster , "Commander Viceroy, Sor, the translation is now completed and all the data have been downloaded to the Datapads your requested, there were a few anomalies in the wording of the writer, but we were able to translate them as much as we could to a proper understanding."

The Driod escorted Jaster to a room just outside where the piles of books. Outside there were two datapads with information on them. Jaster looked to the Driod to explain.

"The pad on the right, sir, is the one that carrys some sort of private portfolio and funds that reach up to the a large figure that we calculated to 100 million credits in current transaction, along with the large amount of Pre-Clone War Relics you recovered, a larger amount if you were to sell them, as for the one on the left, that one contains what we were able to translate from the books that survived the travels, they are mostly incomplete without the full of the set, but the book titles, 'Study of Midi-Chlororians' was the most bizarre, translated as best we could, only the figures and organic composition was the most confusing."

Jaster picked up the left, the right one was picked up by a conglomerate emissary and was in transit to the Chairwomen, [member="Xenia Nastassia"], he would debrief her later when he finished reading what he was waiting for.
.... It couldn't be..... No..... It was too easy!!!!!

Jaster sat back in his seat, a smile glued to his face, almost a chuckle escaping between his teeth. He found it, he found what he was desperately looking for.

This organic cell that acted as a connecting string to the living sentient being to the mystical powers of the force. The powers were still a mystery and there were gabs in the research from the books that were destroyed in transit. But still, he had the ability to find such organic cells within the body.

The research discribed a price of tech that could detect how many cells were in a person. Not only that, but how talented in the Force they would be able to be. With this, Jaster could test anyone, he no longer needed Jedi to test on, but any living breathing sentient. This was magnificent!

He ran to the data copier, and copied as many chips about the mystical cell called the "Midi-Chlorian". He then handed a copy to each of the department heads and with a reward to the first scientist to create a system that could detect the slightest decrease in a persons level of these cells.

Like a bullet, they rushed to get this done. Jaster sat back at his seat and looked to the ceiling, he had it, the knowlage to finally get the upper hand on these Force Users who plagued the galaxy.

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