Professor of Alchemy
Mandalore. Home of a proud culture of warriors that had survived the millenia. Land filled with the rarest, arguably most powerful metal known to the galaxy. Valik had plans for this world, and he had plans for how he'd use it to affect the rest of the galaxy. Here he'd gain the power to take on Jedi, Sith, whoever he wished reckless abandon. But first he needed to to conduct his raid, tame the Fire that ran rampant within him.
Specifically, the large amount of credits that were burning a hole in his pocket. Valik, albeit disguised as a bounty hunter, was wandering the streets of Keldabe looking for a metal smith. He was going to raid the shops until he could find the best price for a legitimate Beskad. They were probably the best swords in the galaxy, and Valik had always meant to pick one up. Hopefully he wouldn't have to pay an arm and leg for it.
Specifically, the large amount of credits that were burning a hole in his pocket. Valik, albeit disguised as a bounty hunter, was wandering the streets of Keldabe looking for a metal smith. He was going to raid the shops until he could find the best price for a legitimate Beskad. They were probably the best swords in the galaxy, and Valik had always meant to pick one up. Hopefully he wouldn't have to pay an arm and leg for it.