Aleksandyr Gaillard
Image is Everything!
The not so final frontier....These are the voyages of the Rusty Lizard...
Her ongoing mission: To explore strange new alien babes, to seek out new treasures; to apathetically go where everyone's gone before.
Klay Grubber and his crew sat aboard the Rusty Lizard, a modest and heavily modified corvette of unknown origins. The pirate captain's successes have thus dwindled in recent years until havoc came into the galaxy. People disappeared and the trade lanes are more vulnerable than ever. "Alright boys, let's find ourselves some cargo!", the pirate captain smiled as he was once again in the view of danger and prize. Of course being a captain wasn't the best, it certainly wasn't the worst; it was lonely but it had its merits. You got to boss people around and own a starship. What's not to love about that? The mad pirate had many enemies and friends alike but now it was old times again. The trade lanes ahead and chaos lessened defenses on a galactic scale. Rumors are that defense ships can't even boast full crews in some sectors.
The Corellian Run, their target, was ripe with trade and boons.
What would they find? Who would they prey on? The excitement laid ahead...