Pink Perfumed Slicer Waif
NAME: Rainbow Flowers
FACTION: None (Yet)
RANK: None official. Works as a slicer.
AGE: 17
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 4"10
WEIGHT: 60 pounds
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Naturally brunette, dyed various shades of pink/blonde depending on her mood
SKIN: Pale
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Rainbow is exceptionally intuitive, able to pick up new skills very quickly, mostly related to computers. She's a capable slicer (with some major draw backs, see below) and able to quickly learn new skills and new systems.
She's very fast and light fingered, and an adept pickpocket. Her exceptional lack of weight makes her incredibly light footed and her tiny frame makes it easy for her to dart through crowds.
She suffers from major muscle damage, having been cryogenically frozen for four centuries. Although she survived, her muscles degraded through that time to an unhealable state. Medical droids did everything they could to save her life, but the result is that her muscular structure is permanently damaged, leaving her incredibly physically weak. Although her lack of muscle and muscle tone makes her incredibly light, she has quite literally no physical strength, and things that people consider simple every day tasks can be incredibly challenging to her. For example, she's utterly unable to lift a blaster rifle, and struggles to carry even a pistol. She insists on being paid electronically because to carry a case full of credits would be too much for her.
As a girl out of time, she is very out of date about a lot of things she thinks she can do. For example, her slicing abilities, while very good naturally, are totally out of date now, and she has a lot to learn.
She is very fiery and hot headed, and likes to be determined she can do anything on her own. Coupled with the above weakness, this is a major weakness for her, as she is not physically capable of many things. She never backs down from a challenge and likes to try and prove herself, often putting herself in serious danger to do so.
She also takes a great deal of pride in her appearance, as unusual and ever changing as it is (her style can change with her mood from day to day) and will often refuse to do anything that might compromise this.
She is very much a city girl, raised within a city, and now living within one, even in the slummier areas. She is completely out of her element if she so much as sees a tree, let alone actually has to travel to any kind of world where city life is perhaps not present, or she needs to go out in to the wilderness.
Physically very slight, very small and incredibly skinny, with pale skin. She has a tendency to express herself through hair and make-up, her hair almost always dyed a shade of pink, but this varies in all manners depending on her mood, often dyed only at the tips, or entirely, worn in an wild style or very neat and tidy. Her make-up is usually heavy and quite striking, but as the mood takes her, sometimes she wears none or only pink lipstick. Her clothing too can wildly vary depending on her moods, from something quite flashy and dressy to quite grungy basic clothes. She has a curious trait of wearing very, very heavy perfume, something she considers a calling card of her's based on her name. She likes to think when anywhere was sliced by her people will know it was her by the scent left afterwards. Or so she claims. In truth, this plays in to her natural vanity.
Born in 415ABY as the daughter to two high ranking diplomats from Naboo in the Galactic Alliance. One of three siblings, she often rebelled against her upper class upbringing, being something of a punk and a rebel. She liked heavy music, sneaking out and generally causing disruption. She learned to slice to get through her parents' expensive security systems which tended to lock her out of listening to her music, and from there, she soon learned to shut them down entirely so that she could sneak out at night.
Despite her parents Nubian origins, she grew up on Coruscant, and very rarely saw her parents home planet. In 425ABY, her parents were on a diplomatic mission representing Naboo to Csilla in Chiss space when they returned early, horrified about something. Despite her best efforts to find further information, even the security systems knew nothing, and Rainbow was left in the dark. But her parents knew better, and knowing there was no stopping the Gulag virus, they shepherded Rainbow and her siblings on to their private H-Type Nubian cruiser, and fled in the night.
Inside, they had installed cryo tubes for the entire family. They told Rainbow of the virus, of their predictions it would wipe out everything they believed in, and they froze her, her siblings, and themselves. The plan was to be found again one day when it was safe, but four centuries passed, the ship broke down, and it seemed they were never to be found...
Until one day a freak meteor hit the ship, and somehow activated the ship's on-board computer system. It woke up Rainbow from her cryo sleep. Incredibly weak and sick, the on board medical droid nursed her back to as much health as it could manage, although her muscular skeletal system was forever ruined. Curiously, all the other cryo tubes on the ship were empty. Rainbow still has no idea what happened to her family.
The ship managed to limp to Nar Shaddaa, where Rainbow lives. She lived on the streets for many years, homing her pick pocketing skills, trying to learn her slicing skills, and earning enough money to keep her ship running. For now, she lives in a run down apartment on the slums of Nar Shaddaa.
A pink chrome H-type Nubian Yacht (the pink a custom job by Rainbow). In a state of disrepair. She works to repair it, but often ends up spending her credits on other things (such as the pink paint job).