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Character Raine Marzullo

R A I N E • M A R Z U L L O


  • { Name }Raine Alu'ra Marzullo
    { Aliases } Ambivalent One
    { Rank } Force Master
    { Force Sensitive } Yes
    { Force Alignment } The Dark Side
    { Occupation }

    { Species } Dathomirian | Marzullo
    { Homeworld } Ziost
    { Age } Thirty-Three
    { Height } 5 ft. 0 in.
    { Weight } 110 lbs.
    { Eye Colour } Blue
    { Hair Colour } Black
    { Distinguishing Marks }
    • Marzullo Birthmark
    { Languages Known }
    • TBA

  • TBA

  • TBA


  • { Significant Other } None
    { Children } Christian Draclau, Laguna Marzullo, Zalera Marzullo

    { Great-Grandparents } Poseidon Marzullo & Greya Nilo
    { Grandparents } Fiera Marzullo & Braska Drinnon

    { Parents } Zoe Marzullo & Milamber Halo (D) | Diablo Mandagoran (step-father)
    { Siblings } Auron Marzullo -twin- | Oz Marzullo (Damsha Bacquin) | Loki Mandagoran | Spike Mandagoran | Raine Halo (Sage Seidon)
    { Nieces and Nephews } Seth Marzullo, Callisto Marzullo, Dace Seidon, Trystane Siedon, Aurora Seidon

    { Aunts & Uncles } Fieron Marzullo (Azalyn Decuir) | Talena Marzullo (Ordan Ghost) | Nala Marzullo | Hyde Marzullo | Hideki Marzullo | Illyria Marzullo | Neo Marzullo (Valentine Capulet) | Sorsha Marzullo | Kannon Marzullo (Kyrodwen Sha'Teal ) | Auriga Marzullo | Orion Marzullo | Arpa Marzullo (Lavitz Aidan )
    { Cousins } Dio Marzullo

  • TBA
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