Computer terminals buzzed with static across the length of Sebastian's workbench. Green code flickered and died as he tried to revive Faye's programming from a crash. Laying on the center of the circular bench, she resembled a mechanical joints and naked circuits. Muttering under his breath, Bas took a swig from a mug of caf as he waged war with his computer terminal."Son of a queen." The engineer cursed as the screens continued to flicker. He really needed to update his system if this project was ever going to get finished. Repairing droids and cybernetics only paid for so much.
With a pen hanging between his teeth, Sebastian's fingers moved across the keyboard and revived the backup data storage. Leads lead to Faye's ports where he transferred power. She had already began to send messages, although most of them were scrambled and needed to be decrypted. On his head, his welding goggles projected a message from the implant build into the side of the lens.
"Visitor approaching premises." The message read beneath rows of code informing Sebastian of Faye's current status. Hitting the button on the side of the lens, he restored the backup files and set the system on standby, then pulled himself to his feet. He wore a black T-shirt with a calculus problem on the front in white, above army pants and lace-up boots. A spanner hung from his belt and his soft features were smudged with grease.
"I know, I know." Leaving his mug of caf on the desk, Bas walked out of the circular bench and towards the front of the workshop. He entered the storefront, where an open window revealed the figure of Shaun, a young Force-user who had agreed to help him with the project in order to learn more about robotics.
Sebastian waved silently in front of the window, which had no glass and displayed rows of parts and tools in boxes which he was selling. He opened the door and let Shaun inside. "Hey Shaun, good to see you." Bas parted his lips in a coy smile and offered Shaun a hand to shake if he wished. "Her joints are all done, time to get her wired up and start programming." He said as he turned around and pulled a leaver, which brought a shutter over the storefront window.
Leading Shaun inside, Sebastian brought him into the workshop, which spacious enough to hold a large, circular bench. An array of computer terminals standing on top of each other beeped with life as Faye's software remained on standby. Bas offered Shaun a seat on the other side of the desk, while he walked into the center.
"Thirsty?" He asked as he gestured to the adjoining kitchen. "Ran into a nasty crash a few minutes ago, but I managed to save the important data." Shrugging, he leaned against the desk and sipped his mug of coffee while Shaun made himself at home.
[member="Shaun Irons"]