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Approved Melee Weapon Raithnar, Bane of Treason

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Manufacturer: Rakvul | Kalanthir
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Heavy
Melee Type:
  1. Sword
Size: Very Large





  • Classification: Sword
  • Size: Very Large [1.82 Meters / 6 Feet]
  • Weight: Heavy

  • This sword contains an especially powerful Grave Crystal within its guard, utilizing the absorbent nature of a blade made from Kardun's Last Flame, it creates a jagged blade of black ice. The crystal is so potent that it almost appears as if the entire blade is completely comprised of ice, the metal portion disappears.
  • Dark runes woven by the Draelvasier Seer Kalanthir cover the blade. It bestows upon it the power of Cryokinesis. Each strike of this sword may forcibly rip the heat out of anything it strikes.
  • This sword contains a Mullinine Edge, which keeps its sharpness extremely well. This allows the weapon to potentially inflict more deeply penetrating injuries.
  • The sword extensively treated in the art of Draelvasier Alchemy. Through this extensive process it renders the blade nigh indestructible, as well as magnifying the blades power for conducting energy and increasing the potency of the Grave Crystal.
  • The Verikast Hilt created for this weapon was further wrapped in Serpent's Hide, further reinforcing the durability of the weapon.

  • Killing Your Own: The presence of the Kardun Grave Crystal, combined with the Cryokinetic Runes, means this blade is designed specifically to kill the incredibly resilient Draelvasier. Each strike, even a glancing blow is a crippling blow through the utilization of their key weakness. Direct strikes through this weapon could potentially spell doom.
  • Durability: Through the alchemical process the blade was put through, it vastly increased the durability of this weapon. It has rendered it nearly indestructible, designed specifically to endure the hardship its master would put it through. It can cut through most metals with little effort, as well as easily turn away the plasmatic blades of lightsabers.
  • Bond: A unique feature of this blade is that the Seer Kalanthir bonded the weapon to the soul of its owner. This ensures that Rakvul is its sole owner, it can be called to his hands with a mere thought, through a form of telekinetic power attached to the blade.

  • Burden: Due to the strong presence of the grave crystal, the blade inflicts incredible pain upon the wielder when held. It is the burden of such a legendary blade designed to slaughter your own.
  • Risks: Despite the weapon's incredible durability, there is a danger to utilizing grave crystal. Should the blade ever be ruptured or broken, the concentrated power of this crystal will be unleashed, shattering the weapon, and inflicting terrible injuries upon the wielder.
  • Nullification: The cryokinetic runes are nullified when under effects that dampen or nullify the force.

When the God-Titan Tathra Khaeus, Chieftain of the Draelvasier returned everything changed.

It was amidst the conclave of the warlords held on Briaga IX where the Last Warlord Sethrak, the Arch Heretic and the High Warlord Rakvul, Wrath of the Chieftain nearly came to blows. While the presence of the Chieftain was enough to stop any fight between them, the meeting still burned within Rakvul's mind. It was for this very reason that he sought out the precious grave crystals upon their existence being revealed by the God-Titan himself. It was then that the process began to craft the dark blade, calling upon the aid of the Seer Kalanthir.
Raithnar, Bane of Treason was born.
A name chosen out of the annals of Draelvasier lore. It was a blade perfectly designed in every way imaginable to slaughter his powerful, resilient kin. Through the special runes woven on its surface the blade would inflict horrific, crippling injuries that could lay low even the strongest of their kind. It's very name was given to the purpose the blade held. Through it he would become the God-Titan's Executioner, all who stood against him or against their ways would find themselves cut out by Raithnar.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a terrifying new weapon for Rakvul to use.
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Rakvul
Model: Raithnar, Bane of Treason
Modular: No
Material: Kardun's Last Flame Kardun Grave Crystal Mullinine Edge Serpent's Hide Verikast
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Rakvul Rakvul

Very cool!
  • Kalanthir is not your character, you can't use them as Manufacturer without permission. I would like to ask you to remove it or ask a permission.
  • As I see it is connects to the Force, I would like to ask you to add the weaknesses what happens with the sword under Force Suppression/Nullification effects.
  • How this works? With telekinesis or similar method? If not telekinesis, I would like to ask you to link something from the canon which provides this.
    Bond: A unique feature of this blade is that the Seer Kalanthir bonded the weapon to the soul of its owner. This ensures that Rakvul is its sole owner, it can be called to his hands with a mere thought.
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