Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Name: Rakesh

Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Shri-Tal
  • Rakeshian
  • Basic
  • Atrisian
Average height of adults: 2m on all four legs, 3m standing on two for a short time
Skin color: From ebony black to ivory white with all colors in between
Hair color: From ebony black to ivory white with all colors in between
Breathes: Type I

  • Some sub-species has limited flight
  • Some sub-species has higher force sensitivity
  • No arms
  • Hollow bones
  • flat teeth
  • For sub-species with wings they are very fragile
  • An equine species: they have hooves instead of hands)
  • Catia: The most common and most friendly, they have developed for years with semi stronger bones then their Dogesia counterparts and do not have the specialized tooth protruding from their head. Able to feel the force in 30% of the normal population.
  • Dogisia: The second most common but still rare and having evolved in the mountains. Their hollow bones and wings make them able to move from temple to temple high in the mountains. Their population is carefully controlled but the floating temple and world is their's to go about in.
  • Talian: A less common sub-species and one that is considered the most force sensitive with nearly all if not all being able to use the force. A specialized tooth protrudes from their heads that channels the force for them.
  • Orsonian: The rarest and most coveted, considered the progenitor of the others having all the traits of each sub-species but the chances of one being born is one in two billion. Their moon on the world was overrun decimating their population

Average Lifespan: 110 year
  • Catia
  • Dogesia
  • Talian
  • Orsonian
Diet: Vegetables, grains, bread, fruit, food stuffs
Communication: Vocal

  • Catia: The most hardy, usually found in the polar regions and where fields are made to be worked. They have dedication to the tasks they do and a great deal of pride in their work.
  • Dogesia: More rambunctious and trained, they don't like being in a single place migrating around the planet to each of the regions for a few months at a time.
  • Talian: Scholars using the force to better understand the galaxy itself. They are not above fighting but prefer their libraries and books. They are always willing to help travelings seeking knowledge.
  • Orsonian: Elusive and rarely found, they roam around the planet and stay out of the public view. Taking very little risks and avoiding interaction with others making their social structure a mystery.
The sub-species themselves share many common traits and cultural aspects. They are kindhearted preferring to leave the more warlike nature to the ones they share the planet with. The Atrisian's have worked hard to fight back against the taung in the past nd when they came to the world and the Rakesh were there they aided in the fight somewhat. Preferring to seek peace and balance over war.

That isn't to say they don't see the value in fighting dangerous foes, their ideals are more pro soldiers and army but anti war and using that army. They'd rather see life flourish and find a way to balance itself out. They share a deep connection to their planet and nature communing with it and as the Atrisian's built temples working with them to make the work better as beasts of burden with some of them and offering lessons on the world itself.

Technology level: The galactic standard with an emphasis on culture and creating ornate jewelry, decorative armor and weapons. Ship building is not their strong suit or a major need compared to working to better work on planetary relations.

General behavior: In large groups they share a communal and family feeling. Always willing to help each other and trading services over valuables or credits. Their hard works being traded to the Atrisian's of Shri-Tal for other exotic items that can benefit the group and community. Their domestication of the native Jun-La from long ago has carried over and they teach others to control the creatures. With strangers to the world they display a serene and friendly demeanor being genuine in their wanting to be friendly and help out ones who are lost or hurt but are willing to fight back if hostile intent is brought to their planet. When they are working in trades they can be shrewd but won't try and rip someone off never asking for greater amounts then a person can pay or give up, even giving charity to them and willing to part with things for free when they have a great deal of excess.

The History of the Rakesh before the Taung sisterhood brought people through the great gate is one steeped in mystery mostly because the ruins of their ancestors have been destroyed or heavily damaged, the one moon being overrun by infected monsters who are dangerous. They know their history somewhat that they built the temples to honor their old gods who came from the sky and wiped out sections of life that became to advanced. It was why they remained largely primitive until the hypergate opened.

Then the warriors of shadow came with the atrisian slaves, bringing a great deal of new problems and incidents. They couldn't fight the natives easily, the Rakesh knowing their world better then anyone but they could bargain with them. They could enslaves some of them and tempt others to serve with them and that worked in ways. The strongest worked with the slaves in the fields to help them work the land and teach them the dangers or the benefits.

Others worked with them to develop their religion and secretly to overthrow the oppressors. Their work in handling the situation coming as they slowly lasted while the sisterhood failed and died off. Eventully the Atrisians forming a strong friendship with them and working the government to honor their request of being friends and sharing the world but they wouldn't be taking over. The Rakesh going back to their homes and working the lands of Shri-Tal.

That was what led to the colonization of the moon and making it into a major metropolis center, making one large city and smaller towns across the planet. To leave the land for the Rakesh to live and work on for their time, sharing the world, sharing their home. The old ruins and their purpose forgotten as the ones from the sky didn't return until the Empire came. The Rakesh not resisting when they were imprisoned being made to work the fields for another's benefit. They did it to not endanger their friends and the rest of the work tending to the biodomes.

As time went on and the empire was gone they returned to a normal life enjoying themselves and working the land and new domes providing the stuff they could make there that off worlders said was very valuable. If it could boost the economy of the world they would gladly help and work with that. This was a great place to work on things and get it all setup as needed. Then the plague came and their population was hit hard, same as the rest of the galaxy. Their need to recover and work to prevent the plague from spreading helped them in the long rum.

The population hasn't recovered, not really to what it once was but with work they have gotten some of the old farms and orchards running. Slowly recovering and helping the rest of their planet make it a great place that the Silver jedi coming was welcome. They hold no ill will to the silver jedi for policing the world and have even shred their knowledge with them while some of the older temples and locations have been rediscovered leading to a renewal of the Rakesh spirits and drive to cultivate the world.

Notable Player-Characters:
Intent: To create am Equine species for the world of Shri-tal

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