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First Reply Rakghoul Hunt


Taris - Rakghoul tunnels

Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

The oppressive darkness of the rakghoul-infested tunnels on Taris seemed to swallow the light from Valery's lightsaber, its violet glow barely piercing the blackness, casting ominous shadows against the crumbling walls. The tunnels, ancient remnants of a civilization long forgotten, were eerily quiet —t oo quiet for a place teeming with rakghouls.

Valery moved cautiously, her senses alert, attuned to the Force that whispered of imminent danger. The Alliance had plans for Taris, hopes to reclaim this planet from its dark past, but first, the threat below had to be eliminated. She was here to cleanse these tunnels, to make them safe for those who would follow. But something felt wrong. There was a tension in the air, an unnatural stillness that set her on edge.

Without warning, the silence shattered.


A deafening explosion rocked the tunnel, the shockwave nearly throwing Valery off her feet. Dust and debris filled the air, and the ground trembled as the tunnel walls groaned under the pressure. Valery instinctively threw up a Force shield to protect herself from the falling rubble. The explosion hadn't come from her, and that was the first sign that she was not alone down here.

"Wha--?" Valery tightened her grip on her weapon and stood ready for what she felt coming


The dust soon settled, but only for a moment. From the heart of the smoke and debris, guttural growls echoed through the tunnels, followed by claws' scuttling on stone. Rakghouls — dozens of them, maybe more — emerged from the shadows, their pale, twisted forms charging towards her with feral hunger.

Valery took a steadying breath, her lightsaber humming to life as she prepared to face the horde.

First Reply!
(Preference to people I'm not already writing with)


Location: Taris, Undercity
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Notable Equipment:
Pyeth's Lightsaber
Pyeth's Spear

Patients lumbered through the camp, clinging to their meager belongings and malnourished companions. It was a dreadful but not a unique sight. The Galaxy was at war, local governments shifting their finances away from outreach programmes to instead secure their borders making the work of charities all the more important.

In some respects he too was an refugee, displaced by the collapse of Rimward and string of disappearances that followed made for a chaotic soup in the Rim. He had sought and found refuge in the Core and not wishing to waste his skills he had volunteered as a Doctor, joining local charities to aid in their relief efforts.

The sound of the explosion reached them first, a wave of heads all turning at once towards it's source. A large pillar of debris and dust burst through the tunnels.

The once steady flow of people turned into raging river and several of the volunteers were immediately overrun, security personnel reacted swiftly fighting through the crowds to establish a perimeter. Pyeth glanced towards his colleagues who gestured him to follow. They were making for the evacuation point, a fortified barricade deeper in the ruins.

He should have followed. He had others relying on him and he couldn't afford giving himself up to those who hunted him. And yet how would Tiland react seeing his former Padawan turn his back on those in need. How would Nadira react?

He didn't need an answer. Nearby one of the security officers fired off a blaster bolt, the crimson shard of energy exploding into sparks against wet diseased flesh. The ghoul undeterred leapt at him, it's teeth caught in by the barrel of his rifle.

"Eostre give me strength." Pyeth grimaced and for the first time in months summoned her wind to his aid and Eostre responded.

The Force imbued him with a burst of energy, enough that he could leap into the air and spread his wings. Pyeth immediately entered a stoop, a accelerating rapidly in his descent. In the final moment he pulled his talons forward outstretched to deliver a forceful blow.

The Rakghoul was dislodged and knocked several feet back, it's neck nearly shattering under the combined force of his momentum and powerful talons. They pierced it's flesh Pyeth riding it like a surfboard across the metal plates. Capitalising on it's disoriented state he sliced and decapitated it.

"D-doctor Pyeth?" The man stammered.

"Indeed. Now see that these people make it to safety. I will lead these beasts away."

"Alone-" He tried to argue.

"No. Not alone. There are others here fighting." Pyeth interrupted, the presence deeper in the tunnels was familiar and powerful. Good familiar, he reached out to it hoping to make them aware of his presence. "Go." His beak snapped and the security officer nodded.

Anchoring himself in the moment, he channeled the force into the two-toned lightsaber crystal intensifying the blade extending the breadth of its light.

' ' - Mimicry

Separators by Lossa Darcuhl



Taris - Rakghoul tunnels

Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery's breath was heavy, her chest heaving and her forehead glistening with a layer of sweat. She stood over a pile of Rakghoul corpses — beings that had once been ordinary people turned into monsters — and sighed deeply. The tunnels were infested with them, which she had felt before entering and been the reason for her visit. But the unexpected explosion caused a gaping hole within the concrete structure that allowed them to escape.

With no way to quickly seal the tunnel and fear that other explosions could rip more of these holes, Valery understood there was only one option.

The tunnels had to be cleared.

She tightened her grip on the hilts of her lightsabers and was about to push forward when she felt a familiar presence. It took her a moment to realize who it was, but as soon as she did, Valery stopped and waited for him. Alone, she was confident she could clear the tunnels eventually, but it'd take time and it was risky.

With some help, the Rakghouls would be no trouble.


Location: Taris, Tunnels
Objective: Defeat the Rakghoul threat
Ambiance: X
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Notable Equipment:
Pyeth's Lightsaber
Pyeth's Spear

Guided by the light of his blade Pyeth navigated the tunnels, his eyes snapping from one dismembered corpse to the next. The smell of burning flesh that gripped the stagnant air guided him deeper into shadow.

The last time they met was on Dagobah, when the Jedi Coalition was still in it's infancy. She had come for healing. His healing. That a legend would come to him for aid should have given him confidence but after everything that happened. All that was lost on Dagobah - under his watch - part of him couldn't help but doubt his decision to come down into these depths.

The soft glow of Valery Noble Valery Noble 's blades restored his focus, glimmering into peaks of amethyst at the pinnacle of sickly grey flesh. Pyeth took a long breath like quenching a great thirst as he beckoned to her with a solitary wing.

"Master Noble. If I had any indication we should meet here I would have prepared the tea." He said warmly, his avian eyes surveying her body. He found no sign of injury; did he expect anything less from the Battlemaster of the Jedi Order?

' ' - Mimicry

Separators by Lossa Darcuhl


Taris - Rakghoul tunnels

Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

When she felt his presence and heard his voice, Valery turned to him and offered a warm smile that perhaps seemed odd, given the circumstances, "I'd love to join you for a cup once this is over" she began with a chuckle, "Right now, I'm already quite happy to see a familiar face I can trust." She wouldn't forget the healing hand Pyeth had offered, nor would she ever doubt the kindness in his heart. He was a true Jedi and that meant he was someone she could rely on.

Not just to be patched up, but also to clear the tunnels.

"An explosion ripped a hole in the tunnel wall, which connects to the settlements above. There's sadly nothing we can do for the Rakghouls, but we can protect the people against them." The only option they had was to neutralize every Rakghoul they encountered, which eliminated the direct threat and avoided the spread of this plague.

"I can lead the way, but I could use your assistance."


Location: Taris, Tunnels
Objective: Defeat the Rakghoul threat
Ambience: X
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Notable Equipment:
Pyeth's Lightsaber
Pyeth's Spear

"You need not ask Master Noble," Pyeth answered unfurling his wings until the tips touched the tunnel's edge. Trispzest would not serve him well in these cramped tunnels, "I believe the Force may have brought us here for a reason; I only pray that it is for a culling of these unfortunate souls." He motioned a hand to the pile of bodies and the diseased flesh that surrounded her whilst offering a silent prayer to Eostre, wishing them her guidance and a safe journey back to the living force. They were not of the Rishii Tribes, but he imagined their spirits would appreciate it.

He didn't understand the particulars of the disease, but he knew enough to know that these creatures were once people, the very same people he had come to heal and protect. "This Rakghoul disease is disturbing, warping the flesh and twisting the mind. It is not like any ordinary disease I know."

It was disheartening news. Up until recently, Pyeth had never taken a life. Not even the Corporate Authorities whose wanton destruction of his homeland very nearly claimed the lives of his tribe. And his hesitation had already cost him his dearest companion. "Do not fret. My experiences on Dagobah have taught me enough to recognise when sacrifices need to be made."

"Let us make for the breach. Perhaps, if we are lucky, we can find a means to reseal it. Collapse the tunnel?"
He suggested, his ear tufts shooting up as a piercing cry bellowed from deeper within. "Seems our time is short. Let's make haste." Pyeth said, steeling himself for the trials ahead.

' ' - Mimicry

Separators by Lossa Darcuhl


Taris - Rakghoul tunnels

Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

"I'm no Seer, but I'm quite certain it is for that purpose." She looked at him with determination and stepped back from the bodies, giving him a moment to make his silent prayer. As destructive as the Rakghoul were, Valery believed it was important to never forget that they were once people, now turned into monsters against their will. It was an unfortunate end, caused by a sickening disease that could not be cured, even thousands of years after it was first discovered.

There was only one way to offer the infected some peace.

"Just make sure you're not bitten or cut by their claws. If it does happen... please tell me." In some cases, amputation of a bitten limb could still save a victim. Hopefully, it wouldn't come to that.

On the topic of the tunnel, Valery nodded, "We'll seal it after we cleared the tunnels. If we seal it now, with these Rakghouls still inside, we have no guarantee that they won't break out again." Worse, they could end up breaking out when there weren't any Jedi nearby to assist. The people would have to defend themselves, and while some were armed, most weren't trained or equipped to fight off these monsters.

The screech of another Rakghoul drew her gaze back to the tunnel. She tightened the grip on her hilt, dipped her head to Pyeth, and moved to confront the sound of another horde moving towards them.

"Here they come."


Location: Taris, Tunnels
Objective: Defeat the Rakghoul threat
Ambience: X
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Notable Equipment:
Pyeth's Lightsaber
Pyeth's Spear

Pyeth nodded in affirmative to Valery's warning. "Likewise, if they somehow penetrate your defences, I will be on wing to provide support." He considered the implications of the disease's transmission. Tooth and claw was dangerous; any attack that drew blood could prove fatal, and he would need every ounce of concentration for the battle ahead.

"Here they come"

Pyeth danced to Valery's side, in a blur of motion as he raised his defences. The Force hummed through him, a comforting warmth in the cold, damp tunnel. With a flick of his wrist, he conjured a pair of swirling vortexes, their energy crackling with menace. A Rakghoul, its eyes glowing with feral hunger, charged headlong into the first vortex. It was caught in the maelstrom of wind, its body twisting and contorting before being flung high into the air and hitting the ceiling. It recovered quickly; without concern for its well-being dashed into the centre and charged.

The Force flowed through him, a warm, comforting presence in the face of overwhelming danger. He felt a surge of adrenaline as a Rakghoul lunged at him. With a flick of his wrist, he deflected the creature's claws and countered with a vicious slash, severing its arm at the elbow. The Rakghoul howled in pain but pressed on, its eyes filled with a feral madness.

Caught off guard, Pyeth pulled his front leg back and twisted his body to evade its charge. In two successive strikes, he severed the spine at the neck and brought the blade down to cut it in two. "I see they have no self-preservation." He exhaled.

The respite was brief. Another came into range, and many more behind it. The vortexes of wind channelling the river of claws into a rampaging stream. Leading with a kick, Pyeth caught the nearest Rakghoul midflight his talons closing like a beartrap and ripping away flesh as the kinetic force knocked back beyond his reach. It crashed into the horde, knocking at least three over and staggering a half dozen more.

' ' - Mimicry

Separators by Lossa Darcuhl


Taris - Rakghoul tunnels

Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

With the horde approaching rapidly, Pyeth created to whirlwinds that funneled the beasts down a narrow path toward the Jedi. The few creatures that mistakenly tried to run through despite the vortexes in their way, were swept up in the winds and thrown around effortlessly. Valery took full advantage of this situation and quickly cut down two Rakghouls who had been thrown up against the ceiling before they were smashed back down against the ground.

Once they were disposed of, she turned back to assist her companion.

"They're mindless beasts," Valery confirmed, her blade carving through one after another. Seeing Pyeth take the lead, however, gave her an idea to speed up their first clash with the Rakghoul hordes. Jumping back, Valery waited for the beasts to pile up and suddenly threw her lightsaber into an arc around the Rishii. With a telekinetic grip, she let it spin and guided its path right through the ranks of Rakghouls.

The spinning blade cut them down fast, leaving a path of bodies in its wake. Those who remained or were clever enough to evade would be easy for Pyeth to pick off.

"Advance!" Valery called out, wanting to take advantage of their fewer numbers.


Location: Taris, Tunnels
Objective: Defeat the Rakaghoul's
Ambience: N/A
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Notable Equipment:
Pyeth's Lightsaber
Pyeth's Spear

Valery carved through the Rakghoul from afar, her lightsaber moving like a whirlwind through their faltering ranks. Pyeth was glad; ending the battle swiftly meant less time to make a potentially fatal mistake. He took her command and followed through, allowing the torrents of wind to lose cohesion and collide. The Rakghoul caught in collision recoiled, sustaining only superficial damage but knocked off balance, further cementing the advantage Valery had created.

It was now or never. Three strikes. The first: using the wind Pyeth cannoned a vicious kick into the nearest Rakghoul's centre mass, his talons rending its flesh. The second: his lightsaber claimed three more, severing through their chest in a wide-angled arc. The third: Pyeth carried his momentum into a kinetic wave, breaking cartilage with a wet crunch.

All this happened in a few brief seconds. They could not move as fast as him. No ordinary person or beast could match the Jedi's reflexes. The remaining Rakghoul threw themselves back, their shrill cries no more a threat than a wounded beast.

Pyeth walked forward, reaching out with his mind. He touched each of them and spoke in a language even they might understand. Fear. He was playing with fire. Mind tricks blurred the lines between light and dark. After all, what other power had the potential to bring down entire sectors of the galaxy if used correctly and nefariously?

He couldn't control them but he could deceive them; part of him was tempted to turn the remnants of the horde upon itself. He could feel it. The dark side radiates off their minds like a black hole threatening to consume them. Consume him. He liked power. Everybody did. Thankfully, he was no stranger to the dark side, and there might have been a time when he would have surrendered himself to the urge, but not now. Not today. Even so, he found something he did not expect.

It was subtle, almost like a directive or desire instilled into them. Not enough to control them but enough to perhaps organise and direct them to accomplish a singular goal. Did Rakghoul usually gather in these numbers? And what about the explosion? He would need to ask Valery - she knew these creatures better than him.

Pyeth dispatched the cowering creatures. It was a mercy. He hoped Eostre would guide their energies back to the living force, where it could be cleansed of corruption and reborn into something new. Something better than this.

Disengaging the lightsaber he turned again to Valery, "That was dangerous. These Rakghouls. Can they be trained or controlled? Maybe a pack leader or something?"

' ' - Mimicry

Separators by Lossa Darcuhl

Last edited:

Taris - Rakghoul tunnels

Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery's blade moved with the speed of lightning, her form becoming a blur as she darted through the remaining Rakghouls. Each step was precise, each strike deadly, as she cut down the creatures with a grace that belied the deadly force behind every blow. Her lightsaber hummed through the air, carving through the twisted bodies of the Rakghouls, leaving only a trail of smoldering remains in her wake.

The Rakghouls barely had time to react to her presence, let alone her attacks. To them, she was an unstoppable force, a whirlwind of light and death that left no room for escape. Within moments, as the last of the creatures who weren't manipulated by Pyeth fell, and the eerie silence of the aftermath settled over the tunnel.

Valery deactivated her lightsaber, the blade retracting with a soft hiss. She turned to Pyeth, an appreciative smile on her lips as she observed the aftermath of his efforts. He had fought well, and she appreciated the skill and precision with which he had dispatched the Rakghouls. Without him, it would have been far more demanding to clear these tunnels, so his presence here with her was immensely appreciated.

"Impressive work, Pyeth," she said, her voice carrying a note of genuine admiration. "Thank you for the help." Her smile turned playful as she added, "You pulled quite the trick there when you connected with their minds." With a wink, she signaled her appreciation for his efforts and their shared victory.

As they both took a moment to catch their breath, Valery's expression turned more serious. "Rakghouls can be controlled," she began, her tone now more thoughtful. "It's not common, but it can happen through the use of Sith artifacts. It's related to how these beasts were once created." She paused for a moment and ran a hand up through her hair.

"Let's hope that nobody is controlling them here, though. Rakghouls are fierce when they're chaotic, but far more deadly if they're coordinated."


Location: Taris, Tunnels
Objective: Culling Rakghouls
Ambiance: N/A
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Notable Equipment:
Pyeth's Lightsaber
Pyeth's Spear

Vindicated by her kind words, Pyeth nodded. "You are most welcome. It wouldn't have been possible without your keen blade." He replied, giving a grateful nod; his vision snapped to the tunnel they had assaulted them from. He heard nothing: no more growls or the splash of disturbed water. It seemed their efforts had earned them respite.

"It's disturbing how much pain in this galaxy can be traced back to the dark side of the Force." Pyeth sighed. He was thankful for her intel, which provided him with the context of their enemies preparing Pyeth for their next encounter. "Agreed, it's one thing fighting a mindless prey quite another if it is cunning enough to plan and strategise."

Pyeth checked himself over and counted a dozen missing quills but no open wounds. He glanced back at Valery and hesitated. Would she take offence if he asked her? However, he decided against it and chirped, "We made an excellent team, shall we keep our momentum and find this breach?" He was eager to continue their assault whilst they had the advantage.

"Can you take point? I trust your reactions above mine." He continued looking deeper into the tunnel's maw.

' ' - Mimicry

Separators by Lossa Darcuhl



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery gave Pyeth a firm nod, accepting his request to take point. She ignited her lightsaber again, its violet glow casting flickering shadows on the tunnel walls as they advanced. The air felt heavy, and damp with an unsettling sense of foreboding, and as they moved deeper into the tunnels, the stench of death grew more intense.

The first sign of what had happened here was a cluster of human remains — bones stripped clean, scattered across the muddy floor, some half-buried beneath dirt and debris. Their presence suggested others had ventured inside before them, and it hadn't ended well. Further ahead, more skeletal remains, mixed with the decaying carcasses of beasts, littered the passage, hinting at the Rakghouls' ferocity.

As they pushed forward, Valery's keen senses picked up on something — a shift in the Force, a flicker of life... or death.

She signaled Pyeth to be cautious, and they rounded a corner into a more open chamber. There, illuminated by the dim glow of bioluminescent fungi, was a grotesque scene. A pack of Rakghouls feasted on fresh corpses, their growls and guttural sounds echoing through the space as they tore into the bodies of unfortunate souls who had been dragged into the depths.

Valery's fiery gaze hardened. "Looks like we found a hive of sorts..." she whispered, tightening her grip on her lightsaber. "We'll need to hit them fast before they notice us."


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