Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Rakvul the Darkener


"The Chieftain? Dead? How foolish. The Great Conqueror lives within all of us. He is the guiding light driving us forward across the stars, his will is eternal. It drives us forward despite oblivion knocking down our doors, despite destruction descending upon us like a hurricane. I reject such ambition and consider such a notion a challenge to our species to dare look at his mantle. The Chieftain uplifted me to stand beside him, he charged me to carry out his word and will, to see his dream fulfilled across the stars with fire and fury. I hear your rumors of his fall and reject them. In the great hall, beneath the throne of bone I knelt, and he annointed me Rakvul the Darkener, Warlord of the Bryn'adul Empire, Wrath of the Titan. I recognize no authority but the Chieftain. I shall stand for our fallen empire, I will prosecute my final standing orders until the Chieftain calls me home."
| Social Information |
  • Name: Rakvul
  • Aliases:
    • The Darkener
    • Titan's Wrath
    • Chieftain's Executioner
    • The Tower
    • Colossus
  • Birthplace: Draemidus Prime
  • Allegiance: Draelvasier
  • Occupation:
    • High Warlord (Bryn'adul Remnants - Independent) - Currently
    • Warlord (Bryn'adul Empire - Appointed by Tathra Khaeus) - Formerly
    • Wrath of the Chieftain (Bryn'adul Empire - Appointed by Tathra Khaeus) - Formerly
  • Residence: Aboard the Scourge
| Physical Information |
  • Species: Draelvasier
    • Sub-Species: Baedurin
  • Age: 76
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 10'6" / 314cm
  • Weight: 2.6 tons
  • Physique: Brutish, Muscular, Armored, Physically Imposing, Augmented
  • Skin Pigmentation: Deep Crimson
  • Eye Color: Molten Gold
  • Markings: Numerous Scars
  • Force Sensitivity: None
  • Force Alignment: N/A
| Attributes, Skills & Abilities |
  • Beast of Battle: Beware all who stand before the Darkener. Even among the vicious standards of the powerful Draelvasier species, Rakvul stands out head and shoulders above the rest as a sight to behold. Even as a Baedurin, Rakvul has become known as the Colossus for his sheer size is far beyond even the greatest specimens of the Baedurin that have been seen. To all he is a living, breathing siege engine, a beast of carnage that was genetically built for terrible destruction, augmented far beyond what should be possible. The scars of war marr his form in a way that would baffle even the greatest medical doctors, enduring wounds that shouldn't have been possible even for his hardened hide. To those among the Draelvasier society he has been compared to a war beast, his horrific strength is a thing of legend for its many reported feats.
  • More than Monstrous: Looks can be deceiving. Despite his appearance, within the mind of this giant is a great intelligence, a true strategic genius who was personally commended by the Great Conqueror, Chieftain Tathra Khaeus himself. Rakvul was anointed the Darkener by the Chieftain during the height of the Bryn'adul Empire for his incredibly successful record of military conquest, and the sheer amount of worlds burned at his hand. Rakvul is a true living master of warfare with incredible skill at analyzing a battlefield, determining the best course of action, as well as swiftly learning and adapting his strategy. As a tactician he was widely celebrated by his people for being able to pull victory out of the jaws of defeat. The forces under his command were always the most well trained, well disciplined, efficient fighting forces.
  • Hand of the Chieftain: Beyond his physical gifts Rakvul is a true student of battle that has obsessively pursued internal perfection. Even among the elite of his kind he truly stands out as a deadly killing machine with incredible skill, proficient with every weapon his people have at their disposal and a true artist at wielding them. Beware all who cross his path for he was uplifted by the Chieftain himself, his abilities recognized by the throne and personally assigned missions of grave importance. Many have underestimated the skill of this warrior only to fall victim to his prowess in battle.
  • Beast Master: It is widely speculated among his kind that either through his augments, or his sheer size that he must be some sort of living war beast. For Rakvul has maintained a stunning ability to maintain control of a staggering number of beasts. This ability has impressed many and baffles the greatest imagination at how Rakvul is able to maintain such solid control regardless of the beast. Even after the fall of the Bryn'adul Empire Rakvul has maintained control of a staggering amount of war beasts, far more than any other Warlord, and those who encounter the returned Warlord often attribute this to his direct skill.

| Assets |

Ships, Vehicles, Mounts:

| Biography |


It flows like blood through every Draelvasier, propelling them forward across the stars. The legend of Rakvul the Darkener begins as one of many Baedurin hatchlings. As he grew to maturity he swiftly became one of many within the Juggernaut Corps, eager to forge his place among his people and build his own legacy. To all it quickly became apparent that Rakvul was destined for something more, something greater. Rakvul rose swiftly, bristling with ambition his eyes were always fixed on the horizon. It was evident to everyone that he wouldn't settle for mediocrity. Rakvul had true gifts, the kind that were seen once in a generation and his rise burned so bright, even the Chieftain Tathra Khaeus took notice. As the Draelvasier fought for a place among the stars, he rose ever higher until the foundations of the Bryn'adul Empire. Rakvul was officially recognized by the Chieftain and appointed to the title of Warlord, one of the highest-ranking military leaders within the empire, the Hand & Wrath of the Chieftain who bestowed upon him the mantle of the Darkener.
It was clear to all that Rakvul possessed a loyalty to the Chieftain that was zealous in nature, a love and admiration that ran deep into the very soul. Rakvul prosecuted the will of his liege across the stars, burning countless worlds in his name and leaving nothing but tombs in his wake, bringing to the fore a true reservoir of strategic brilliance that Tathra Khaeus could come to rely on to steer the ship forwards into the future, as the Bryn'adul continued to conquer and carve out their own stellar empire against all odds. But the pendulum of war inevitably swung in favor for their opposition. Against impossible odds despite the Darkener's efforts the Bryn'adul Empire fell, shattering into pieces in a devastating conflagration that consumed the entire Draelvasier race. The Darkener found his forces cut off, separated from the whole of the empire and his chieftain. In the ensuing cataclysm communication broke down and as a whole, to the Draelvasier race he was presumed dead, earning him a place in legend as the epitome of what a Draelvasier should be, of what Tathra aspired to create.
But unbeknownst to all the Darkener was harder to kill than anyone had realized.
Despite the galactic powers descending on the Bryn'adul, despite internal strife through civil war and the reported death of Chieftain Tathra Khaeus, Rakvul lived. Those under his command survived. Rakvul rallied any remnants he could come across, as one of the last surviving true Warlords annointed by Tathra himself, and the sole surviving Wrath of the Chieftain. Rakvul refused to believe that the Chieftain had fallen, refusing the calls of many to claim the mantle that many believed belonged to him now. Instead? Instead, he continued to carry out the last orders given to him by his Chieftain. Rakvul fought his own bloody civil war across the stars declaring that in the absence of the Chieftain, he alone bore the ability to answer challenges on behalf of Tathra Khaeus. Any and all Bryn'adul who dared to rise to claim the mantle of his liege were annihilated. While a farcry from the galaxy burning, vast legions once at his disposal, Rakvul maintains one of the largest standing, most well equipped Bryn'adul Remnants in the galaxy. There are many warbeasts under his command, and a vast number of the Zealot Corps that were rumored to have died along with him.
Rakvul recognizes no other superior authority but the Chieftain and waits for his liege to call him home.


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