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Ran Aohki

Ran Aohki
"Silence is an answer too"


Age: 21 years old.

Gender: Female.

Species: Near-human hybrid.
~Races: Human, Echani.

Home-world: Endor.
~Known Languages: Galactic Standard Basic, Ewokese, Kinetic communication, Sign language.

Faction: None.

Force-sensitivity: Positive.

Theme Song: Becoming one of "the People" - James Horner


She had never been one for many words, not even back in the days when speaking was still an option. Tranquil, silent and reflexive, Ran became a kind, introverted being without a need nor pursuit for social interactions that still attracted the attention of those who did seek them. Many believe her lack of desire for interactions is ingrained on that dreadful accident in her childhood, the day she lost her ability for speech. It does, indeed, often put her in uncomfortable situations with strangers who approach her and interpret the lack of an answer as rudeness. But Ran has learnt to deal with the inconveniences of lacking a voice and has found, effectively, that avoiding communication unless it is strictly necessary is far more practical for her than racking her brains over a way to speak without invading the minds of people she has just come to know.

Ran leads a calm life, trying to seek peace and quiet as she continues her path of learning and self-finding, meanwhile lending a helping hand wherever it might be needed, ever weary of the ambitious and treacherous nature of many inhabitants of the galaxy. A forest with running streams, Ran has always tried to make herself reflexive, rational and wise while at the same time keeping her mind open to changes or unexpected toils as well as her will strong and her courage at hand, should the need rise again to protect herself and those around her from threat. She seeks, above all things, to be in balance with her soul, to find herself and relish in the understanding of the one thing that will accompany her every second of her life: herself.

The rest, she dedicates to others. Humble, modest and giving Ran is capable of displaying an almost dangerous lack of concern for her own well-being. She is gracious, polite, kind and self-effacing when treating with those who have not given her a reason to deny them her aid, the one she is so willing to give. Hardworking, responsible and consistent, there are little things Ran could not do if you give her the time and motivation. She enjoys working with her mind as much as she does working with her body, and it is often one will see her seeking activities that entertain both such as training and meditation.

At first, there doesn't seem to be much complexity to the mute girl's personality. Now its time to find out if the calmness of her ocean never rages within her.

Physical Description.


Ran is a young woman with a lithe and elegant physique, of a softer appearance even if this betrays the true abilities of her composition. Standing at a mere 5'3" feet and weighting in at around 112 pounds, Ran is by no means a woman of imposing presence nor intimidating aspect. Her limbs are long and graceful yet well muscled and developed, most people would define Ran as being compact before saying she is thin, given the fact that her small body still provides her of an excelling athletic and acrobatic ability even if lacking in the department of strength, when compared to beings that easily surpass the size of her. However, it must not be forgotten that she was trained from a young age to excel in combat and this means that despite the smaller size of the woman, she still wields a decent amount of strength, impressive actually if one kept the spectrum within the average of people around her size and weight. She is skillful within her flesh vessel, Ran often demonstrate a coordination that not many achieve and has a fast set of reflexes. Most of her movements are performed with an almost impeccable accuracy, attribute obtained through years of training and meditating, for she understand her body as an extension of her mind and her tool on a physical world. As is custom in the coven she was raised in, Ran adorned her skin with tattoos once she came of age. A full dragon dances through the back of the young woman, its limbs and tail covering part of her sides, her upper arms and her shoulders too. It is rarely visible seeing as how it is covered by Ran's clothing.

She displays feminine, sweet facial features that further promote the image of serenity and pliantness she transmits. Her eyes are quite big with a defined almond shaped, slightly upturned and encased by long eyelashes of a similar coloration to that of her hair. The irises are hazel, strongly leaning towards the greener tones of the spectrum and often have a calm, amiable look. With a small nose and slightly plump lips, Ran is clearly no femme-fatale but rather the kind of woman one would associate with a delicate femininity, in the likes of a carefully crafted porcelain doll.

Height: 5'3" | 161cm

Weight: 112 lbs | 51,5kg

Eyes: Hazel green.

Hair: Dark brown.

Distinguishing features:
~ Thin scar across the neck, easily visible.
~ Tattoos in back and upper arms.
~ Epicanhtic fold
~ Physically Mute.


~Marital Status~

Daizo Aohki ~ Guardian.

Seiya Aokhi ~ Best friend, brother figure. (son of Daizo)



~Personal Belongings~

Kimonos: a wide range of colors, always in mellow tones. Casual to formal.
Robes: When training, working or otherwise performing a task that requires freedom of movement, Ran opts for a set of robes, in light and creamy colors.

Necklace ~ Fragment of the Pontite crystal that served as core to her mother's lightsaber, not fit to create a new one





Strengths & Weaknesses.

Calm Soldier: Ran was raised to become a warrior, with the sole purpose of using her acquired ability to protect herself and aid others. She is a skilled swordsman, with an impressive ability despite her physical limitations and had developed an uncommon comfort both in close-range battle and long ranged, being a wonderful marksman and archer as well.

Peaceful Mind: Intelligent and calm, Ran's head doesn't follow the same pace of time most do. She can remain placid even in the most heated of situations and this makes her an excellent thinker and strategist. She is observant, spontaneous and very creative and con work either with a predetermined plan or creating it in the spur of the moment.

The Fate: Ran is attuned to the Force, or how her people call it, the Fate. She has been taught to control, sense and alter through it, to hear its advice and follow the path which it shows her. Her training, given the nature of the small Temple that gave her instruction, is very similar to that of a Jedi and of a Light-sided orientation, even if she had never heard the terms of Light or Dark.

The Past and the Future: She was not only instructed in battle and the connection to the Force, Ran is a knowledgeable young woman. The members of her Order were taught skills from both ancient times and ones more akin to the modern times of the galaxy. She knows how to survive in a wild environment, identifies herbs and is able to perform unconventional yet effective healing, utilizing more natural means. On the other hand, Ran was also instructed on how to manage most of basic modern technologies: pilot a ship (even if she is not that good at it), shoot blasters or rifles, utilize com-links and the holonet. However, it must be noted that her area of specialization is healing and that she had always leaned more towards the old ways of doing things than towards technology.

Monkeys climb: Physicall attunement was a very important part of her training. Ran has a vast strength for someone her size, more than enough to manage her own bodyweight and perform feats of agility that not many are able to imitate. Her speed, resistance and freedom of movement allow her to navigate almost any terrain and sneak through places that are simply not an option for most people.

Non-violent: As mentioned before, Ran will only engage in combat in self-defense or to protect others. Though this has made her into a great problem solver, without recurring to violent means, and a great diplomat, it also means she might take too long to make the choice of fighting, turning it also into a disadvantage.

Forgiving: She is very forgiving of others mistakes, and though not necessarily an optimist, Ran does believe everyone has goodness buried within them, as hard to dig up as it might be. Offending her is not easy, but having her forgive is. And as long as this might give her a healthy, non-rancorous mind, she can be too lenient with people who do truly deserve to make up for their wrongs with more than just an apology.

Reflexive: Most people would say that being able to assess one's thoughts and analyze them is a good asset to have. It allows one to understand better the events that surround us and to rethink possible mistakes. But not when one undermines the danger of overthinking. When alone and undistracted for long periods of time, Ran thinks. And that is not always good.

The small and the weak: Ran could have super-strength for all she cares, and her size will still be a weakening factor. She is not considered weak for a woman with her proportions, but the truth remains that not everyone shares her smaller size and thus she can be fairly easily overpowered by beings bigger than herself. This is why she needs to rely on speed when confronting stronger opponents or risk being injured, given the meagerness of her body.

Soundless screams: An event in her early life rendered Ran completely mute. She is physically unable to emit vocal noises whether they are words, screams or even a little whimper. The vocal muscles and nerves in her larynx were harmed beyond repair and thus Ran has no way of getting back her voice...nor of alerting anyone of imminent trouble.

Self-effacing: Ran has a poor notion of self-care and despite keeping to a healthy routine normally, she will drop any and all of it in favor of others. She thinks to little of her importance in the galaxy to worry that much about her well-being and voluntarily chooses to set herself aside.

Deeper wounds: Ran has been emotionally hurt on many occasions since her childhood. The death of her mother and friends and the traumatizing event that took place in her early life still give her some hard time to cope nowadays, and though for the most part she has tried to make her peace with it it is quite easy to upset her if these subjects are involved.

Pained: Another ever lasting gift from her attacker, doctors cannot tell whether it was some sort of nerve damage or a psychosomatic symptom caused by emotional trauma that causes her to suffer from intense pains in her body. It has been confirmed that everything seems to be fine with her joints, muscles and organs and still there are some days when the young woman needs to stay laying in a comfortable place to cope with the pains that would have her screaming, if she could.


Rank: Advanced apprentice.

A well rounded combatant, Ran has always made point to balance her abilities, knowing how to manage herself in physical combat as well pulling upon the Force to aid her. As regards sword-play, Ran displays two possible styles. She either goes on the defensive, braiding in some attacks just to keep her assailant at bay or, a much rarer case, takes a full aggressive, stealthy approach if she urgently needs to take down a major threat, in the likes of an assassin. As regards her Force-usage, Ran is skilled in most of the basic abilities of a force-user, having added some particular skills that are heavily promoted in her Temple.

~Force Skills~

Initiate ~ Apprentice ~ Advanced Apprentice ~ Knight ~ Expert ~ Master


Meditation: ||| ||| |||

Art of Movement: ||| ||| ||

Breath Control: ||| |||

Tapas: ||| |||


Telepathy: ||| ||| ||| | *uses it frequently due to lack of speech

Force Sense: ||| ||| ||

Psychometry: ||| |||


Telekinesis: ||| ||| ||

Force Jump: ||| ||| |

Force Valor: ||| |

Revitalize: ||| ||

Force Barrier: ||| |

Temple of Tsche: The Masters of Tsche have, through the years, attuned themselves to the vast nature surrounding them. This, in addition to the arrival of renounced Shapers of Kro Var to their door, allowed the Masters of Tsche to learn the abilities of elemental control. Ran has specialized in two of the shaping abilities.

Hydrokinesis: ||| ||| ||
~Water manipulation. Ran has learnt to, through telekinesis, condensate the particles of water found in an atmosphere in order to wield it the same manner a pyrokinetic would wield fire.
Terrakinesis: ||| ||| |
~ Earth manipulation. Unlike the previous ability, Ran cannot generate Earth out of the atmosphere. However, it is also a material present in most planets albeit under tons of concrete. In this situations Ran can apply the same power to dust particles, though with a very different effect than having access to actual earth.


Hand-to-Hand: ||| ||

Swordsmanship: ||| ||| |||

Marksmanship: ||| ||| ||


"An apprentice near a temple will recite the scriptures untaught"

Ran was born deep within the Forest Moon of Endor, a member of a very small community that purposefully kept themselves hidden away from all except a select few. In the past, a couple of generations before Ran's birth, a group of renounced Jedi had arrived. They had been expelled from the Order because they did not abide completely by the Jedi code, and yet their souls were still as pure as any. With the wish of passing on the knowledge of Light still shining brightly in their hearts, the Jedi spent many years building a hidden, small temple on which to teach their own doctrine, a different view of the Jedi code that prioritized humanity, balance, the control but not the repression of emotions and the guidance of the living Force. They called themselves the Masters of Tsche, the Temple of Life. Occasionally, the Masters would explore Endor or travel to nearing planets, lending a helping hand to those who needed it and offering a place among them to some. They were selective though, of whom they welcomed and whom they avoided, their secrecy forever the most precious aspect of their existence.

With time, their small community, albeit still small, began to grow. Some of the people who they had helped had decided to remain by the side of these Jedi, who no longer called themselves Jedi. And so the Temple of Tshe was formed. A hidden small society formed by forgotten Jedi, who promoted the love for the Force and for the Light, defending their safe haven and in creating a small society of force-users and common people, pursuing together the goal of a peaceful existence. In this society Ran was born, her mother had been a member of the Temple, her father had become one with the Force soon before her birth.

She never spent much time with her mother, she was a busy woman. And still every second she had for her daughter they both cherished deeply, like any mother and daughter should, they loved each other. Ran never felt lonely though, she spent the majority of her day with the Aokhi family, good friends of her mother and herself. Daizo Aokhi was a mechanic and engineer, married to another Master at the Temple, her mother's dearest friend, Preiya. They had a son a couple of years older than Ran, Seiya was his name. He and Ran grew up as siblings, bickering and close.

Ran's force-sensitivity had gone unnoticed for the majority of her infancy, and the day the discovery was made darkness befell her for the first time in her life.

"Even monkeys fall from trees"

It had been a normal day for Ran, Seiya had to assist his lessons so she was left to wonder the woods alone, sort of. Some ewok tribes were good friends of the members of Tshe, Ran had always been fascinated by them and the furry, little creatures had given up on their attempts to avoid her when she had proved, at a young age, she would persistently try to follow them when she crossed their path. So on that day Ran had been climbing trees while the Ewok went about their daily tasks. Her green eyes stared out into the horizon, as she felt the breeze ran through her hair. Contradicting one of the two innate fears of humans -the fear of falling-, Ran loved heights. She simply enjoyed the company of the natives of Endor and had even picked up on some of their words, she was always laughing and trying to speak to them. But she had been feeling weird.

That day, she hadn't sought their company out of enjoyment but rather because she, for some unknown reason, wanted to avoid being alone. Not even the breeze on her face could settle the unnerving feeling creeping about her stomach, that only seemed to grow more intense every second. And that was when she saw it, a flicker of something dark among the vegetation and she knew, now clearly knew, something was terribly wrong. As though that tug in her insides had been an alarm for everyone, soon the Ewoks started to shout and growl as men in black robes started filling into the clearing. Ran started climbing down, as fast as she could but the panic that pumped through her veins was making her movements sloppy and unsure. The Ewoks started fighting the men, shooting blaster fire their way as a small group, three of them were waiting at the base of the tree she had climbed, waiting for the little girl to be in their reach so they could escape. But she wasn't fast enough.

The little girl lowered her head, wanting to see how far she still had to go while her arms trembled in fear. But what met her eyes would be one of the first images that would remain seared into her mind forever. One of the black-cloaked men approached the Ewoks, he produced a small metal bar out of witch a bright ray of energy was produced. It was much alike the one belonging to her Mother. But hers was green...this blade was a dark red, the color of blood. Her green eyes were stabbed onto the man, as her friends started shooting at him, the bolts easily deflected by mere flicks of his light-saber. And once he reached the Ewoks, not even bothering on speeding up from a calmed pace, he struck them down.

Ran's eyes filled with horror, and the last sound she would ever make escaped her mouth. A shrill scream. The man, alerted of her presence looked up to find her clinging onto a branch with all her might as fat tears ran down her cheeks. And he smiled. The next thing she knew, she had been grabbed by an invisible monster that dragged her down, falling through the air. Until her back collided with the hard floor and a high pitched noise deafened her ears, her face crunched up in agonizing pain before everything blurred and went dark in front of her sight.

He left her there, for dead. And turn to face the true threat. Jedi. At least they still were that in the eyes of the Sith. The Masters from the Temple of Tsche had come to confront the dark that threatened their haven. Long minutes had passed before the little girl started to regain consciousness, confusion was the first thing she felt until her thoughts started to clear with her memories and fear took hold of her small heart once more. She painfully pushed herself up, only for her eyes to meet with even more horror. Bodies of the black robbed men and of the very Masters she knew littered the floor. The Jedi of Tsche had the upper hand, but at a tremendous cost. And soon her eyes met with those of her mother, she was fighting the very same man that had dropped her from the tree. He was losing. But then he saw the look in her mothers eyes, and he used that very same moment to look at Ran himself.

She felt the Force constrict around her daughter's frail neck while she gasped for air and clawed at something she couldn't grasp. Panic ripped her heart apart, and the Sith pushed the Echani Master far away as he approached the little girl. He let go of his grip on the force and the child welcomed air into her lungs, only for her throat to be stepped on, as the Sith inflicted a terrible pressure on the front of her neck. Ran wanted to scream for her mother but the air simply wouldn't come out, she was becoming light-headed as her injured mother came to her aid. Desperate, because she knew she wouldn't make it on time. She could feel her daughter vanishing.

But Ran did not stop struggling, her little hands surrounding the heel and the toes of the man's boot. And an unknown strength suddenly surged through her arms in one quick torrent of survival instinct that was enough to push the man off of her. The Force had saved her, had given her the strength to save herself. She rolled to her side, pain scourging every inch of her body. And the last thing she saw, was her mother and the Sith, piercing each other stomachs as they fell. Her mother was smiling at her as her life left her, joining the Force.

"Wake from death and return to life"
Nothing was the same for her after that day. She spent many weeks in a long sleep, the Masters and the Aokhi family -who had also lost Priya- had gone out of their way to try to help the girl wake up, but no one could give a clear answer. It just would happen or not. On the midst of the fourth week after the events, Ran opened her eyes. And she tried to call for her mother but no sound came from her throat. And she tried to scream for help but her cords had been rendered useless. She touched her neck and felt a thin, long line from a cut running through it, still sensitive. Everything hit her as if the weight of the whole galaxy had been suddenly dropped on the shoulders of a little five year old, scared, confused and grief-stricken.

It was hard to get back to how things were, Ran had never been particularly outgoing but now the little girl ostracized herself. Daizo had taken her in, made her a part of his family and took care of her. He and Seiya became her pillars, the last source of strength she had. The death of their mothers united Seiya and Ran even more, their sibling bond deepened and they became very protective of each other. Daizo always said they reminded him of Priya and Ran's mother. But still, Ran was not the same as before. She couldn't speak, but she didn't try communicating either. She was grieving, and her grief would last for many months until she was picked up from her feet. The Masters had all seen what happened that day, and they new she was fit to become a member of the temple, like they were if given time and training. They had also come to the conclusion that it would do her good, to learn how to calm her mind and occupy her head. Danzo had agreed, Seiya had convinced her and so her training began.

Ran was a fast learner, albeit somewhat reluctant at first. She learnt to cherish the light, and to cope with the monsters of her past. She learnt to manage the guilt, and push away the anger in favor of everything her mother had once held dear. It was not easy, but nothing that is good is easy. She became a shyer but also a wiser being, and she never stopped working on trying to outgrow her fears. Ran was never put under the tutelage of one Master, she was passed from hands to hands, the recipient of the knowledge they were trying to trespass her. So she grew up, learning the ways of the light and of the Masters of Tsche. Ran demonstrated having a talent for being an apprentice, she made of learning something beautiful and seemingly easy. She enjoyed learning, it brought her a higher sense of peace with herself. And so her path became not only one of self-improvement but also of self-discovering, as with every day that passed she concentrated on making herself one with the knowledge she acquired and the Force that surrounded her.

Ran was nearing the ending times of her apprenticeship, but she felt she still had a lot to learn. She still had a lot to see, things she wouldn't see if she remained at the Temple of Tsche. So she spent long months at meditation, trying to discern what her heart wanted the most and which path the Force was showing her. It was not easy, abandoning what had been her whole world but she needed to brave what was outside of the moon that watched her breath since her very first moment of life. Ran renounced her status at the Temple, she dedicated her last days at Endor to say her goodbyes to every single people that had helped her through. And one of her most special goodbyes had been to the surrounding Ewok tribes, her dearest friends. Ran had never let too much time without visiting her friends from the forest, and every week she would visit the tree in which the Ewoks that had tried to save her lost their lives protecting her. Once they heard of the soon departure of the girl they had always called the blue butterfly, the Ewok gifted her with many trinkets, the ones she cherishes even to this day.

Now she had only one final task to achieve. She asked Daizo to adopt her, for in her eyes he had always been her father and she his daughter. Daizo agreed, and Ran adopted the Aohki surname before announcing her decision to leave Endor to her father and brother. To her surprise, Saiya had been sharing the same thoughts with her. And her decision had inspired him to take his, the siblings would be leaving Endor together. Daizo was saddened to see his two hatchlings fly away from the nest, but he would have never stopped them from pursuing their dreams. A few days after, Saiya and Ren boarded the old but trust-worthy freighter belonging to their family, and for the first time in many generations the Aohki had left Endor.

Ran and Saiya parted ways a couple of weeks after their departure from Endor, Ran wanting to see the Galaxy and Saiya wishing to go to one of the big, urbanized core planets to look for a job. And so her journey started, wandering whichever planets shuttles could take her to. Working in exchange of her travels, selling simple manufactured good and the occasional herbs or ointments, gaining enough to cover her needs and save a little, in case it where ever needed.

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