Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Random Idea

This is more of a random idea that I was pondering on and just wanted to see other individual's perspectives and thoughts on it and to hear what they think. Maybe even hammer something out for further development.

With the Factory setting the Company section to being open; it gives a bit more creative exploration to Companies (at least in my mind it does) beyond what the old Tier system permitted - which always seemed limiting. I fully respect and have great admiration to those that got their company's from Tier 1 up to Tier 6.

Idea wise though, it would focus on Wild Space - predominately the unused and empty hexes (which I've wanted to fill in for sometime now). The driving force would be a Federal Corporatocracy.

If anyone whose played Shadowrun knows, this can be done.

Simply put, the faction would focus on a Central Federal entity - The Corporate Court - which would act as an arbiter between the various Corporations. The Corporations themselves would maintain control over various Planets, Moons, Systems, etc etc within the territory of this overall Faction. Even a small corporation could maintain hold over a moon or planet under the system and still have say - albeit minor - in the activities of the Corporate Court.

The Corporate Court would maintain and hold the rights to such duties as Taxes within the territory, ensuring a Federal Military to supplant the Corporate forces on their worlds, enact and pursue wars and invasions (though individual or groups of Corporations could invade neighboring worlds to claim them).

I'm not gun-ho on this idea and wanting to get this done here and now and rushed out. I just wanted to see the thoughts and ideas that others might have; or if there's any interest in such a faction - as I know it is likely going to be a niche idea.

What are your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
[member="Amelia von Sorenn"] I the Techno Union was like this to an extent, don't know if the CIS followed that on though. As Techno Union was the CIS, when it changed its name. Though the current CIS, is not the old CIS.
It's mainly something to think about. The idea just kind of popped into my head and I figured it couldn't hurt to put it out there. I hadn't known that the Techno Union was similar - though it could still work.

The main aspect however would be the focus on Wild Space and opening that up more; as there are still quite a few empty hexes in that region - I had even gone so far as to count the potential of adding 150 custom planets to that entire region. That's what the faction would be focused on, exploring and claiming worlds that are known to be there, they just weren't on the map.



Well-Known Member
well simple try and design your faction, and then recruit, people when you have a formed idea. Though you could link up with major factions, to try and get some traction.
I wish you look, but my starting suggestion, is to start with thinking how your idea would work.
Then look for a planet to use as a base of operations, while you would not have real control of it, without a major faction backing.
Though if anyone came to it, they would respect you oocly, but decide how to take, but icly, they may be brutal.
This could let you then have way forward, and mold it and do rp from it.

Also good luck

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