Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Random Musings about the future... [Solo]

That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell
He finally finished.

The past 36 hours were spent personally writing more letters of passing of service members under his command after the invasion of Sluis Van that Liram Angellus had ever thought he would have to do in his career as a whole. True, he could have simply dictated them to a subordinate and signed them, but each one had to be “personal” to him because he took it as such.

That mission was a mess, but that was what it was dealing with the Sith Order, or Sith aligned ships in general. Those pilots, succumbing to some “magic trick” (Jen'qazoi) all died in their seats, the Marines being taken down not by live fire, but by something similar. He was angry about it, not that lives were lost, unfortunately this happens and will always happen in war, but he did not have to like it.

So he could do something about it.

Turning on his comm-link, the image of a younger “middle-aged” woman in what looked to be a jumpsuit.


We have some work to do.

“Shall I get an office set up?”

A conference room.

The look on her face said it all. “That’s a lot of work to do.”
The only easy day was yesterday.
He was not released yet, but out of I.C.U. no one came to visit, not his ex-wife, not his daughter, no one. Such is the life of a Special Forces Operator. He should not even be alive, what happened inside Echnos City, he should, “Raphael” should both be dead, and for what? For this? For this solitude? For this emptiness? No, there is a reason that they survived, and it was to make others pay for what happened to them. No more regrets, no more trying to be accepted. They were killers, they were meant to be killers and that is the way it is, nothing more, nothing less.

The Galactic Alliance had a lifestyle that the citizens deserved to live. It was more and more their job to make sure it was kept. The ends were going to have to justify the means in this case from now on.

The nurses did not want him to, but Bren got up and walked around. He was not going to be told to just sit there in that stupid bed and stew over the trauma he went through. Then he came across his friend. Raphael was laid up in a bed down the hall, they didn’t talk about what happened. What would be the point to do so? They were not talking about life after service. No, they were alive, they both could walk and that meant they were going back in the fight.

So what did they talk about?
That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell

There had been several days that had passed as Angellus sat in the conference room conferring with those around him. The mood was tense, but there was more to it than a simple meeting. It was a design session, there to this as there were not simply “starfighter” or “ship” designs, there was more to this meeting because of what Angellus had just gone through. This was the Research & Development staff for Guardian Authority Ltd.

Good Afternoon, sir.

What is this?

“Say ‘Hello’ to Advanced Robotic Combat Artificial Neural Entity or “A.R.C.A.N.E.” This is a new top of the line combat AI.

We have an AI, SERAPHIM…

“Yes, but ARCANE is different”

If I may, SERAPHIM had a hand in my design. In a manner of speaking.

“The difference between them is, ARCANE is combat oriented where SERAPHIM is more “all-purpose”.

What do you mean “combat-oriented?” What is the point of that? More appropriately, why do we need a combat AI?

“Well, because ARCANE will be the system AI for the UCAS fleet…”

The only easy day was yesterday.
They shouldn’t be alive…

… but they are…

… those who tried should have finished the job…

… now they will have to deal with the loose ends.

That was the mantra the two had as they went over what the future was looking like. It was bleak to be sure, but thus was the nature of the both of their lives. Of course that meant that changes needed to be made. Changes to their look, changes to their line up and most of all, changes to their methods. Simply “retooling” was not going to make it. They did not need “angels”, they needed “archangels”, warriors, they needed weapons, not just soldiers, or sailors.

That was of course if these karking nurses would let them out of the hospital…
That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell
Some time had passed and the development of the UCAS (Unmanned Combat Aerial Starfighter) system had progressed into the prototype stages. The testing grounds were abuzz with what would be seen today. The Admiral himself was there to oversee what was happening, he had his duties with the Galactic Alliance but this was taking precedence today. The news of a potential beginning to the system of ships brought a lot of excitement around the campus so there was a large gathering to watch what was capable.

Soon, out rolled a very sleek looking ship. It was really no bigger than a normal starfighter but there was something different about it.

Greetings! I am A.R.C.A.N.E. or Advanced Robotic Combat Artificial Neural Entity, I am in control of the A.R.T.I.M.U.S. URS (Unmanned Reconaissance Starfighter) you see before you.

The voice came from the speakers, but was emanating from the Starfighter.

I am a system that can and will be implanted into the UCAS system. While I will be in control of each ship, rest assured, I answer to you and my first directive is to your safety and protection, but not if it threatens or potentially harms you. I answer to Admiral Angellus, the Galactic Alliance, S.E.R.A.P.H.I.M. and you.

Angelus watched, surprised at the progress that was made. The ship… or “A.R.T.I.M.U.S.” is very “basic” but “functional”. The liftoff was fast...

Good start.

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