Social Information
• Name: Rang Un-Haku
• Force Sensitive: Yes
• Force Rank: Knight
• Class: Sentinel
• Force Alignment: Lightside
Physical Information
• Species: Near Human
• Race: Sephi Descent
• Gender: Female
• Age: 29
• Eye Color: Blue
• Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
• Skin: Fair, White.
Biography Summarized (will be updated as things go on)
• Cree Oyaya was born on the planet Mirial, a cold, dry, world. It was there she was detected to be Force-sensitive, and taken to begin her training as a Jedi at the Coruscant Jedi Temple. For years she trained in the ways of the Force, becoming skilled in manipulating it and honing her skill with a lightsaber. Upon achieving the rank of Jedi Knight, she dedicated herself to physical disciplines. Over the course of years she worked to further enhance her flexibility and agility in combat. During this time she worked to complete assignments under the High Council. Over the course of her career she had developed a good friendship with Jedi Master [member="Sochi Ru"] . In many of the conflicts during the war with the Empire the two would enter battle together. When she withdrew from the Jedi Order, Cree was disappointed as she couldn't understand her reasoning. Though she trusted Sochi's judgment on most things. She however decided to remain with the Jedi Order only for to see to it that the Republic thrived.
+ High Endurance - She was born with natural High Endurance. She has the ability to exert herself/ remain active for long periods of time. This works to her advantage as an defensive fighter.
+ Flexibility - As an Mirialan, this is something she has a natural aptitude for. Over the course of her Jedi career she has trained to greatly enhance this skill, allowing her to become flexible to the point where she can twist to evade most attacks that she does not block with her lightsaber.
+ Agility/Reflexes - This also is a innate skill she has obtained due to her heritage, she has also greatly dedicated time to see this ability enhanced well past its normal level. This has saw her co-ordination and balance improved.
- Hyperopia (Farsightedness) - Cree can see distant objects very well, but has difficulty focusing on objects that are up close. This may cause her to squint, and she can be prone to developing headaches due to eye strain.
- Over Confidence - Due to the fact that she has trained extremely hard she has become very comfortable with her abilities, and her confidence in them can quickly turn into overconfidence when she begins to underestimate her opponents skills.
- Tradionalist - She is a traditionalist at heart. She has been known to ignore commands that are otherwise considered not the way of the traditional Jedi. Her orthodoxed nature sometimes conflicts with the lax nature of the Jedi Order of now, but she nevertheless sticks to her duty as a Jedi.
+ Flexibility - As an Mirialan, this is something she has a natural aptitude for. Over the course of her Jedi career she has trained to greatly enhance this skill, allowing her to become flexible to the point where she can twist to evade most attacks that she does not block with her lightsaber.
+ Agility/Reflexes - This also is a innate skill she has obtained due to her heritage, she has also greatly dedicated time to see this ability enhanced well past its normal level. This has saw her co-ordination and balance improved.
- Hyperopia (Farsightedness) - Cree can see distant objects very well, but has difficulty focusing on objects that are up close. This may cause her to squint, and she can be prone to developing headaches due to eye strain.
- Over Confidence - Due to the fact that she has trained extremely hard she has become very comfortable with her abilities, and her confidence in them can quickly turn into overconfidence when she begins to underestimate her opponents skills.
- Tradionalist - She is a traditionalist at heart. She has been known to ignore commands that are otherwise considered not the way of the traditional Jedi. Her orthodoxed nature sometimes conflicts with the lax nature of the Jedi Order of now, but she nevertheless sticks to her duty as a Jedi.
Notable Force Powers
• Force Speed
• Telekinesis
• Force Bomb
• Alter the Environment (Generating/manipulating air currents)
• Adiabatic Shield
• WaveForm
• Force Sphere
• Magnify Senses
• Force Speed
• Telekinesis
• Force Bomb
• Alter the Environment (Generating/manipulating air currents)
• Adiabatic Shield
• WaveForm
• Force Sphere
• Magnify Senses
Notable Lightsaber Forms
• Form I: Shii-Cho
• Form V: Shien Variant
• Form V: Shien Variant