Willa Isard
Infiltration Specialist
Image Source: Pinterest Search "Ranger"
Name: Ranger's Division Infiltration Unit
Intent: To start a more focused and detailed unit management for rebellions, events, dominions
Affiliation: Order of The Silver Jedi
Availability: Rare
Quality: C - Trained
Type: Infantry
Strength: 20 Per Company (10 companies)
Description: Initial contact and advanced infiltration ranger's are something rarely used that the ranger's have been putting into things. The operatives are designated to infiltrate an area, blend in with the enemy fores/locals and take notes of what is needed and what problems might be initial in the operations in the area. Quelling and designating ones who might be used to stir rebellion against enemy forces or their own, locations where information is sent and can be controlled or sabotaged to provide mis information and operation with false flags generally. THey are trained and taken out of basic to be taught in secret so that there is less chance they will be seen or on records. Taught how to be spies and infiltrators to sabotage behind enemy lines in small cells with basic and minimal equipment. They will if needed join main soldiers and units to supply them information shoudl they require it in an operation or fight backing them up.
- Operation Greif: From experiences subbing and working in the codex, having something of a real world reference can help make it solid if the intent and description fails. As this is the closest idea that comes to mind for inspiration of the submission.
- Tangler Grenade:
- SHG-001- Ranger's Field Pistol:
- SCK-007- Ranger's Combat Knife:
Field Equipment: