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Ranks and Promotions

  • Thread starter Yusanis Myrishi
  • Start date

Yusanis Myrishi

SAINT is an extremely secretive, entirely compartmentalized group in order to preserve the safety of the network and its agents. That said, it's also a meritocracy. Those who work extensively with the organization and prove to be trustworthy and reliable find themselves rewarded with higher security clearance, and with it the benefits of rank. The way to get promoted is simple: fly missions for SAINT, and don't betray the organization's trust. Each promotion gets you further access to the organization's secrets and resources.

If you're a freighter captain working with SAINT, post here after completing one, three, or five missions to request higher security clearance. The three levels of clearance are described below, along with their benefits. If you are an agent or officer of SAINT, your rank won't change (although agents are welcome to request officer positions, the two jobs are very different and in many ways equal). However, if you are an Agent, Officer, or captain with Aurek clearance, you are eligible for the commendations below when you meet the requirements.

Rank Chart

Independent Contractors: Smugglers hired for their first mission on behalf of SAINT are not allowed any access to information about the organization; they are not even directly told who they are working for. They are contacted at cantinas and given missions that are clearly illegal under Sith law but not extremely sensitive. This is their trial period.

Cresh-Level Clearance: Smugglers at this level of clearance have completed one successful mission on behalf of SAINT. They are told who their employer is, and given access to a list of cantinas where they can go to pick up missions. They are also allowed access to more sensitive missions, such as those involving the smuggling of sentient beings out of Sith space.

Besh-Level Clearance: Smugglers at this level of clearance have completed three successful missions on behalf of SAINT. They are allowed access to a SAINT safehouse, where they can lay low and pick up new missions without the risk of being observed. They are also given access to SAINT’s ship refits, such as stealth modules and clever smuggling holds.

Aurek-Level Clearance: Smugglers at this level of clearance have completed five successful missions on behalf of SAINT. They are considered fully trustworthy, and allowed access to all of SAINT’s safehouses. They are given the riskiest of the missions SAINT offers, and are given access to the organization’s personal stealth tools to help accomplish them.

Agent of SAINT: Full-time agents of SAINT are tasked with gathering intelligence on occupied planets in order to identify opportunities for smuggling missions. They also assist smugglers in successfully completing those missions, and have access to SAINT’s full arsenal to help them do so. Agents are given great autonomy in their missions, but ultimately report to the Director.

SAINT Officer: Officers of SAINT are in charge of safehouses, coordinating movements of supplies, personnel, and outgoing refugees while keeping the location secret. They are permitted to act on information reported by agents and set up their own nonviolent missions, but such missions are subject to the Director’s approval.

Director: The Director of SAINT is in charge of recruitment and logistics, working to provide purpose and momentum to the entire organization. He seeks out sources of funding for SAINT’s operations, openings for missions into Sith space, and promising smugglers to carry out each operation. He is by necessity extremely secretive, as his death would shatter the group.

Longevity Medal - 3 missions | Longevity Medal - 6 missions | Longevity Medal - 9 missions

Aid Medal - help a fellow agent | Blade Medal - escape a Sith | Stealth Medal - go undetected
Medic Medal - save many lives | Ops Medal - plan a mission | Tech Medal - develop new tech

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