
. | Physical Traits | . | || | . | Personal Attributes |
. | Species | HUMAN | || | Faction | CONFEDERACY |
. | Sex | MALE | || | Position | KNIGHT OBSIDIAN |
. | Age | 25 | || | Rank | OBSIDIAN SQUIRE |
. | Height | 6’0 | || | . | . |
. | Weight | 185 | || | Known Alias(es) | N/A |
. | Eye Color | BLUE | || | Force Sensitive | YES |
. | Hair Color | DARK BROWN | || | Force Trained | YES |
. | Skin Color | WHITE | || | . | . |
/ Tactical Assessment \
/ Identifying Traits \
/ Personality Profile \
/ Background \
/ Criminal and Bounty Record \
/ Known Associates \
/ Possessions \
/ Force Powers & Lightsabre Forms \
DILIGENCE - Rann attacks any task presented before him and does not rest until it is completed.
FRIENDLY - Rann is very open and friendly with all people unless given a reason not to be. However, when someone dislikes him, he takes it personally and tries to repair the relationship.
SKILLED LIGHTSABER COMBATANT - Training with Riamah has sharpened Rann's ability with a lightsaber.
SKILLED AT BLASTER DEFLECTION/REFLECTION - Training with Riamah has sharpened Rann's ability to deflect blasterbolts
ADEPT AT FORCE USE - Training with Riamah has allowed Rann to tap into the Force more accurately, deepening his connection to it and allowing him to draw upon it.
SKILLED HAND-TO-HAND COMBATANT - Training with Riamah has given Rann a passable skill in hand-to-hand combat incase his weapon is ever stripped or otherwise lost to him.
- BRAVE - Rann will charge into danger at any given opportunity.
GROWING INSANITY - Due to trauma sustained on Ryloth, Rann’s mental state is steadily declining, giving way to the Darkside.
EMP - Due to Rann’s robotic right arm, an EMP will short circuit it, making it useless.
PRIDE - Rann is incredibly prideful. A defeat or asking for help will hurt his pride.
DILIGENCE - Rann attacks any task presented before him and does not rest until it is completed.
- Rann has a Robotic Right Arm he was forced to get after the Battle of Ryloth
- Rann is a nice, good person. He’s quick with a joke and even quicker with a smile. He doesn’t seek anyone to be his enemy. As of recently, a darkness has begun taking hold of Rann following incredibly traumatic circumstances on Ryloth
Rann was born on Onderon in 830 ABY in the capital city of Iziz to a lower class mother, never fully aware or particularly caring who his father was. He grew up relatively happy and was raised with ideals of self-preservation alongside a small degree of empathy by his mother. A man his mother had taken as her partner in his life was present when Rann's Force Attunement was discovered, and he convinced Rann to use his gifts to benefit his family. Performing magical tricks around the markets for children using the Force, Rann made enough money to supplement his family's income. Not capable of more advanced tricks, Rann focused on more sleight of hand and small movement tricks, seeking more to confuse then amaze. Never the less, Rann was entertaining, and quickly became known as the Amazing Rann around Iziz' marketplaces. When the Markets were closed, Rann and his step-father would go rob from businesses, using Rann's attachment to the Force as a tool.
One day, however, a mysterious woman arrived in Iziz. Derailing, and then out right exposing Rann's show, the woman alluded to power and potential Rann had not yet reached before disappearing. With his Reputation as a magician ruined courtesy of the woman who indirectly referred to herself as Sith, Rann decided it was time to leave Onderon behind and seek to fulfill this potential the woman mentioned. Not knowing how exactly to go about it, Rann boarded a ship and headed directly to Kashyyyk.
After landing on Kashyyyk and making some acquaintances with the Jedi in the area, Rann met a strange masked man piloting a very familiar ship. Rann did not know why, but he knew the ship from somewhere. The man, Ar'ekk, interested Rann and told him more of the Force, helping Rann begin to unlock his deeper potentials. Rann realized the ship was the famed Ebon Hawk and realized quickly that he needed to be on the ship, and trained by the man who owned it. Rann had become a Jedi Padawan.
Rann traveled to Voss with his Master and his Master's sister, Aren D'Shade. There, Rann experienced a vision regarding his greatest fear: obscurity. Vowing to never be forgotten, Rann salvaged an old Sith Lightsaber from the ruins of the Jedi Temple on Voss and quickly went about training to become an adept lightsaber wielder.
Rann and Aren, having departed from Ar'ekk, arrived at the shipyards of Mon Cala in search of a ship they could call their own. Upon finding a suitable candidate, the duo proceeded to board the ship and commandeer it. However, the security detail on board refused to simply give up the ship to the two thieves, and attacked them. Here, Rann had to take his first life. The two guards crumpled to the floor, dead, after a quick skirmish in which they injured Rann. With new scarring on his abdomen, Rann and Aren departed the Shipyard for their new adventures.
The ship that had been taken by Rann and Aren had arrived over Vjun. There, they were hailed by the local forces and ordered to land. Upon landing, they were introduced to a group of people called The Dark Hand. On the planets surface, outside Darth Vader's ancient stronghold Bast Castle, the two were split up, and Rann would not reunite with Aren for some time.
Rann was then introduced to Riamah, an extremely powerful force user who promised to teach Rann more about the Force and lightsaber techniques. The two would train together for some time before Rann set out on his own, looking to put Ra's teachings to good use however he could. Ra would teach Rann many things and greatly enhance his powers, and Rann would also make great use of the Libraries in Bast Castle, absorbing all he could of Force techniques and Lightsaber skills.
Rann rejoined with Aren on the planet Dorsis. Spending much time together, the pair would join in a scheme to defraud charitable organizations on the planet Iokath
Rann joined the Confederacy in time for the invasion of Ryloth by the Agents of Chaos. He fought on the ground against Rylothi insurgents and AOC soldiers to protect Ryloth and her inhabitants. Rann lost an arm during the battle to a Twi’lek suicide bomb and has since acquired a new, robotic one AND a darker personality inside of his mind that he was unaware of at this time.
- No Criminal Record or Collected Bounties at this time.
Aren D'Shade
Key: - Apprentice | [II] - Knight | [III] - Master | [IIII] - Apex
FORCE POWERS- [II] Telekinesis
- [II] Force Vision
- [II] Mind Trick
- [II] Telepathy
- [II] Speed
- [II] Force Cloak
- [II] Force Lightning
- [II] Pyro Kinesis
- [II] Cryo Kinesis
- [/I][/I]
- [II] Soresu
- [II] Djem-So
- [II] Makashi
- [II] Shii-cho
- [II]Dual Lightsaber
- [II] Single Lightsaber
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