Rartimro Fa'athra
Name: Rartimro Fa'athra | Age: 350 Years Old |
Species: Hutt | Skin Color: Tan |
Gender: Hermaphrodite | Eye Color: Orange |
Height: 9'0" | Force Sensitive: No |
Weight: 2,350 | Homeworld: Nal Hutta |
Rartimro Fa'athra known as Rartimro the Hutt is a member of the Ancient Fa'athra Clan. Born to a single parent, Humppa Fa'athra was quite a talented businesswoman and gained much fortune for her clan to expand after having become a laughing stock over the years for being outsmarted by the Nem'ro Clan during the Old Republic Period. Starting out with quite a considerable fortune was immensely helpful to the rise of Rartimro and successfully launched a small merchant empire on Nal Hutta until the Brny'adul Empire destroyed it.
Joining the "Mancheron Association of Food & Beverages' underneath the 900-Year-Old Paranoda Mancheron Boggurobb. Operating as an Executive Manager at the First Nar Shaddaa Branch. Rartimro gained work experience which allowed him to slowly regain the respect of the other clans who humiliated him. Driven by a desire to raise his Ancient Ancestor Voontara Fa'athra from obscurity over his defeat by Nem'ro and permanently eliminate the rival clan. Rartimro was not one to wait around for power and killed his mother for Lordship of the Fa'athra Clan.
Becoming quite a powerful Hutt within the galaxy working alongside the Gorensla Clan underneath Ozzmo the Hutt. Establishing himself as a Crime Lord operating within the very south near the Ashlan Crusade and the Empire.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Hutt Skin Benefits | Slow Mobility |
Business Management | Obsessed with Revenge |
Mind Trick Resistance | Quite Greedy |