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[SIZE=10.5pt]"Do not fear, stride forth and greet death with arms open.[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]"[/SIZE]

General Information
Full Name
Rass. Sigma Two.
Saurin (Cyborg)
Planet of Birth
Vocal Sample

Physical Information
Six Foot Seven
Four hundred and fifteen pounds.
Physical Build
Skin Tone

Psychological Information
Relationship Status
Humble | Bloodthirsty | Apathetic | Tactician
Ras possesses an intense desire for conflict, as it is the only thing he truly 'does' with his life. He often views subjects from a military perspective, and is willing to sacrifice much for advantage. Ras has been augmented for over fifty years, and has spent all of those years upon a battlefield or another. His mind has been absent from all external sensation during that decade, he has forgotten what it felt like to 'feel' and cannot relate to a comrade in pain. While he is not completely without emotion, there is a clear apathetic edge to his personality.
During his youth, he was also willing to sacrifice himself for his planet if need be, although his patriotism towards Durktel came into serious question after he was forced back into battle after battle, despite whatever injuries were inflicted on the young Saurin. The hutt funded Durktel separatists compensated each 'serious' wound a Saurin soldier receives with a cybernetic augment, eventually creating a veteran cyborg. This showcased to him how even the best of soldiers are expendable to the whims of politicians.

Strengths and Weaknesses

- This character is a cyborg, his augmented body allows him to run faster, hit harder, and react faster to most situation.
- Ras's body is heavily armored, muted to pain, and ion shielded. He can withstand a great deal of punishment that might kill a pure organic.
- Several cybernetic upgrades are present, see cybernetics section.
- This character still needs to perform bodily functions; eat, sleep, poodoo.
- Ras can still die of injury, illness, and age.
- Unnatural lifespan is affecting Ras's mental state, the older he grows the more his organic parts break down.
- Heavy weapons. This character is skilled with the light and heavy blaster repeaters.
- Demolitions. This character is familiar with most conventional explosives, grenades to breaching charges.
- CQC. When forced into close quarters combat, Ras relies on his brute strength and wields a vibroknife.

Skills,Equipment and Cybernetics

"Move and fire. Move and fire"
Having been pulled into battle at a young age, Ras possesses ninety years of general combat experience- seventy of those years been spent augmented. His organic memory still contains a huge variety of battlefield memories, scenarios that guide and give Ras a solid understanding of tactical planning. Kanto has seen war, and understands what will or will not work in a firefight. His experiences also makes him a formidable combatant; skilled with his heavy blaster, and having a familiarity with most military equipment.

"Gonna take more then that-"
Three quarters machine, Ras' still maintains a cardiovascular and digestive system but appears to have lost his reproductive system. He stills eats and drinks , and has the ability to get inebriated to some extent. Designed by Durkeel's armed forces with Saurin biology in mind, Kantoo's augments exploit his body's regenerative factor during installing. This fits the augments perfectly to the user's flesh, and allows Ras to move with grace as opposed to a slow lumber. Ras's brain, heart, and remaining vital organs have been relocated to his heavily armored chest section. Having somehow escaped brain damage during the wartime injuries that forced him to be rebuilt as a cyborg, he maintains all of his original memories, and his personality. His voice has changed somewhat, though the polyphonic speech synthesizer he now uses produces a clear Saurin 'hiss'Head section; He has eight eyes mounted on his head, four in his face, two at the bases of his antenna sensors, facing backward, and two at the tips, which allow him to safely look around corners. A secondary droid brain is present in the head section, and is used to process and filter the stream of visual data. Both 'ears' actually serve as a datajack, allowing Ras to access and store digital data. The head section is equipped with a secure comlink. A center mounted 'HYPERSTAR' model flash weapon has been mounted in the center of the head unit, giving the ability Ras to blind opponents in close quarters.
Chassis: His body is more or less intact, now a combination of real flesh and durasteel. His chest section is the more heavily armored, plated with four inches of hardened durasteel and containing his major organs. A V10 sonic projector has been installed in the frame's right shoulder, enabling Ras to project audio to violent levels.
Also referred to as the 'Transdoshan Repeater', the D variant of Blastech's ancient design has been designed specifically for the Transdoshan species. Basically a plus sized version of the DC-15F, the 15D is a light repeater with respectable power- and fully comparable with any Blastech attachments. Ras's personal weapon is equipped with an electronic scope and a vibrobayonet. The bayonet contains a cortosis weave
Ras wears a blast-vest over his augmented chassis, plated with five inches of durasteel and equipped with a medium grade personal shield. Webbing poodoos along the front of his vest, allowing him to haul extra ammo or equipment. Both of his arms are protected by a three inches durasteel 'sleeve' running between his shoulders and his wrists. This sleeve contains a cortosis
Misc equipment.
Ras carries a variety of extra equipment via his blast vest.
6x - Powerpacks
4x - Anti-armor grenades.
6x - Powerpacks
4x - Anti-armor grenades.
3x Breaching packs
1x Combat blade - A twelve inch vibroknife containing a cortosis weave.


Personal Information

"I'm not all that interesting really."
(I'm gonna get a google doc for this- for now just gonna leave an outline)
- Ras was born on Durktel during the beginning of the 'Saurin Conflicts' - A brief but intense period of conflict between loyalist and hutt aligned combatants.
- Ras ended up on the side of the hutts, and was pressed into battle at the 'adult' age of 13. Gained first augmentation shortly after.
- Saurin conflicts officially continued for the next three years, however underground skirmishes continue until Ras is 20. Possesses fifteen augmentations
- Suffered a facial injury, severe enough to warrant a full body replacement. Organs were severed and moved to chest cavity, Ras emerges as a veteran cyborg.
- Hutts repulsed from Durktel, Ras escaped during the chaos. Earning a 300,000 credit bounty.
- Spent the next seventy years as a wandering mercenary, drifting from battle to battle
- Encountered; nearly killed, and was eventually saved by Koda Fett. A gesture that cemented a bond between him and the Mandalorian.