Image Credit: https://forums.rober...line-gerovit/p1
Intent: To fulfill the upgrade kit won by Aedan Miles in the Saybin Auctions. To be completely clear, Aedan bought the fighter, won the auction lot and asked that the Rassilon he purchased be the craft fitted with the modular customizations within the kit. This was by no means developed by RRDI and is not thus reproducible by RRDI. Credits to the original submission here.
Development Thread: None
Manufacturer: Silk Holdings, Ri'ess Regal Drives
Model: Custom Rassilon-Class Elite Starfighter
Affiliation: [member="Aedan Miles"]
Modularity: None
Production: Single-Unique
Material: Individual parts cast or milled from titanium, durasteel, or terenthium-desh depending on stress modeling. Titanium alloy gold-lined canopy. Condensed-matter composite engine housing.
The Rassilon-class was inspired by the ancient TIE Defender. Capable of outflying line starfighters, and far more durable than interceptors, the Rassilon-class is an elite fighter for elite pilots and squadrons, but wings of this vessel would not exist. It is also heavily marketed to high-rolling private buyers looking for a personal starfighter, comparable to Prince Xizor’s Virago or General Grievous’ Soulless One. As the warhead launchers and non-combative attachments are modular, for twenty-four possible combinations, each starfighter can be marketed as unique.
Unlike the vast majority of starships in the modern era, which are either built wholly of a single metal or have one metal for the frame and another for the hull plating, the Rassilon-class is the result of careful stress testing and mathematical modeling. Optimum estimates for required tensile strength, malleability, conductivity and impact resistance were balanced for each part in relation to the whole, and in relation to the stresses of common impacts and maneuvers. Each metallic part of the resulting starship is made of titanium, durasteel, or terenthium-desh, as dictated by actual structural needs. This process maximizes durability, minimizes weight, and ensures that every structural part is made from a suitable material. As these metals have very similar and minimal expansion/contraction rates when exposed to heat and cold, the vessel’s structural integrity does not suffer when transitioning from atmosphere to space, or when exposed to high heat. Manufacturing cost, however, is increased somewhat.
The starship’s most important element is certainly speed. As Silk has always had an interest in powerful, experimental hyperdrives -- marketing, among others, a frigate-sized exploration craft with a class 0.5 FTL rating -- this vessel mounts a hyperdrive which can match the ancient Bes'uliik. The first comes from the Aleph-Class starfighter which Jorus Merrill obtained some time ago by contracting to enhance the Fringe Confederation shipyards over Annaj, a vessel which he has flown on several occasions, including Operation Promised Land. (Disclaimer: This does not rise to the level of fully reverse engineering a speed-0.5 event ship.)
The second set of design insights was obtained by Rave Merrill in the process of a wholesale acquisition of stock in a tier-four corporation’s starship engineering subsidiary. The acquisition specifically involved access to experimental starship engine prototypes. Although these were not, specifically, superior to Silk’s experimental engines, they did provide useful insights in a fairly quiet bit of corporate espionage.
The third set of insights stems from the heist of the Vos-class praxeum ship Tranquility, which stocked eight squadrons of starfighters and SLAM-capable interceptors prior to its emergency evacuation; any remaining partial starfighter technology, such as from maintenance bays, was claimed by Jorus alongside his payment for his role as the heist’s secret getaway driver. At the time, he was under a million-credit bounty and believed the CIS considered him an irrevocable enemy.
The fourth set of design insights came from the Rebel Alliance raid on the top-secret Sith Empire research facility at Styx, a raid which specifically secured several prototype and elite starfighters.
As a result of these four sets of design insights, plus Silk's not inconsiderable experience and the skills obtained through the acquisition of Eshan Drive Yards, the Rassilon is very, very fast.
Corusca Wings Upgrade Kit:
"A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, RRDI is celebrating its success and new, exclusive line of light ordinance weapons by compiling one very special upgrade package for one lucky bidder. Includes free installation and delivery."
(Includes two Foxtrot Vulcan Blaster Cannons, one Oberon Variable-Pulse Composite-Beam Cannon, one Skysword Air-Burst Guided Missile Rack with three ABGM warheads, Advanced Targeting System, Advanced Sensor Array, one Wispmother Duping Countermeasure Pod, a built-in CZ-HKD Droid Brain, one Custom Plated HoloSynth™ Canopy, one MMSHMD-A01 Alpha Flight Helmet, one MMSA-10 Combat Flight Suit, and free installation (subbed on your behalf); a 111,630 Credit retail value)
Classification: Elite Starfighter
Role: Custom Personal Starship
Height: 2.8m
Width: 3.9m
Length: 7.1m
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Solar Ionization Reactor, Backup Fuel Cells
Hyperdrive Rating: 0.4
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 1-2
- [ 2 ] Foxtrot Vulcan Blaster Cannon
- [ 1 ] Swivel-Mounted Oberon Model B Variable-Pulse Composite Beam Cannon
- [ 1 ] Skysword Air-Burst Guided Missile Launcher (3 Warheads)
- [ 1 ] Starfighter-Grade Wispmother Duping Countermeasures Pod
- N/A
- RRDI HoloSynthTM Cockpit System
- Communications Array
- Encryption Network
- Holonet Transceiver
- Advanced Deflector Shield Generator
- Standard Life Support Systems
- Navigational Systems
- Advanced Sensor Array
- Advanced Targeting System
- Built-In CZ-HKD Droid Brain
- Astrogation Buffer
Cargo Capacity: 1 cubic metre
Consumables: Six days for one person, or three days for two
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 1.0