Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Ratatata-Makatak-a | GA Dominion of Makatak


The Expansion Region
A Second Great Hyperspace War Story

The effects of the first major strike against the Brotherhood Maw have sent shockwaves across all of Alliance territory. New Alliance legislation has passed, most notably the Common Soldier Act which now only needs implementation across the hundreds of Alliance member worlds. Credits are flowing freely into as many pockets as possible, and the prosperity of the market grows to ever increasing heights. As morale grows, so does the tension of old allies and new foes rising across the northern horizon of the Alliance. Will the Alliance manage to keep stability as their neighbors begin to harbor ill will towards them?

Can the Alliance Intelligence Tinker further with their efforts? Can the Senate Tailor a better future? Or will there be Spies in every corner? And perhaps finally Soldiers will march towards a greater and more devastating war?

Objective I: “Embracing the Wider Galaxy”

Makatak’s history is one hardly filled with much in modern galactic happenstance, but it’s technology is another matter. The Alliance will find no Imperial sympathizers among the population, but how far will the Rakatan people go to assist the Galactic Alliance? Will they see joining the Alliance as an act of aggression against potential Maw forces? Will their temperament hold during discussions or will they clamor and shut down, forever rejecting the wider galaxy?

Delegates of the Senate and Alliance have been sent to both better understand the potential of the people of Makatak and express the mutual benefits of participating in the larger galaxy.

Objective II: Makatalking about?

On Makatak the most unique traits of the planet are the shipyard and technology based around them. The history books told great tales of the Infinite Empire and their Star Forge that helped them conquer much of the known Galaxy at that time. What remains though are a pale imitation, but even such diluted power can cause havoc, especially with how close proximity this system is from both the Eternal Empire and the Brotherhood of the Maw. The SIA plan on both ensuring the technology remains in the hands of the Makatak Tribes (And Alliance) while the Alliance’s enemies receive nothing but coal this Life Day.

Objective III: Manic Makattack

Now that the passage of the Common Soldier Act has been voted and passed, this will lead to greater spending across many Member worlds; And now the Galactic Alliance Defense Force must come to the realization that they might very well be reinforced in the future with forces not originating from their own GADF Military Academy and Training Sites. Instead to fill the ranks the Private Militaries, Planetary Defense Forces and nearly all manner of Security Companies might one day serve on the Front lines alongside the soldiers of the GADF.

With that in mind, Makatak presents a perfect opportunity for GADF Commanders to better understand the new Irregular Military Forces and see how well these forces handle when outside of their home system and now patrolling new potential hostile space.


Share your own story about Makatak or any part of the greater Galaxy. The amount of stories are just as numerous as the stars in the night sky.
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Long aeons had passed since the Rakata had stood (mostly) unified against the galaxy, since they had waged war on creatures of myth with methods and technology even the brightest, most eccentric of minds were unable to replicate.

Ever since they had wallowed in tribalism and internecine violence.

Ever since their ruins had been pilfered by those desperate to rediscover even a sliver of their power.

All the while their culture, their social structures, their behavioural patterns had gone criminally unstudied. Granted, that was at least partially due to a general unwillingness to be studied, but Kal was not about to let that stop him.

Having spooled up a Rakatan-looking body and ingratiated himself into a distant tribe under the pretences of his former home being sacked, Kal had received a truly unique close-in perspective. A bit too close-in, as it would turn out.

"Damnation." Wiping 'blood' from his chin, he pulled back another step, adopting a defensive stance.

How was he supposed to have known he would be dragged into ritual combat?

Maybe he should have tried a more centralised tribe instead.


The Human




Makatak Shipyard, Outer Edges in TIE/ST Stealth Transport

Exfiltration Transport: Flatwell Cloaked Carrier Cruiser, 3x TIE/ST Stealth Transports, Starfighter Support
Allies: 12x Elite Raptor Super Commandos, 1x TIE/ST Stealth Transport
Personal Equipment: Force Armour and Mask, Two Lightsabers (x) (x) ,2x Nadir Repeating Blasters, Whistling Bith Shotgun, 2x Whistiling Bird Grenades, 3x Bouncing Multi-Purpose Grenades (Concussion), Weaponized Breaching Oxidizer Foam (2 Use)
Big Weapon: The Bomb
TAG: Spirit of Virtuosity Spirit of Virtuosity Kal Kal (Open)

The shuttle slowly drifted along in space, cloaking device activated as the ship drifted silently among the Solar Winds. Being pulled from his assignment on last minute notice, possibly saving someone from having their body disintegrated, he was put onto another assignment by his commander, Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen . A shipyard was soon to be reactivated and slowly pumping out starships, something the Brotherhood of the Maw did not want to have happen. That was why he was given this assignment, he was very good at what some call, "Suicide" missions.

Outliving the Proving Grounds and killing several, including the Overseer, living through the riot and retrieval of VIPs after killing a Jedi Knight by the bare skin of his teeth on Epoch and single handedly stopping a dreadnought in the Vinesworn Rebellion with a bomb...he has a track record of surviving just about everything thrown at him. While the latter did require facial reconstruction and some time off, he was already ready to go again. Tapping the lightsabers in the insides of his armor, he overlooked the twelve Elite Raptor Super Commandos, two of which he personally asked to come with from his time on Epoch, having them as his twin second in commands for fire groups that split into two.

Alpha consists of six members, their sole objective once the split off is to go into the computer core and download schematics on current build operations assigned to the shipyard. Hopefully, this would exploit weaknesses in their current starship designs and make the fight a bit more towards the balance of Brotherhood of the Maws. Once the objective is completed, they are to retreat back to the shuttlecraft and await Beta.

Beta consists of the other six members and Dalos Cameron, they are to move as close to the center as possible with the Bomb and set a ten minute timer before retreating. This was a Haon Hafey special and being the first one, he wanted the Galactic Alliance to understand what treachery felt like from the other end. Once it is timed at ten minutes, they were to leave in the shuttle craft at the two minute mark, no exceptions. If not, they may not be able to get away fast enough to foresee their own future. The bomb was placed onto a very large gravlift for two members to push and pull into position.

The bomb in question, barely fit in the transport itself as the thirteen members were squeezed into the edges of the transport as each one had a cautious look over this bomb. It had a kilometer diameter kill zone, meaning just standing here is enough to ensure death and be enough to cripple the shipyard, with the shockwave ring hopefully able to finish it off once and for all. It all stands however, to hopefully see minor security during the celebrations. Rather slowly, the shuttle drifted in cloaked stealth right near the shipyard and gently using its ion thrusters, it went onto the hull of the station, carefully hooking onto one of the closer docking areas as it clamped onto it.

Letting the doors open after it pressurized inside, it showed the airlocked door as Dalos nodded towards two of the Raptors, one of them carrying a Weaponized Breaching Oxidizer Foam as it sprayed all over the outside of it. Within seconds, the metal on the airlock would start to rust as it cracked, snapping and started to fall apart. After fifteen seconds, Dalos merely shoved his left hand onto it as the door fell forward, destroyed as it crumbled into dust as he looked back towards the others and made a motion, two of them starting to push the Bomb as they started to walk in the station as the other ten walked with weapons drawn.

It was going to be loud, and there was no other way they would prefer it.



ENEMIES: Dalos Cameron Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen



Kalie leaned back in the office chair, overlooking the security camera feed that was displayed on multiple large screens, revealing most of the shipyard as cameras cycled periodically to reveal new angles and rooms.

She was adorned in her newly-developed Stealth Infiltrator armor, one of the many new developments that was coming out of Kobitana Industries as of late. It fit like a glove, and proved to be rather comfortable to the Senior SIA Agent. It boasted cutting-edge stealth technology that could change the color of the armor to blend in to her surroundings, but for now it was in its static white. Hopefully it was overkill for the current assignment, but Kalie had honestly been looking for an excuse to try it out in the field.

Standing in the room with her were four Lujian Guardians; Force guards who were the first batch of the Lujian Armed Forces, trained extensively in lightsaber combat and defensive techniques. They would prove to be quite the asset if any trouble arose. Kalie mused upon the many advantages she had gained from Tiresh becoming Senator of Lujo, as well as her push for the development of the Lujian Armed forces in light of the galactic conflict that was emerging at an alarming pace. These were her first creations… and she was looking forward to seeing how effective they would prove to be in real-life scenarios. While not necessarily intended to be offensive units, they would be very helpful when it came to defense.

She was expecting other agents to be arriving shortly. Kalie had been sent as a first response based on some intel that there might be an attempt by the Maw or the Sith to obtain the technology and assets of the facility. It was not a fully authenticated report, however better to be safe than sorry. So she had made contact with the Facilities overseers a few days ago, and they had stubbornly allowed for her to set up shop in their old security office, which had been rather run down. But Kalie had quickly gotten everything up to speed, installing a decent camera system that covered all of the major points of interest. It wasn't comprehensive, of coarse, she didn't have THAT many cameras… but if anything got close to anything important, she would know instantly.




The marching and drills had been flawless. The combat demonstrations had been executed perfectly. Every soldier had been the demanding expectations of their commander.

And yet, they still sickened him.

Chaar watched the Makatan military demonstration from the tiered seating overlooking the military academy parade square. Senior Galactic Alliance Defense Force commanders were interspersed between their Makatan colleagues to observe the proceedings. Chaar had been partnered with a local squadron leader, through the Umbaran's dour attitude and proclivity to pay little mind to anyone who couldn’t advance his career had seen the officer quickly find an excuse to depart.

If this was the future of the Alliance, the future was not bright.

Revenant Squadron, while never meeting Chaar’s impossible standard, had demonstrated an aptitude for success honed on the battlefield. They’d developed their art of war at the business end of the enemy’s weapons, not in the service of a two-bit local militia. The local's uniforms and weapons were neat and tidy - too neat, free from the subtle signs of wear incurred through regular use.

Starfighter Command only took the best. Mataka looked like they’d dug out every military-age adult they could to assemble this pitiful performance. All the locals were doing was demonstrating their ability to repeat practised routines. A stun grenade hurled into the parade ground would quickly bring the performance to a grinding hold.

The lawmakers on Coruscant saw this as the future of the Alliance, the shield that would protect them from the onslaught of the Brotherhood.

Chaar saw it as collateral damage, amateurs who would only distract the professions and get in their way.

Exacerbated at what we was seeing, Chaar rose from his seat and headed toward the exit.



The Human




Makatak Shipyard

Exfiltration Transport: Flatwell Cloaked Carrier Cruiser, 3x TIE/ST Stealth Transports, Starfighter Support
Allies: 12x Elite Raptor Super Commandos, 1x TIE/ST Stealth Transport
Personal Equipment: Force Armour and Mask, Two Lightsabers (x) (x) ,2x Nadir Repeating Blasters, Whistling Bith Shotgun, 2x Whistiling Bird Grenades, 3x Bouncing Multi-Purpose Grenades (Concussion), Weaponized Breaching Oxidizer Foam (2 Use)
Big Weapon: The Bomb
TAG: Spirit of Virtuosity Spirit of Virtuosity Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez (Open)

There was some chatter as people walked in and around the main hub for the engineering offices. Several people working for the shipyard would walk past different sections as the doors nearby would open up to the arrival of the twelve Raptors and Dalos as the place almost went to a standstill. Rather quickly, blaster fire erupted all across the area as it became quickly a massacre of unarmed personal and armed, blaster bolts ricocheting off terminals and cabinets all around. It would only take about twelve seconds before it ended, the hissing of smoking barrels as the group pushed into the engineering hub as the group looked amongst the piles of bodies they left in their wake, Dalos pointing with one of the Nadirs as they smoked as well.

"Alpha, you are up to the left. Beta, on me. We got a bomb to place."

Six of the Raptors would give a curt nod, making a motion as they went through one set of doors as Beta, the six others with Dalos, took the other one. Alpha would reach the central computer network within three to five minutes. Beta would reach their point of detonation in about five to seven. Wherever they went, people were killed without remorse, civilian or not. This was a war, anything to deny them assets was a destined success in their books. While they were liberal on not shooting out camera systems, once in a while, a camera would be shot out and if anyone was smart, an alarm would be going off at any moment now. Dalos would speak up as he bounced one of his grenades around the corner from some security personal hiding behind a wall, only for them to be shot out from the concussion grenade and killed from it.

"Remember, we are on the clock gentlemen. No prisoners, no one is coming with us today."



ENEMIES: Dalos Cameron Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen



"...But have you ever tried some?" Kalie probed Orish, one of the Ashmaarian Guardians, who had expressed a lack of interest in Kalies whiskey due to his heritage.

"No… I have not. But… I will take your word for it, mam." Traditionally, Ashmaarians rarely left their homeward of Lujo, choosing to live simple and peaceful lives surrounded by nature and family. It wasn't until the threat was brought forward of the Maw and the Sith, and the need to protect their lifestyle and families, that they began to join the Lujian forces by the droves.

And so the galaxy was a new adventure for the Ashmaarians who had signed up… full of new experiences, cultures, and… Whiskey.

Kalie pulled back the flask, giving him a nod of understanding,

"Very well. I respect that. Have you ever tried any spirit of any kind?"

The seemingly timid Guardian shook his head sheepishly, "Never have. My family… we had never even known it existed." Kalie nodded slowly, tapping the table with her finger as she looked back over the screens.

"What's been the hardest thing about leaving your home on Lujo?" She asked, feeling an edge of guilt that it was in fact her actions as Tiresh that had ultimately led this young Ashmaarian male away from the traditional life that he loved.

The Guardian paused, as if looking for the right words. His three brethren beside him bowed their heads slightly, as if they already knew what he would say in response,

"I miss the ocean… My mother… my brothers and sisters… and my father… my tribe…" Kalie bowed her head solemnly, acknowledging how much had likely changed for him in the recent months.

"I miss the ocean to…". She said in a soft voice, causing all four of the Ashmaarians to look up at her in slight surprise.

"The oceans of… Lujo?" One of the others probed.

Kalie breathed in deeply, knowing she should probably not let them know that she was an Alverez… but she felt a special bond with them at the same time that allowed for her to let down her guard.

"My last name is Alverez…" All four of them looked at each other with surprise, then back at the agent.

"You're a... member of the House of Alverez?" One repeated, trying to process the information. Kalie nodded, giving them a slight smile. Then the Ashmaarians looked at each other, then back to Kalie, nodding in a solemn and shared nostalgia that they all felt for the beautiful planet that they had all grown up on. It was a special moment, for all of them, including Kalie…

Suddenly an alarm went off. Kalie jumped out of her chair with her eyes darting back to the screen as she witnessed at least a dozen elite troopers opening fire on the shipyard personnel. It was apparent that they were not in the business of taking prisoners as Kalie's heart sank at the horrific display.

"Kriff!" She exclaimed, waiving her hand to the Guardians, "You guys get suited up!"

"Yes mam!"
They all shouted in unison as they ran to their Winged Guardian V1 Armor and quickly began to get suited up as Kalie activated her coms and sent out a message on all active GADF Channels,

"Mayday mayday! This is the Makatak Shipyard! We are being raided by Maw troopers, repeat, we are being raided by Maw troopers! We are in need of immediate assistance!"

She then grabbed her datapad and hit the send button, which would transmit a pre-written, encoded message directly to IVI IVI confirming an active attack and a request for immediate assistance from any available agents within the vicinity, as well as requesting confirmation for the primary objective.

Kalie surveyed the feeds, trying to determine what they were up to. She gritted her teeth as they shot out some of her cameras, but she was able to determine a likely vector for both teams of troopers as they split off from each other.

"They've got a bomb…" She said, pointing at the screen as one group made their way further into the shipyard. "Their going to blow this place sky high. If that's the case…" She looked towards another screen, finally pointing at one of the cameras, "They are likely heading here. It's the ideal place to set off a bomb." She snapped back to the other group, studying their movement vector, "These guys are likely heading to the Central computer network." Kalie placed her finger against her cheek as she processed the intel. They were highly outnumbered, and if reinforcements did not arrive…

She looked back towards her Guardians…

It was likely that none of them would survive…

This could be Kalies last stand.

She knew the objective… she knew the assignment…. And she knew what she was suppose to do as an agent… But for the first time, there was a conflicting wrestle occurring on the inside of the senior agent. What about Tiresh? What about the future she was fighting for? Was all that to be sacrificed for some run down shipyard? Did the cost outweigh the reward?

And then… there was Gramani Fey’la Gramani Fey’lashe didn't want to die… she wanted to be with him… she wanted to build a life with him…

She shoved both arms up, covering her face as she let out a desperate groan.

Not like this…. Not now…

Finally she threw herself from the screens and dashed over to the weapons crate that they had brought with them, pulling out two smaller-sized fully automatic SMG blasters. She turned to the Guardians, who were now prepared and awaiting her command.

"We're going to protect this shipyard… even if it costs us our very lives! Stand with me, and let's fight for Lujo… for freedom… for our families!" She had a look of determination, but there was also a hint of desperation and fear that subtly graced her face as well. If the Guardians noticed, they did not show any sign of it as they saluted their commanding officer.

"For Lujo!" They shouted.

She nodded, then motioned for them to follow her as they moved quickly from the security office towards the Central Computer Network, hoping to get there to stage a defensive against the incoming combatants. Kalie knew that they were likely desiring to pull the secured data and schematics from the servers, in order to incorporate the technology in their own war efforts. So Kalie was gambling that they would not try to detonate the Shipyard until they had obtained the data. Secure the data… and quite possibly… secure more time for people to come to their aid before it was too late.

They arrived at the Central Computer Network before the enemy troopers, quickly taking defensive positions within the room, awaiting for them to attempt to enter.
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The Rakatan Archipelago , home to a series of isolated Rakatan Colonies which had managed to survive the Fall of the Infinite Empire. The inhabitants of these Worlds were the last of the Rakatan Species and essentially acted as their new home region after the Rakata went extinct on Lehon. While most of the Rakatan Tribes within the Archipelago had regressed into warlike savages , two enlightened tribes had managed to rediscover space travel and had managed to construct their own miniature Star Forges. These two enlightened tribes were the Makataka and the Tuplaa and for centuries they had been competing with each other with resources and technology but the arrival of the Galactic Alliance was a big game changer. With the Makataka now receiving the support of a Major Galactic Power , the Tuplaa found themselves in a disadvantageous situation as their rivals had the means to essentially overtake them as the most powerful and advanced tribes of the Archipelago. But fortunately for them the Alliance wasn't the only Galactic Power with their eyes set on the Archipelago as from only one jump point away from the Archipelago , the Final Dawn was closely monitoring the situation .

For over half a decade now , Marlon Sularen had been managing a major mining operation on the nearby world lol having seized control over them after executing a Hostile Takeover of Tangan Industries. Via a subsidiary corporation of SularenCo dubbed the Mining Collective , Sularen was able to extract valuable resources that were used to build his powerful fleet at Byss and now served the fuel the Mawite War Effort against the Galactic Alliance after Sularen became the Grand Overseer of the Final Dawn. However the Galactic Alliance's encroachment on lol had brought a lot of concerns to the Grand Overseer as these latest expansions in the Northwestern Territories of the Alliance posed a great threat to his assets on lol and thus when the Alliance moved in on Makataka, Sularen knew he needed to contest the Rakatan Archipelago at best lest he face a direct threat to his operations on lol and the Grand Overseer was unwilling to suffer a repetition of the Epochian Uprising on lol especially given the heavy presence of his Corporation there.

That was where Director-Admiral Dorian Sevenar and the Politorate came into play. They had been carefully monitoring the Galactic Alliance’s advance in the area via Project Eavesdropper and had already noticed the growing presence of the GADF. especially after the encounter at Seeratter and recent exercises at Donadus. If they didn’t act now they could soon lose lol to the Alliance. Thus as soon as the Politorate received word that the Alliance were headed towards Makataka , the Politorate immediately sent Agents to Tuplaa to arrange a meeting with the Leaders of the Tuplaa Tribe to negotiate an Alliance between them and the Final Dawn to counteract the Makataka and their Alliance Allies as well as to secure access to the Tuplaan Star Forge. With Politorate Agents already moving forth to sabotage the Makatakan Shipyards and Steal some Makatakan Technology , the Director-Admiral was confident that these actions would be enough to convince the Tuplaa Tribes to forge an Alliance with the Final Dawn. If everything went as planned the Final Dawn would have a foothold on the Rakatan Archipelago and would be able to contest the Galactic Alliance there , better then leaving those Alliance bastards to have the entire Sector for themselves.

Soon enough , a small Fleet of Final Dawn Warships spearheaded by the FDS Warhammer emerged from Hyperspace in orbit of the World of Tuplaa as the Tuplaan Leaders awaited them within their Star Forge having been notified of their Arrival. Soon the Final Dawn would have their own little foothold in the Rakatan Archipelago and one day , the Alliance themselves would be driven out of the Rakatan Archipelago and lol would be fully secured against any sort of incursion.

Tags | OPEN


Apollon never particularly liked the flying. It was odd, especially the part about entering atmosphere. The sudden pull of gravity and the elements attacking the ship was horrible. Only the knowledge that it would be over sooner than later. The ship was shaking, flames leaked around the viewports and the commander was keeping his posture. Just barely.

The ship had set down a few hours ago and the Libertas-crew and soldiers were with the Galactic Alliance soldiers who had landed to assess local soldiers. The Libertas Regiment was not officially part of the GADF, yet, it was a contracted unit which was deployed to guard the less obvious targets, the less prioritized targets. Apollon and his comrades were not leaving anyone behind, they did not weigh up lives, they were protecting everyone who could not do it on his or her own.

Now they joined the GADF in an official mission, the Commander and some of his trusted officers were heading towards a demonstration of the locals. Apollon actually was ahead of his men, walking alone through a passage towards the parade and training grounds.

A single man, a commander himself, was heading his way, wearing the uniform of the Alliance Starfighter Corps and some special squadron.

"Are the drills already done, Commander? I hope I am not too late."

Tren Chaar Tren Chaar


Aiko Hayata|Makatak|Corruption
Tags:// @Aerari Tithe


She waited for the Chancellor by one of the ship landing pads, save for two heavily tattooed and armed bodyguards idling in the background; Aiko was the only soul there. A heavy briefcase by her side, she painted a picture of her usual intelligent and pristine looking self. In her other arm, she held an umbrella in anticipation of poor weather; the idea of the rain ruining her makeup and clothes sent the Atrisian ill with thought.

But some things had to be tolerated, and if Tithe was to be late. Then so be it; she had important business to settle with the man and preferably away from the glitz of socialite gatherings where anyone and everyone could be listening. But, of course, Aiko was no fool and knew Tithe was smart enough to know she had been leading the Sekiko Kaibatsu all this time, flooding the core with spice and all kinds of crime. But unlike some of the other righteous fools in the senate, Tithe was loath to speak out against her as long as she kept the credits and favours flowing to him. Besides, it would be bad for business striking another member of the Trade Federation down. Especially for someone as financially minded as Mr Tithe was. There was money to be made in everything if you were smart enough.

The Chancellors rather lavish shuttle soon broke through the clouds above, she waited patiently as the shuttle made headway and embarked upon the launchpad.


People were nervous.

That was the first color Iris saw as she watched from the side lines. Whether the Jedi were official soldiers or not, Iris just wanted to see how people were. What it meant for them to be soldiers, what it meant for her to work alongside them. There was no doubt in her mind she'd be fighting with many of these people at her side. Maybe not these specific people, but soldiers none the less.

And.. She got bored. Very quickly. As nice as it was to watch for the first five minutes, seeing the same drills again and again was.. Well, it reminded her of some of her more boring training. Iris's gaze avoided glancing to Valery Noble Valery Noble while she thought that, half expecting her master to read her mind at that exact moment. It didn't change what she felt about this all though.

Good thing she wasn't trying to join the army.

She wasn't the only one bored, though. A different shade caught her attention. Curiosity and boredom often led to poor choices, but this was.. It wasn't boredom. What was it that had Tren Chaar Tren Chaar leave? Up and away Iris went, sneakily yet not following the man from a distance.

Apollon Apollon

Location: In system of the Matatak Shipyard
Objective: Fulfill Contract
Nearby: Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez Dalos Cameron

Quantum Encryption Engaged, incoming communication...

Enemy assets confirmed on Matatak, eliminate hostiles.

Understood. Payment as agreed then.

Communication ended...

Sometimes an extra asset for the field was needed, and many times it needed to be one with unique capabilities to deal with unexpected or expected threats as the case may be. This contract stipulated for her to be in system, ready for deployment at a moment's notice, and to kill anything or remove possible damaging influences that might harm her employer's faction's interests in the Matatak Shipyards. This contract at least.

Transmitting the provided clearance codes, even in the case of a lockdown, her ship decloaked and eased into the hangar bay she had been specifically ordered to use. The contract, while iron clad, was the first between her and her employer and amounted as much as trial run as to see if she could properly work with the employer's instructions and information.

Her HUD began receiving information from the security feeds, and another communication came through from her employer.


And with that word, she rotated her neck and started proceeding along the highlighted route that would take her as quickly as possible to the squad carrying the bomb.

The Human




Makatak Shipyard

Exfiltration Transport: Flatwell Cloaked Carrier Cruiser, 3x TIE/ST Stealth Transports, Starfighter Support
Allies: 12x Elite Raptor Super Commandos, 1x TIE/ST Stealth Transport (6 in Alpha, 6 in Beta)
Personal Equipment: Force Armour and Mask, Two Lightsabers (x) (x) ,2x Nadir Repeating Blasters, Whistling Bith Shotgun, 2x Whistiling Bird Grenades, 2x Bouncing Multi-Purpose Grenades (Concussion), Weaponized Breaching Oxidizer Foam (2 Use)
Big Weapon: The Bomb
TAG: Spirit of Virtuosity Spirit of Virtuosity Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez Mesmer Mesmer (Open)

Alpha Team would keep moving through the corridors, shooting at each person that dared to cross into their pathway. Their goal was to take any information possible on current starships being produced and go back towards the drop point. If successful, it could possibly turn the war effort by exploiting weaknesses in the capital ships or known starfighters...maybe even communication equipment being used. Opening one of the large doors, one of the Raptors screamed the word "CONTACT!" to the top of his voice, all of them opening fire with blaster bolts showering into the main computer room towards the Guardians and Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez .

Each Raptor was equipped with Blaster Repeaters from their equipment and could only do so much in a near open doorway. Two sets of two would be on each side, showering the inside with any form of firepower they had though probably not as successful given they had lightsabers. One would shout over about heavier ordinance and one agreed, they were preparing for a louder bang if need be. Whatever was going to occur, Kalie and the Guardians have to act, quickly!


"No matter what, keep pushing it."

They still had longer to take to get to the point needed to start arming the Bomb. Two of the Raptors was still pushing the oversized gravlift through open doorways as the Human took the lead, firing at anyone in their pathway. Currently this was being easier than expected, perhaps a bit to easy. When going through another set of doorways, blaster fire erupted and hit the armour of Dalos several times, showing no damage as the Nadirs unloaded, riddling any security with blaster holes. Noticing a closed blast door, he would take out from his outfit one of the Breaching Oxidizer Foam and cracked the tip open, spraying the foam all over the doorway as it started to rust already. It took a full minute for it to succeed, they were about three to four minutes away from their target area.

"Minute gentlemen, keep the place secure."

Glancing to the sides, he would pull up his Whistling Bith Shotgun and hold onto it , arming the whistling birds inside. Looking towards each doorway, he felt a bit unease. Something was going to happen, yet it has not? The other team has yet to report in though they could be engaged in a fire fight. The other Raptors waited patiently as the hissing noise would finally stop from the Foam, the entire blast door frame rusted away. Pushing with the Force, it made a loud CLANG noise as those behind the doorway tried to fire, only for the loud THUNK noises to be heard from behind and whistling noises. The security behind would try to get away, only to get hit and parts of their bodies exploding from impact. Walking forward, he would keep moving, not knowing that a contracted mercenary known as Mesmer Mesmer was soon going to possibly ruin his day.

"Time table, we got four minutes. Keep moving!"



FRIENDLIES?: Mesmer Mesmer
ENEMIES: Dalos Cameron Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen



Kalie stood at the main computer terminal, her data pad inserted into the main frame as it downloaded all schematics and valuable data from the servers. It would take a while for the download to complete… Kalie knew that the enemy would arrive before she had finished. She looked back at two of the Guardians, motioning them with her head to come over to her. They approached, and she motioned for them to stand in front of the consul.​

"We need to pull the information from these servers. You need to keep any blaster fire from damaging this consul until it is finished. Understand?"

"Yes, mam." The said, turning towards the entrance ahead of them and activating their wing shield formation. With a hiss, the wings expanded and connected to each other, creating a Phrik barrier that would shield the consul as well as Kalie.

"Activate encrypted comms." Kalie commanded. Each Guardian pressed a control on their helmet, isolating the sound waves and encrypting their communication. From now on, any word they said would not emit any sound outside of the helmets.

"Common…" Kalie muttered as she stared at the consul, watching the files transfer at a pace that felt unbearably slow due to their size.

Suddenly one of the guardians spoke in her com channel,

"Enemy units ahead… six heat signatures… approaching entrance… 30 seconds until contact…"

The armor suits were equipped with advanced sensors which displayed the enemy troopers heat signatures through the durasteel walls, with a range of up to 100 feet from their current location.

The two protecting Kalie's console activated their double bladed lightsabers with a crackle, holding them out in front go them in a parallel defensive stance.

The other two were located on either side of the entrance. Leaning up against the wall, sabers deactivated for the moment.

Kalie grabbed both SMG blasters into her hands and prepared to open fire behind the barrier created by the guardians in front of her.


The doors opened, and immediately a storm of blaster fire erupted, filling the room with light as the blasts impacted various consoles around them as well as the Phrik Shield. The two Guardians began to actively deflect the fire back into the hallway with their sabers, and Kalie unleashed her own barrage of automatic blaster fire into the open hallway.

The two on either side of the door activated one end of their sabers, making sure to stay out of sight. They could see the red silhouettes of the enemy troopers on their HUD display, directly on the other side of the durasteel, and so they carefully determined the right spot and began to force their sabers through the wall, the metal melting around the blades as it penetrated slowly until finally…

The sabers penetrated through the wall at the same time, entering into the necks of two of the unsuspecting troopers. They immediately withdrew the sabers after the strike and activated both blades, moving in front of the door together as they lunged the sabers out across from each other in order to attempt to strike two more troopers who were hiding behind the doors.

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Location: Makatak Shipyard
Objective: Fulfill Contract
Nearby: Dalos Cameron Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez

They were not making it hard to follow their path, she thought. Even with the guided holopath on her HUD, she wouldn't have needed the security feeds to know where the squad was. One merely had to follow the path of death and destruction. She paused to examine some of the corpses, analyzing their wounds. Blasters, judging from the pattern of bolt impacts among the bodies and the surrounding walls a repeating blaster, and chunks of security meant grenades. Maximum lethality in quick bursts.

No finesse though.

She continued following the carnage, her HUD capturing details and storing them away. A blink and her access to the vid feeds, specifically the playback of the fight in the corridor she was coming down, gave her a better idea of what she was ahead. Six commandos and likely the mission leader judging by the guy in robes and lightsabers hanging on the belt were transporting the bomb on a gravlift towards a likely pre-determined area for maximum destruction for the facility.

Her HUD flashed tooltips on available and visible weaponry and armor. Closing the feed for now, the Force surrounded her in and she disappeared from sight and her presence shrunk to microscopic levels. Turning the corner to see at the very end of the hallway to see the blast door there, or what was left of it, being thrown in the chamber beyond. The six commandos were there, two holding the gravlift, the leader having just dealt with the door. Four of the men were covering the rest.

She drew her two favorite daggers and prepared to silently work.



Aiko Hayata Aiko Hayata


The Fiduciary gentled settled on the landing pad, having left the Censorate-class cruiser Alliance One in high orbit as an omnipotent projection of the Alliance’s power and prestige. Tithe descended the shuttle ramp and waved off his guards, approaching Aiko with only one offsider. The Senate Commandos were well versed in allowing the Chancellor quiet moments to conduct business.

“My dear, a pleasure as always,” he exclaimed, kissing each cheek. “I always do find our auspicious meetings to be dulcet.” Rieki offered a deep bow to her creator and offered a greeting Atrisian. Tithe nodded to the human replica droid, who stepped forward and accepted the sealed briefcase from the corporate matriarch.

“Yes, your dear generosity to the Corporatist cause is welcomed as always.” Elections throughout the Mid Rim were becoming increasingly contested and expensive. “If there is anything, anything I can do to help the fine men and women of Hayata Corp or Atrisia, well, you should but ask.”


Aiko Hayata|Makatak|Corruption
Tags:// Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe


"The pleasure is all mine, Tithe." she smiled at the silver-haired Chancellor, placing the briefcase between the pair and gesturing at it before taking a firm step back.

"The figure is our usual agreed-upon sum of 50 million credits, which I'm sure will be very helpful to you, Chancellor," Aiko had been giving Tithe bribes and favours ever since the pair first crossed paths. Bribery within itself was an art form to the rich and mighty of the galaxy, a delicate but priceless skill that required an equally silver tongue to master; after all any one could be bought, even the most astute Jedi Padawan. No one was incorruptible; that was just a bare-faced idealistic lie told to convince the masses that their favourite senator cared about them or that the local police weren't actually taking bribes from women like Aiko to ignore trafficking and murder.

"But I didn't come here to talk about our friendship; I'm here to talk about the seat and other issues plaguing me in the present."
Traumatized Carrier-Loving Mess
[Post-Adrathorpe Trauma Fest]
[Commodore Liedran Kathause - C.O of the 3rd Expeditionary Carrier Line]
[Alliance Spacedock - Expansion Region]

The scorched metal made a gruesome point of showing against the Cadence's hull. The sapphire Starbird, that once lay in sharp contrast to the silver durasteel, now blended with a long branch of ash and darkness. From the very end of the bow, the trail snaked toward aft, leading into terrible graveyard of tortured hull plating. But her eyes never fully tracked to the far aft; they were paralyzed three-fourths of the way down the Cadence's spine, locked on a cavernous scar cutting against the bulkheads of the vessel's internalized C.I.C. All of a sudden, Liedran felt cold. A chill rocketed up her spine and shattered against her brain.

She heard a boom thundering down a corridor, screams sparking from the depths of the star defender only to be whisked away by the vacuum beyond. Her hands began to tremble, then cried in pain as hundreds of fragments of metal struck her nerves. Her mouth contorted in a prelude to a scream . . . Then the feeling cut abruptly. No utterance escaped her lungs. Liedran hung her head and solemnly shut her eyes. When her hands ceased their shaking, she let her fingers wrap around the azure jewel hanging from her neck.

Adrathrope had been played back on loop throughout her thoughts, unceasing as the bombardment of turbolasers against her flagship's hull. The feeling of drifting through space, as the drives of the Cadence were nearly unsuccessfully coaxed into steering the lumbering vessel from harm, never left her mind for more than a second. And now, watching from behind the shipyard's transparisteel viewports as repair crews combed the ill-fated carrier's damaged exterior, Liedran could practically taste the extent of the damage the Brotherhood had inflicted. Her eyes had been too overwhelmed by the names and numbers plastered on casualty lists to make sense of the slaughter over Adrathorpe. Watching the Cadence writhing in agony from the outside... she could see a grim summary of the mind-boggling data. A once overburdened mind was allocated the capability to fill in the blanks.


[ANV Dauntless - Scythe-class Main Battle Cruiser - C.I.C]
[Patrolling the Makatak Sector]

There was a disturbing contrast between her silence and the entanglement of noise wafting through the C.I.C-- which she was sure that the Dauntless's captain had picked up on. Though Commander Khzi hadn't once sounded her voice in concern, Liedran could quite clearly catch a glimpse of the Rodian's eyes reflected in the viewscreen; she seemed unsettled, nervous. Khzi waited in a sort of macabre silence, waiting for the moment her superior lapsed into a memory of Adrathorpe.

"Commander, what's our status?" The commodore's head tilted thoughtfully and slightly to her left, eyes sitting in anticipation of a change in the Rodian's demeanor.

Khzi directed a slight glance to her side, locking onto a small console from her current vantage point.
"Our scanners are clear. Department Heads report at least ninety-seven percent operational efficiency throughout the ship." Her eyes flickered turning back toward Liedran, who had begun staring her way with an expression that simply communicated the word And? The commander blinked, registered the odd change in the air around her superior, and proceeded with little more change in her own expression. "I will request a situation update from the Starforge, ma'am." Then Liedran nodded, apparently satisfied.

Minutes later, they received their update: a system-wide hail on G.A channels.
"Mayday mayday! This is the Makatak Shipyard! We are being raided by Maw troopers, repeat, we are being raided by Maw troopers! We are in need of immediate assistance!"

At the queue of the final syllable began a series of rapid keypresses. A communications officer sent an onslaught of hails to confirm the developments aboard the shipyard. Tactical personnel began wide sweeps of the space surrounding Dauntless, and verifying the status of every offensive armament the battle cruiser carried. "Commander. Prep Trill Company. Get the shuttles in the air as soon as possible and proceed for the Makatak Starforge." She took a careful step backward, lips curled into a grim frown as she pivoted and met Khzi's eyes with a nod. "Notify the Makatan forces of this development. Close in. Impulse drives to full."

"Roger that, commodore." The Rodian traversed the bridge to adopt a position behind the tactical maps, on the way addressing her staff, "Juggler Squadron-- Aurek Flight, stand by to receive Trill Company. Launch at five klicks. Hail shipyard and request they prepare to receive our reinforcements."

The grim expression plastered on Liedran's face held still as she planted her feet behind and below a rectangular command and control table. Her eyes narrowed, locked adamantly on the image of Dauntless's marker traversing the vast empty expanse, closing in on the massive contact that was the Makatak Starforge. The commodore kept both names running on loop in her mind, lest they begin to warp into the words "Cadence" or "Adrathorpe."

She'd evidently lost track of the time fighting her own thoughts. "Commodore. Shuttles have launched," Khzi suddenly produced an efficient two yaps, staring upward from the station's scanner plots.

"Good." Liedran yapped back, delivering a small, shaky nod as a sortie of contacts proceeded outward of the Dauntless's marker.

G.A Folks: Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez , Mesmer Mesmer
Brotherhood Baddies: Dalos Cameron
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The Human




Makatak Shipyard

Exfiltration Transport: Flatwell Cloaked Carrier Cruiser, 3x TIE/ST Stealth Transports, Starfighter Support
Allies: 12x Elite Raptor Super Commandos, 1x TIE/ST Stealth Transport (6 in Alpha, 6 in Beta)
Personal Equipment: Force Armour and Mask, Two Lightsabers (x) (x) ,2x Nadir Repeating Blasters, Whistling Bith Shotgun, 2x Whistiling Bird Grenades, 2x Bouncing Multi-Purpose Grenades (Concussion), Weaponized Breaching Oxidizer Foam (2 Use)
Big Weapon: The Bomb
TAG: Spirit of Virtuosity Spirit of Virtuosity Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez Mesmer Mesmer Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause (Open)

Alpha Team found themselves incredibly quick in a horrible and bad situation. While shield generators did a lot, it did not do much in terms of constant contact on a lightsaber. Rather instantly, one of the Raptors heads fell off and the body slumped to the side rather quickly as another grasped part of the front of his throat, falling backwards as the other four quickly backed away, firing their blasters right towards the Guardians. They screamed orders, the four desperately trying to fend off the duo of lightsaber wielding foes.

The one gurgling to death in the left corner, pulled out rather quickly a Plasma Detonator and armed it, barely holding it up as the other four noticed and rather quickly, tried to hightail it out of there by backing up way faster. If the Guardians turned around, they can see the Plasma Detonator in his hand with the other hand grasping his throat and within a few seconds, would breath his last and drop the Plasma Detonator as it would go off in a tremendous burst of thermal energy. While the four would get away barely, covering behind another door, it is unsure how the other two would fare though they could possibly survive this. So far, this mission has gone extremely sideways.


"Sir, we are receiving transmissions from the Shuttle, reinforcements are on their way."

With Beta Teams another round of blaster fire erupting into the next room, the Human considered his options. This scenario was quickly devolving horribly and soon, there will be no exit plan. Alpha has still not called in so this may go incredibly and already horribly wrong. The shuttle could soon be compromised if the cloaking device is detected and could make the exfiltration near impossible. They were already close to the broad point of contention, it was up to him to decide where to go. Turning to the two men as they stopped in one of the hallways bordering between two points, he spoke out loud to the team.

"Then this is far as we go. Activate, Code A, One A, Two B. Zero Zero Zero, Destruct. Fail Safe Off, Four Nine, Six Seven. All Raptors, return to the Shuttle."

There was an authority beeping noise from the large device and it started to count down from ten minutes. Even if it not does not do a complete destruction of the station, it be either crippled or beyond crippled. That and with Fail Safe off, the only way to disarm it now is to rewire it and turn it off that way. Activating one of the lightsabers, it gleamed a red hue and swiped downwards to destroy the gravlift as it made a large THUD noise, making it much harder to move, then deactivating the lightsaber. Making a nod towards the Raptors, they started to move forward towards one of the opened doors as another shot the panel on the other side to close the blast doors, making it much harder to reach the bomb in the hallway.

As they walked out, Dalos felt something strange as the Force Signature of his decided to flare wildly, almost encompassing a fifty meter radius with his eyes wide. Memories started to surface wildly as his powers in the Force decided to wildly dictate his actions, his whole mind deciding to embrace the idea of insanity, paranoia and self-destruction. Activating both lightsabers, he struck upwards at the blast doors as he gave a rather powerful Force Push towards the Raptors as it closed behind him, with the Bomb. The eyes did not return to normal as he turned very carefully, staring around as he felt something, he something toying with him, something messing with him! He could not tell, his powers were not at the height he was once at, he could not figure out why he felt this paranoia, why this heightened sense of dread was upon him! Trailing slowly up and down the hallway with the bomb, it ticked down as he almost accepted that this may be his grave.

Beta Team did not decide to stick around after that, knowing their orders, they started to leave as they had a point of no return. Five minutes and the clock was ticking down even worse. They tried to relay information to Alpha but the firefight was to much, they kept moving quickly as they left their leader behind to his possibly paranoia and fight. Wherever Mesmer Mesmer decided to go, the threat was now splitting up with one being beyond paranoid, pieces of his fractured memory haunting him.



Location: Matalak Shipyard
Objective: Fulfill Contract
Allies: Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause
Enemies: Dalos Cameron

Revealed Equipment: 2x Daggers

Unseen by sight and the Force, unheard, shadowing the commandos as they gunned down more security and innocents on the station, she watched as their leader seemed to make the decision that this point was good enough to plant the bomb. Her HUD followed the movement of fingers over the keypad and as the leader spoke the activation codes. Disabled fail safe so it couldn't be disarmed with the code, interesting choice. Ten minute timer though? Such a long time and the leader seemed like he was going to stay and defend it. Fanatics.

Lightsabers ignited and carved through the gravlift, disabling it so the bomb couldn't be moved easily. The commandos started to leave, and while she felt the desire to take care of them now, she had time. Her HUD came up and displayed the security lockdown. It was an older system, some of the doors might not have closed, but she could make these Raptors take plenty of time to reach their hangar and make sure the door was closed so they would need to take the Central Network to open it. A little message would be silently sent to that command center to lockdown that specific hangar.

She took the time to watch this squad leader pace and look around in either paranoia, objective protection, or both. Obviously Force Sensitive, but either new to the abilities or he otherwise not trained in the Sense arts. Knowing the Maw, and their New Sith masters, his training had been taken down a certain path. Destruction more than finesse, if his advance through the shipyard to this point was any indication. It didn't matter to her though. He was merely an obstacle, and she hated being on a timer when dealing with obstacles. Time to eliminate that issue.

Waiting until his pacing took him a little further away from the bomb, still cloaked within the Force, she placed her hands on the device. Her HUD registered its design, searching through databases and checking for traces of certain explosive compounds. The molecular structures of baradium and collapsium came up briefly after a moment. Some sort of seismic charge, upscaled. Interesting choice for a cripple attack. With a slow concealed exhale, her hands slid into the device as though going through water and took hold of the explosive cores within the bomb.

A touch and she pulled her hands back out and suddenly appeared into existence for the squad leader to finally see what had been causing him such worry. In her hands, were the collapsium and baradium charges that formed the heart of the device. The bomb still ticking, was now as useful for blowing up the station as a kitchen timer would be.

"These seem important," she said before suddenly crouching and slipping her hands through the floor. When they came back up, the compounds were gone and in their place were two glowing daggers.

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