Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rath Exigo


  • NAME: Senusnet Atemu (birth name)
    Rath Exigo, The Rake (Warden title)
  • SPECIES: Anubian
  • AGE: Early Fifties
  • BIRTHPLACE: Ankhypt
  • SEX: Male
  • HEIGHT: 2,35 meters
  • WEIGHT: 123 kg
  • EYES: Blue
  • HAIR: Dark Gray
  • FUR: Gray and White

  • FACTIONS: Shrouded Republic | Ancient Eye

Dark haired and blue eyed, the Rake is a tall and imposing individual who's visage is the result of years of hardship and physical conditioning. As a result of his experimentation with the Dark Side of the Force, his fangs have grown past their normal length, adding to his feral appearance. He typically wears long, flowing robes in black and white stripes, adorned with feathers and bits of metal.

  • (+) Heat Resistance (Racial): As with all members of his species, Rath Exigo's biology is perfectly honed for hot, arid environments
  • (+) Intelligent: Rath Exigo is a particularly intelligent individual, even amongst the members of his species
  • (+) Strong: Years of hardship and his species' innate genes have given Rath Exigo a lot of strength
  • (+) Skilled Pilot: Rath Exigo has a natural talent for piloting starfighters
  • (+/-) Inquisitive: Rath Exigo is a curious individual and at times, his curiosity can get him into trouble
  • (-) Old Injury: Rath Exigo has sustained a lung injury in the past, which has not healed properly. As a result, he lacks stamina and may become exhausted after a short time in combat
  • (-) Outcast: Rath Exigo is a disgraced priest and an outcast of his society. As such, he is often treated poorly by members of Ancient Eye society
  • (-) Cold Intolerance: Anubians do not tolerate cold weather very well and the old lung injury also lowers Rath Exigo's resistance to cold, drastically
  • [■■■■■■■■] (Intermediate) - Form I (Shii-Cho)
  • [■■■■■■■■] (Beginner) - Form II (Makashi)
  • [■■■■■■■] (Intermediate) - Form III (Soresu)
  • [■■■■■■■] (Expert) - Form VII (Juyo/Vaapad)
  • [■■■■■■■] (Proficient) - Piloting (Starfighters)
Senusnet began his life as the sheltered third child of the wealthy Atemu family on Ankhypt. The favorite child of both his parents, he spent his early childhood daydreaming of grand adventures and learning how to manage the family's profitable business in the slave trade. At the age of ten, he was discovered as a Force sensitive and subsequently inducted into one of the Anubian temples for training as a future priest.

Proving himself naturally gifted towards both mastering the Force, as well as learning and performing the various rituals which are required of the Anubian priesthood, he passed his trials and was appointed a full priest within a temple in one of Ankhypt's larger cities. Driven by an insatiable lust for knowledge, he sought to learn everything he could about the Force, a curiosity which, coupled with his arrogance, had led him down the path of the Dark Side.

The rapid growth of his powers and his meteoric rise through the ranks of the Anubian clergy, however, had also earned him the scrutiny and envy of several of his fellow priests, a fact to which he remained oblivious until his rivals carried out a plot to have him accused of blasphemy. Enraged, Senusnet demanded a trial by combat against his accuser, wishing to settle once and for all the question of who had the approval of the gods. He won his trial, but that was not to be the end of his ordeal.

Several of the higher ranking priests, who were fearing that he would soon rise high enough in the temple hierarchy, that he would threaten their positions, used the accusation as an opportunity to put an end to what they perceived as a threat. Claiming to have been granted a vision by the gods, these priests exiled Senusnet into the desert, where he was expected to die.

In a moment, the now-former priest saw everything stripped away from him. His power, his wealth, his respected position within Anubian society, all were taken away in spite of his innocence. In those long years during which he drifted through the desert, taking the occasional job as a mercenary, it was resentment that sustained him. He grew to question the gods' fairness and even their existence, however he would not find purpose again until he one day met a man named Kainan Wolfe, shortly after the conquest of Nibelungen, in which he participated as a simple mercenary footsoldier.

The mysterious warlord of the Shrouded Republic emerged out of nowhere, bringing with him an army the likes of which the former Anubian priest had never seen and a secret society of Force Users which kept their agenda hidden. Witnessing how this army treated all of its soldiers fairly, with no regards for species or origin, he sought to enlist as a soldier, but was recognized as a Force sensitive by one of the Wardens of the Shroud. After a long period of careful testing, he was inducted into their order and taught their secrets. There, Senusnet learned a different truth from the one he had been taught as a child: that the Force was not a gift from the gods, but an evil entity which sought to control, enslave and ultimately drive every living being into conflict, in order to feed off of the suffering of countless billions.

There, the former priest found a new purpose. That day, he cast down his birth name and took upon himself the title of Rath Exigo. From that they forward, he would seek to address the greatest injustice in the galaxy and put an end to the Force, once and for all.


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