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Approved Species Ratsortis iw Muikamim - Sorcerer of Duality

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  • Name: Ratsortis iw Muikamim - Sorcerer of Duality
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Amaltanna
  • Average Lifespan: 200 Galactic Standard Years
  • Estimated Population: Unique
  • Description: The Ratsortis is a terrifying skeletal-like being with large demon like wings emerging from its back to act almost like a cape. From his right arm, the spirit of a Nighsister is bound, forever taking the form of a pale dark haired specter that rises upon his command to inflict suffering on his victims.
  • Breathes: Type I, can briefly survive in a vacuum
  • Average Height of Adults: 3.7 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Bluish gray to a dull brown
  • Hair color: No hair
  • Distinctions: A trait carried over from his Givin origins, the Ratsortis is a skeletal-looking being, but his exoskeleton has been warped and twisted by the powers of the dark side to his new terrifying appearance. The wings on his back, from the Stenax used in the ritual, are a darker shade than the original species. However, the most distinctive trait is the alchemical device fused with his right arm that allows him to call upon the spirit of the Nightsister sacrificed during the ritual. When summoned, she emerges from the device as a dark-haired shade of death.
  • Races: No other races
  • Force Sensitivity: All (there is only one individual)
  • Like all Sithspawn created from Project Aura, the Ratsortis is immensely powerful in the dark side of the Force, and like his fellow creations, he focuses on different abilities that are more to his liking:
    Consume Essence
  • Force Drain
  • Death Field
  • Force Plague
  • Create Force Wraiths
  • Sith Magic
  • Dathomiri Magic

[*]Due to the Stenax wings he gained from the melding ritual, the Ratsortis has the ability of flight.
[*]The exoskeleton that covers the Ratsortis' body is highly durable and take a great deal of punishment before it can be breached by enemy attacks.
[*]Due to the Givin heritage of the creature, he has the ability to briefly survive in the vacuum of space
[*]Because of the bound Nightsister spirit, the Ratsortis is able to call upon Dathomiri magic and spirit ichor and control it to his will. The spirit can also be unleashed temporarily to possess an enemy for the Ratsortis to control like a puppet.
  • If subjected to a ysalamiri void bubble or void stone, he loses his connection to the Force. Furthermore, the spirit of the Nightsister will be forced back to the Netherworld, resulting in him being unable to call upon her for a significant amount of time.
  • Direct attacks with the light side of the Force can harm him, but like all Project Aura Sithspawn, he can take more such attacks than other Sithspawn before he is defeated or is forced to flee.
  • If his wings are damaged, he will be unable to fly until the damage is healed.
  • An odd peculiarity, if the bone-like horns on his head are damaged, the Nightsister spirit will drain away part of his gathered power, weakening him for a short time.
  • If exposed to carbonite or cryoban weaponry, the Ratsortis' exoskeleton becomes brittle and easy to shatter, exposing him for easy injuries.
  • Diet: Carnivore, Force Energies
  • Communication: Can speak and understand Basic and High Sith
  • Technology level: While Galactic Standard technology is available for use, the Ratsortis eschews its use much like his fellows.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Like the other Project Aura Sithspawn, upon his creation, the Ratsortis believed himself an instrument of the Sith Lords and Ladies of old and today. It became his belief that for every soul he devoured, for every drop of Force and life energy he drained, he was creating a pool of power within the Netherworld that would further fuel the Sith and their dark magic. His exposure to Dathomiri teachings from the spirit bound to him has influenced his belief in the power of the Sith spirits, creating a belief within him that he is a veil that draws souls to these ancient spirits for them to consume for the day they may become strong enough to emerge from the Netherworld as complete beings once again.
  • General behavior: Unlike his fellow Project Aura Sithspawn, the Nisosuti and the Siqsa, he is not overtly destructive in his behavior. He much prefers to be the predator in the dark of the night, acting akin to a vampire by stalking prey and consuming their lives without warning. He eschews movement in the daytime, creating a lair he can take refuge in the deep places of the world or a city. That is not to say that he cannot commit acts of mass slaughter, as he can emit powerful death fields and summon wraiths to kill and terrify a population in rapidity.

As the next subject for Project Aura, Taeli sought a subject that had a fascination with death and the Netherworld. Her search brought her to a Givin Sith Sorcerer named Porlor Kesen from the old One Sith that had ensconced himself on Corellia to study the Netherworld portal there. The Givin, however, did not want to forsake his research and attempted to attack the Lady of Secrets with Sith magic. He was swiftly overwhelmed, the Triumvir of Power subjecting him to a powerful Force Drain until he fell unconscious.

When he awoke, he was on Amaltanna, bound in a cell with the Taeli waiting for him to awaken. She explained that she sought to transform him into the embodiment of death, granting him far greater power than he wielded now and promising him the chance to finally breach the world of spirits. Accepting the offer, he was taken to the melding ritual room where another Stenax awaited to be merged with Porlor, but there was another addition in the room. A Nightsister from Dathomir was bound and encircled by Sith runes, a strange pauldron with esoteric Sith runs engraved around a green gemstone.

When the ritual began, merging the Givin and Stenax together within a cocoon of crystallized blood and dark side energies, Taeli sacrificed the Nightsister and unleashed a spell to entrap her spirit within the pauldron. Taking the pauldron, she plunged it into the cocoon so it would be melded to the next creation and bind the entrapped spirit to the new Sithspawn. When the cocoon broke, the new creature emerged and was named the Ratsortis iw Muikamim, the Sorcerer of Duality. The new creature now commanded the spirit of the Nightsister, the pauldron now as much a part of its arm and body as any other limb.

With his rebirth, the new Sithspawn was a master of death and consumption, his knowledge of the dark side enhanced by the Lady of Secrets, and the spirit granting him access to the realm of Dathomiri magic and the spirits and spirit ichor they called upon.
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