Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rau'mell Vosh'nir

Name: Rau'mell Vosh'nir

Aliases: Raum; known as 'The Prince' among Black Dawn loyalists.

RANK: Initiate/Apprentice

Faction: Sith Empire


AGE: Twenty-one




EYES: Dark brown

HAIR: None. His head is adorned with horns accustomed to members of his species.

SKIN: Silver and black inked.



Weapons: As of the current time, his main weapon is a black vibrosword with a crimson colored leather wrapped around the hilt. He also carries a small holdout pistol on him as a back up.



Rau'mell is an extremely gifted warrior, specializing mainly in the arts of hand-to-hand combat and in dueling. He also possesses a rare form of humility for someone gifted in the dark arts, never underestimating an opponent, and never overestimating himself; additionally, he is not one who is quick to act without thinking and usually carefully considers a course of action before pursuing it. There is also great potential for him to expand upon his knowledge of the Force due to strong Force ability in his bloodline, but currently that potential remains largely untapped.


Due to his level of almost chronic paranoia, Raum has a deep distrust of others and is very unreliable and untrustworthy in pacts, and will often betray the other before he is betrayed. The only time he will display any sense of honor is when fighting anyone he deems a worthy opponent; otherwise, loyalty and honor mean nothing to him and he will not hesitate to stab others in the back if it suits his needs.

Although he is relatively mild tempered, he doesn't like to be challenged and considers it a form of disrepect. Spending the last three years as the leader of his own army may make it difficult for him to submit himself to someone else's tutelage.
SHIP: None of his own, yet.



Even without the Sith, Rau'mell Vosh'nir's life would have been one of struggle, violence and strife, and for one to understand why they need only trace the Zabrak's lineage to that of Saiphek Vosh'nir. Details about Rau'mell's grandfather are sparse, but Saiphek is known to have been a powerful sorcerer gifted in the rare arts of Sith alchemy and other dark side powers, believed learned from a Dathomiri witch whom he met by a chance meeting when his vessel crashed on the planet. The full extent of the elder Zabrak's relationship with the witch is unclear, but eventually two children were born from them.

One of those children was Marrak Vosh'nir, a quick tempered and brutish Zabrak who had little patience for learning the arts his father wished to pass down to him, instead preferring to learn combat by rather mundane means through firearms and blades. The father and son butted heads often, and the official end to their relationship occurred when the increasingly politically radicalized Marrak chose to engage in a war against the occupied government of Iridonia by engaging in terroristic violence. Saiphek was incensed that his son would choose to waste his talents in such a petty manner, and refused all contact with him from that point forward.

Rau'mell had been born shortly after, and was raised by extremely harsh means by his father. As a child he knew little of comfort and was put through situations meant to break him, although he was merely a young boy. Physical abuse at the hand of his father was common, and the young Rau'mell came to utterly fear, and even hate, his father. He found relief only in his mother, whom he would be comforted by whenever his father wasn't around.

As he got older, the physical abuse stopped. Pleased by the product that Rau'mell had turned into, Marrak finally began to treat his son with respect and dignity and began grooming him to one day be his heir, but the seething, perhaps subconscious hatred of his father ever lurked in the depths of Rau'mell's mind. An exceptional warrior himself, it was this time that Marrak began to teach his son the advanced arts of combat, specifically hand-to-hand and that with a blade. Rau'mell had a natural talent for fighting, and often exceeded expectations in his training.

By now Marrak had come to lead a considerably large terrorist organization called the Black Dawn that threatened to overthrow the established Republic and replace it with fascist authoritarian rule, attracting many disenfranchised Iridonians fed up with government corruption and a tanking economy. As it was the only thing Rau'mell knew, the young Zabrak also became enraptured with the nationalistic ideals that the Black Dawn stood for and eagerly joined the rebel army as an officer.

Emergence of the Leader

Rau'mell, now being referred to officially as 'Lord Raum' for short by his subordinates, and unofficially as 'The Prince' due to his position in his family and also his charismatic and relatively handsome appearance, was quickly becoming his own man apart from just being known as his father's son. He had become well known for his cunning on the field of battle and displaying wisdom beyond his years when it came to making important decisions, which gained him the respect of many of the older and more seasoned Black Dawn warriors. But something else was happening to the young Zabrak as well during this time period. The violence and the killing began to affect Rau'mell in curious ways, as if it made him more powerful in some way, though he was not sure how. He also knew that at times he was able to perform feats that no ordinary being should be able to do, such as unnaturally quick movements, or seeing things right before they happened. The dark side was sprouting in the heart of the future Sith, and he began to suspect he was gifted in the ways of the Force like the stories his mother used to tell him of his grandfather.

Therefore, Raum ventured deep into the jungle in an attempt to locate the elder sorcerer, and eventually he found him by the will of the Force. Details of his experience are lost to history, but it's likely this time period when Raum gained most of his power as he learned from his grandfather in secret.

Seizing Power

Word had, eventually, made its way to Marrak of this secret training and Raum's father was furious. In the past he had lashed out at Raum and struck him whenever he was displeased with his son, but Raum was no longer a boy, and had become far more powerful than his father; when Marrak tried to strike him, Raum caught his hand and delivered a vicious counter punch to his father's face. The result was both men arming themselves with their swords and engaging in a violent duel to the death. Marrak had years of experience, he had given birth to a prodigy, one whose destiny could not be halted so easily. Raum struck his father down with a single cold blow and finally ridded himself of the shackles that had imprisoned him down since birth.

With Marrak out of the way, leadership of the Black Dawn fell to Raum. He immediately appointed his grandfather as his advisor, and decided to continue his father's crusade against the Iridonian Republic, but there was little resemblance between him and his father any longer. He was not the short sighted fool that Marrak was, but a cold and calculating leader who always thought two steps ahead. Raum envisioned an Iridonia dominated by users of the dark side like the Freedon Nadd dynasty on Onderon eons ago, and knew only the Force could propel him to victory.


The Black Dawn grew to unprecedented power and growth in the three years it spent under Raum's leadership, but everything changed on the day when the terrorist army attempted to lay siege to the capital city. The Republic army had secretly stationed a unit on the outskirts of the city, and when the Black Dawn invaded they leapt to the defense of the city in a ferocious counter-attack. Fighting lasted for two days, and despite the odds Raum's army was on the verge of victory. But the Jedi Order had dispatched one of their own to aid in the defense, and despite Raum's immense power, raw and untamed as it was, he was no match for a fully trained Jedi, and the young Zabrak was defeated in a duel with the Jedi Knight in the middle of capital square. Without their leader the Black Dawn ranks descended into chaos, and were driven from the city.

For his crimes, Rau'mell was locked away in a maximum security prison in a dark cell and was expected to receive the death sentence. Shamed and humiliated at his defeat to the Jedi, he had all but given in and accepted his fate when a vision of grandfather Saiphek Vosh'nir came to him as he drifted in and out of consciousness, telling him his time here was over and that he must seek out the infamous Sith Order. More wild visions appeared of a yet undetermined future, of the path that still lay before him, of the destiny yet to be seized. The next day, a convenient prison riot broke out and his cell door was mysteriously unlocked, allowing him to escape amidst the chaos and out into the jungle. He survived for days in the wild before coming to an abandoned Black Dawn hideout that had a small ship nearby, which allowed him to leave Iridonian space.

A few days later, he officially entered Sith space, where his true story would begin.
Well, mainly because the way I wrote his back-story wouldn't have given him much of an opportunity to have one yet, as he hasn't had any exposure to the actual Sith Order. The beginning of his training will be the first time he officially learns about how to construct one, so I wanted to make it realistic.

Elias Arna

Ah okay. And what kind of lightsaber are you going to make for him(when he gets one)?

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

I like this guy. Looks pretty cool. Don't go harassing the Mandalorians like the rest of your comrades though >_>
I was thinking of a double bladed saber, but I'm not sure if that's the one I'll give him right off the bat. If I decide to further develop his force ability rather than his combat skills I may just stuck with a single blade for him.

Kal A'den-Shuk'la said:
I like this guy. Looks pretty cool. Don't go harassing the Mandalorians like the rest of your comrades though >_>
I once did a RP based roughly off this character set during the KotOR era and he hated the Mandalorians with a passion for them invading and conquering his planet during the Mandalorian Wars, heh. It was actually a small challenge to re-work his bio without any Mandalorian involvement in it.

Elias Arna

Nice and you hate Mandos looks like Jorn isnt going anywhere near you. And if you want you can use a Lightsaber_pike. I think it would match with your character. The double blade would also work.

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