Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Rav Bralor

Rav Bralor


Alor Ba’buir Rav Bralor


NAME: Rav Bralor

FACTION: Mandalorians

RANK: Alor or ba’buir

SPECIES: Feeorin

AGE: 335

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 2.4 metres

WEIGHT: This will help writers know the size of your character.

EYES: Gold

HAIR: Tentacle Blueish Green, has gold bars wrapped around.

SKIN: Blueish Green. Aqua aor Teal.

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Warrior: He’s fought for centuries, has the scars to prove it.

+ Family: Family is Everything. Rav has a large one whether it be the children he’s raised and trained, or the Clan as a whole or the Mandalorian people. Most people of Clan Bralor just call him ba’buir

-Fundamentalist- If you’re Aruetii your not worth knowing, at least not until you prove yourself otherwise. It means he’s not the most diplomatic, even for a Mandalorian.

-Vice- Rav likes to party hard just as much as he likes to fight, more than once he’s woken up with a hangover and new scar.

Muscled, Scarred, rarely without his armor, has the physique more notably the tentacles of a Feeorin. Has scars across his forehead and left eyebrow. Uses an artificial eye most of the time, though takes it out when he’s relaxing, because it itches.


Red- Honouring a parent, those that adopted him so long ago.

Black- Justice, a fight is only worth fighting if its just.

Orange- Lust for life. What’s the point of living of risking your life if it isn’t something worth risking.

‘Nau’ur’ MWC-35c ‘Staccato Lightning’ repeating canon ([URL][/URL])

A shoulder mounted blaster- Anti-ordinance, Anti-armor

Ten grenades with 4 settings- Frag, Ion, Flash and Smoke.

Like most Feeorins Rav lead a mercenary life in his younger years, among the Feeorin people tend to be solitary and by and large out for themselves, even the so called ‘good ones’ rarely did anything that wasn’t also in their self interest. Rav felt something was missing from his life. On one mission he found it. A family.

They were Mandalorians he was doing a job with. It was a crappy gig, defending a village of spice farmers from the pyke Syndicate, with the only payment being the food the villagers fed them. The time defending the village formed a bond with the others, even though there were only seven of them. Rav had found the something that had been missing from his life. He learnt the Mandalorian ways.

The Mandalorians could have made more money from selling the spice, but instead honoured the contract. It was a form of honour Rav had rarely seen among the pirates, bounty hunters, gangsters, mercenaries of the Outer Rim.

Rav officially adopted the Mandalorian culture, or rather the Mandalorians adopted him. Rav found this amusing given he was older than all of them put together. Nonetheless he proved himself worthy hunting a great beast for his initiation, a tradition he has continued with every Mandalorian he has trained.

Over the centuries Rav has seen empires rise and fall, even the strength of Mandalorians as an intergalactic power grew and wained, but always the Mandalorian people, their culture survived. They were an idea..

[I]“We're not huddled in one place—we span the galaxy. We need no lords or leaders—so you can't destroy our command. We can live without technology—so we can fight with our bare hands. We have no species or bloodline—so we can rebuild our ranks with others who want to join us. We're more than just a people or an army, [/I]aruetii[I]. We're a culture. We're an idea. And you can't kill ideas—but we can certainly kill you”[/I]


Drexl- An Amphibious Interstellar Assault Transport/infantry ([/B][URL][/URL])

Has been Rav’s mobile home for centuries. It’s been modified so that it’s cargo hold is a hangar bay in which he stores his starfighter, which Rav uses for fleet missions.

Boma- A G1-M4-C-Dunelizard fighter-2[SUP]nd[/SUP] Model- ([URL][/URL])

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